
Saturday, March 4, 2017

French-German Heritage Flag

The German-French or rather French-German heritage Flag is composed of elements from the flag of France and Germany.  Usually to nations separated by a rich rivalry fueled by an intense love.  The central red cross is an echo to the dominant dogma of their ancestors who had a faithful focus upon a certain Hebrew Messiah, from West Asia. 

German-Irish Heritage Flag

Irish-German or rather German-Irish Heritage Flag is a made up of Irish and German colours.  The Irish and Germans are separated by a barrier of louder nations, but in the United States their bloodlines have crossed much to become the dominant ethnic lines for Caucasians.  

Oddly there are more ethnic-Irish and ethnic-Germans in the USA than either homeland. 

Mixed Gyrish, Irgerish, or Germanerish persons often have a love of hard work, with a deep competitive drive to win, and yet love to party hard - so American indeed.

Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter E - Echo

The Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter E- Echo is light blue and red.  It is blue because blue is the 5th colour of the spectrum and red is the assigned contrast indicator.  The stars represent the right arm, since the right arm is the would be starboard side of the human body.  Consequently the left arm is left blank as indicated.  The circular disc represents the human head.

#5 - Composite Semaphore Flag

Friday, March 3, 2017

Composite Semaphore flag for the Letter D - Delta

The Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter D is green with the yellow stripe.  Since the right-starboard arm points upwards the stars are on the upper half of the flag.

#4 - Composite Semaphore Flag

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Composite Flag for the Letter C - Charlie

The composite semaphore flag for the letter C is yellow and blue.  Since yellow is the third colour of the specturm and C is the third letter of the alphabet.

#3 - Composite Semaphore Flag

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Fun Flag for the Element of Mercury

The Fun Mercury Element flag conveys the liquid aspect of the metal.

Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter B - Bravo

The Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter B is orange and black.  The stars represent the starboard-right arm, which would be sticking parallel to the horizon, while the port-left arm would be pointing downwards.

Number 2 - Composite Semaphore
The #2 Flag has the same pattern but reversed colours.