
Sunday, July 23, 2017

An Appeal To Heavenly Minecrafting

Minecraft is still in its initial stages, but wait till the internet goes deeper and more virtual; then this stuff will get really real.  We have a fun Minecraft Flag that plays upon the Pine Tree Patriot flag from the American Revolution of 1776.

 Here is the second place flag, that mentions Minecraft, combining the two flags more effectively. 

Here is the original flag, compared to the Minecraftified version.

An Appeal to Heavenly Adventure Flag

The Appeal To Heaven flag reaches out to Adventure Time, thus we have the An Appeal To Heavenly Adventure Flag.

Here is the OG version of the patriotic pine tree flag from 1776.

Pikachu Republic- California Style Flag

It is high time that Pikachu stars in his own flag.  Here the California Flag serves and bases of the Pikachu Republic flag.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

An Appeal to Pokemon, Heaven

The one odd tree Pokemon is a palm, so we have the Appeal to Pokemon Heaven flag.  If you didn't know the Appeal to Heaven flag was one of the original 1776 American Revolution flags that featured a pine tree in the middle.

 In this version, Pikachu has jumped in the flag.

An Appeal to Heaven, And to Recycle

Recycling is the way of the world, before man made materials were created elements like water, carbon, and nitrogen are recycled in the Earth.  The same carbon that made up the dinosaurs and Moses is now apart of you, a very small fraction but surely there are a few carbon atoms in you that belong to your best friend and even your worst enemy.

These flags are based upon the Appeal to Heaven flag.  But they advocate recycling.

 Runner Up #1, Earth as a Heaven?  By keeping Green?
 Heaven has to be in the words.
Someone said Hell is not a place but other people, consequently Heaven is neither a place but other people too.  The nice people.

An Appeal to Wookie Heaven Flag

In between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back was one of all time cheesiest movies created for mankind, The Star Wars Holiday Special 1978.  In it, the original crew heads to Chewie's planet to celebrate Life Day, at the tree of life.  Here the tree of life is honored with glowing balls.

This flag is based upon the fusion of the original Appeal to Heaven flag from the American Revolution of 1776.

Here is shot from the original made for TV movie that shows Chewbacca with his son Lumpy with Tree of Life icons, which are included in the flag.

 Here are the runner ups for the fun flag.
 The civilization in Star Wars was only technologically developed keep order in one galaxy, in a galaxy far far away, a long time ago- as are all galaxy's that we see, being far away and from long ago.

Friday, July 21, 2017

An Appeal to Heaven, for Buddhism

 One of the lesser popular flags of the American Revolution is the An Appeal to Heaven pine tree flags.  Here they have been united with Buddhism.  Here the original Buddha is sitting under a Bodhi tree, to become the original Buddha.  He could of advanced to the next level, decided to stay and help his fellow beings in an act of compassion. 

This flag takes the original theme and takes it to India.
 Nirvana is more than just a band.
 Love and compassion are central tenants in all religions.  But each soul is free to choose which level of love and compassion it chooses to embrace.
The world changed when one of the humans saw more than the little ego.