
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Flag for the Year 2024

Flag for the Year 2024
Guess what, you can go to jail for drinking or doing during and going on Internet 2.0!

Flag for the Year 2023

Flag for the Year 2023
Oh boy those, 23 number nuts thought the world was going to end, so so wrong!

Flag for the Year 2022

Flag for the Year 2022
Finally they just cancelled the Lawrence Welk Show! 

Flag for the Year 2021

Flag for the Year 2021
The 20th Century is now legally an adult.  Sorry but if you forget your cell phones to class you will get a detention.  The Millennials will remember a time when you got in trouble for bringing cell phones to class.

Flag for the Year 2020

Flag for the Year 2020

This decade is were technology really gets real, bye bye baby boomers?  What?  You don't know what a baby boomer is?  Well, don't worry. 

Flag for the Year 2019

Flag for the Year 2019

Last year for teenage fun of the 20th century! 

Flag for the Year 2018

Flag for the Year 2018
The 20th century is now legal!!  What else will become legal!  Take a guess, wow what a wonderful world.  Those hippies from the 60s would not believe it.