
Saturday, June 4, 2016

China and Vietnam Pac-Man Ghosts: "Chyeny" "Qingy" "Vietny" & "Saigony"

Like Yin and Yang, China and Vietnam are the epitome centers of Yin and Yang dynamics.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Japan and Korea Pac-Man Ghosts "Koreany" & "Nippony"

Poland and Indonesia Pac-Man Ghosts "Polandy" & "Indonesy"

Monday, May 30, 2016

Pac-Man Ghost for the USA - "Ameriky"

The patriotic Pacman Ghost "Ameriky" is based upon the flag of the United States.  "Ameriky" has thirteen stripes and a blue canton field.  An appropriate ghost for today's American Holiday, Memorial Day.

Vexillological Pac-Man Ghost for France and Belgium: "Frenchy" & "Beljy"