
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Sudan Contiguous Zone Flag

Sudan has a small area in the Red Sea that is under its Contiguous Area.

Egypt EEZ Flag

Egypt has relatively small EEZ, nonetheless has region of the world where any nation may pass, yet all economic resources are reserved for Egypt.

Italian Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

Since Italy is tribar flag it get the quartered design for its EEZ. 

Italy Contiguous Zone Flag

Since Italy has a tribar design, it gets the slanted flag with an icon near the canton area.  It is this international region of the world where Italian military forces have authority over all nations.

Montenegro Contiguous Zone Flag

Montenegro like all coastal nations is empowered to have a Contiguous Zone.  Contiguous Zone flags usually sub in Contiguous colours if a nation has a unique flag.  It is in this area of the Earth the Montenegro's coast guard trumps all nations.

Montenegro Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

This flag is based upon the official flag of Montenegro, however the colours were adapted from the EEZ palette, which is black, white, and green.  This is the region where economic activity is under authority of Montenegro. 

Polish Exclusive Economic Zone Flag

The Polish Exclusive Economic zone is the region of the Baltic Sea.  Although an international area for all nations to pass, only Poland has rights to harvest the bounty of the Sea.