
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pac-Man Ghost for Spain and Austria - "Spainy" & "Austrey"

Spainy is the Pac-Man ghost from Spain, while Austrey is the Pacman ghost from Austria.  The colour of the ghosts is reflective of their national flags.

Pac-Man Ghosts from Turkey and Switzerland - "Turksky" & "Switzsy"

Pac-Man ghosts that represent Switzerland and Turkey use the colours and pattern from the Swiss and Turkish flags.  Switzsy and Turksky are red Pac-Man ghosts which can be associated by the symbol on their heads.

Pac-Man Ghosts from Laos and Cambodia - "Laowy" & "Cabody"

The Pac-Man ghosts from Laos and Cambodia are known as Laowy and Cambody. 

Pac-Man Ghost for Morocco and Bangladesh - "Morocky" & "Bangdeshy"

 Morocky and Bangdeshy are Pac-Man ghosts who take their pattern from the flags from Morocco and Bangladesh.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Pac-Man Ghosts from South Africa and Vanuatu - "Safriky" & "Vanuty"

South Africa and Vanuatu are the imprint for these Pac-Man Ghosts.  Both nations are down under!  Just like New Zealand and Argentina.  Safriky is from South Africa while Vanuty is from Vanuatu.

Pac-Man Ghosts from Portugal and Belarus - "Portgally" & "Belroosy"

Red and green are the predominant colours for the flags of Belarus and Portugal.  Here they are in their Pac-Man Ghost forms as Portgally and Belroosy.