
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Lost Swiss Rival Nations - a math joke

"The Great thing about being Swiss is the flag, it's are real big plus!"
"Switzerland has had a positive impact on the world!"
"The flag is just a bastion of positive thinking."
"The Swiss have only had a positive impact on the world."
"Positive thinking is a honored patriotic tradition in Switzerland"
"It is easy to keep a positive attitude in the Swiss Alps, I wonder why?"
"The Swiss flag just adds something great to the world, I dunno what it is."
"Must be the high flying mountains that create that positive atmosphere in Switzerland"

Don't Tread on Me - Hindu-American Version with Shiva

Right now, the United States is nearly in perfect balance with a population of India-Americans of the Old World and Indian-Americans of New World.  Indians were the chosen name, given to the native souls of North America, whose spirit was here long before the arrival of Africans or Europeans.  India-Americans are perfectly balanced as the last of the Old World peoples to come to America.  Yet are now confused perpetually with Native Americans.  I suppose there is some cosmic reason the first flag of the United States looked like the flag of the East India Company?

Unless You're Kali
Nonetheless this Don't Tread on Me flag honors India-Americans.  Singular use of India allows the mind to focus on India rather than Indian, which is ambiguous to mean New World or Old World Indian.  But India-America clarifies this issue.  The man with the snake is the Hindu God of Shiva who was first thrust in America's face with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984.  In the clip below, Harrison Ford does not invoke the power of Jesus, God, Mary, or the Holy Spirit.  Instead, India Jones invokes the power of Shiva to win the day!

 It's only fair to have the words translated into Hindi.  The larger flag has Hindiglish, which is English written in a Hindi font. But this flag is taken in rough translation from English directly into Hindi.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Flags in They Live - 1988

In 1988 the rise of expertly managed consumerism became a topic of heated debate.  In the movie They Live this heavy handed theme is presented in a science fiction format.  Rather it is the other, alien, perhaps ancient humanoids that have taken power in the aggressive yet peaceful means.  Instead of an us versus them mentality of the invaders from beyond, certain humans have allied with the others. 

Here is the hero, played by Roddy Piper, of the story with gun blazing.  He is doing a Reverse Terminator as the hero unleashes violence on the 'other' rather than have people suffer from the machine mind.

The US flag was placed as the background purposefully as a statement.  Its message can all depends on the observer, but one can assume this movie is making a statement about taking a stand against a corrupt system.

It looks like the flag of Peru makes a small appearance in this movie.  You can just barely see flag above the cashier's head.  It looks like the flag of Canada, but remember it was designed long before the Canadian flag.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Royal Diner King Logo - Meghan Trainor Video: Better When I'm Dancing

Beyond mind, beyond logic, and beyond talk is the Realm of Dance.  Anyone at anytime is welcome.

A happy heart song sung and co-wrote by Meghan Trainor, Better When I'm Dancing is a well written theme song performed in the grand slam Peanuts Movie of 2015.  The song is a sweet jasmine-like bucket of flowers, gushing with smiles and sunshine.

Of vexillological importance is the Royal Diner logo which is a stylized crown of four points with a dash underneath.  

Here is a shot of Mr. Brown doing the classic mop dance, that just happens to have a purple pennant in the background.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Malta EEZ Flag

Malta's EEZ flag is based upon the Naval Jack, which is more distinguished than its national flag.  This international area of the Mediterranean Sea is under the control of Malta's economic engine.

Malta Contigous Zone Flag

Malta Contiguous Zone flag uses the Naval Jack design for its basis, but with Contiguous Colours.

Sudan Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

Sudan has its own EEZ area.  Consequently the EEZ flag of Sudan is based upon its pattern but with EEZ colours.