The geographic Wake has a "tri-bar" of red and indigo. The colors are coded to numbers with the rainbow. Since red is
the first color. it represents 1and indigo is the sixth color, it
represents 6. But...since 6 is repeated this flag has an indigo field with one star on it. 166 is a
reference to 166 Degrees East. Likewise the yellow pentagon indicates
that this is the Eastern Hemisphere.
The two 5
pointed stars in opposition relate to latitude. In this case the colors
are coded to 19, for 19 Degrees North. Since the dominant front star
is pointing upwards, this indicates a northern parallel. Also note that pink is coded to 9.
Wake Island already has a semi-official flag that, but this flag is a scientific, objective, and vexillologically speaking...a "Good Flag." It is a flag that is easy on the eyes and gives information: latitude and longitude.