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Sometimes it feels like there are persons or entities out there that work against your intended desires and dreams, blocking your path on its intended purpose.
For instance, when five random extra-ordinary events happen in one day that change your destiny. Imagine if when you go to your dream job interview, and then, a car accident happens, followed by a construction crew that appears soon afterwards, after you pass the accident. This makes you late for the interview, of your dream job, you end up missing it, and you are denied entry into the building.
Is this a Miracle on 48th Street? And Notice Italian Flag |
Striving for your Destiny is common story telling device |
Nonetheless, the Adjustment Bureau is thought provoking film that takes on these themes. Well made, it is a small treasure on the nature of human life. Part fantasy, yet it can be considered science fiction. This movie takes this the theme of path-blocking, and turns it into a homily of happiness.
((WARNING ENDING SCENE: Please watch the whole movie first))