
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Pac-Man Ghosts from Costa Rica and Thailand - "Siamy" & "Costariky"

Siamy and Costariky are Pac-Man ghosts from Thailand and Costa Rica.  Note that Siamy's name is based upon the original ethnic name for the Thai people who are Siamese.  There are other groups in Thailand that are not Siamese like the Lao, Chinese, Falang, Burmese, and many others.  Yet all are Thai by nationality, some groups have their own language and distinct cultures.

Thailand and Costa Rica are nations of the Isthmus at a juncture between oceans.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Pac-Man ghosts from Madagascar and Oman - "Madigasky" & "Omany"

Madigasky is from Madagascar, thus the pattern of his colours.  Omany is from Oman and his colours look similar accordingly so. Both nations are at the private crossroads of Asia and Africa - just beyond the Mediterranean World. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pac-Man Ghosts "Pridy" & "Peasy"

Pridy is a rainbow coloured Pac-Man ghost who exudes upright inner truth, fearless for the right of love.  Peasy is the peace-loving Pac-Man who chooses life and love over war. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Pac-Man Ghosts for the Central African Republic and Marutius: "Cenafrikly" & "Maurituy"

Cenafrikly is a Pac-Man ghost from the Central African Republic.  Maurituy is a Pac-Man ghost from Marutius.  These are the less known nations of Africa, yet just as important as Egypt and South Africa.  These nations have played pivotal roles in US and Russian History, and are active members still in the world economy.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Pac-Man Ghosts "Greeky" & "Urugy" from Greece and Uruaguay

Greeky and Urugy are Pac-Man flag ghosts from Greece and Uruguay.  Both flags have nine stripes, and are a world away.  Where Greece has blue stripes Uruguay has white, and vice versa.

"Bisauy" & "Beniny" - Pac-Man ghosts from Guinea-Bissau and Benin

Guinea-Bissau has the flag that matches in style to Texas and North Carolina.  But note the star is black instead of white, which is appropriate for an African nation.  Benin also has a t-bar pattern but no star.  Also note that a lot of people have ancestors from Benin and Guinea-Bissau who were "forcibly adopted" at a price to become citizens of America. 

Here are the two Pac-Man ghosts from Benin and G-Bissau: Bisauy and Beniny.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Pac-Man Ghosts from Texas and North Carolina - "Texasy" & "Norcaroliny"

Texasy is the Pac-Man ghost from Texas.  He has one white eye and one peach eye.  Norcaroliny is from North Carolina and has one yella' eye and one pink eye.  They have the same mother but different fathers.  Texasy's dad was Jose Ruiz-Castro and was born in Mexican Texas.  While Norcaroliny's dad was Sir John Raphael Cunningham.