
Sunday, December 13, 2015

GMT or UTC +10:00 Time Zone Flag = Rooster Time Zone Flag

Rooster Time is +10:00 hours of GMT.  The flag uses the colours white, black, yellow, and navy blue.

GMT or UTC -09:00 Time Zone Flag = Sagittarius Time Zone Flag, Alaskan Time Zone Flag

The flag for Sagittarius Time, UTC -9:00, uses the colours pink, black, and white.  This flag is used by Alaska during the winter and its Aleutian Islands during the Spring.   But the United States does not have a monopoly on Sagittarius Time, rather the Gambier Islands in French Polynesia fall under this flag all year round since they do not observe daylight savings. 

The colloquial names for this time zone include: Standard Alaskan Time Zone, Aleutian Daylight Savings Time Zone, but the most appropriate is Gambier Time Zone since these islands follow this flag all year round.

GMT or UTC +09:00 Time Zone Flag = Monkey Time Zone Flag

The flag for UTC +9:00 uses the colours pink, white, and black.  The field has nine divisions to indicate that it is nine time zones different from GMT: two white stripes, four black stripes, one pink stripe and two pink fields.  Additionally the downward bend indicates it is East of the GMT, thus the 9th Eastern sign of the Zodiac is used, the Monkey.

Nations that fall under the Monkey Time Flag include Japan, Korea, Palau, Eastern Indonesia, and Russia's Takutsk Area.

Central Australia also uses the modified Monkey Time Flag to indicate has 30 minutes added to its time zone during regular-standard time.

GMT or UTC -08:00 Time Zone Flag = Scorpio Time Zone Flag

The flag for UTC -8:00 hours uses the colours black, white, and yellow.  The symbol of Scorpio indicates and reflects eight since it is the 8th sign of the Western Zodiac.  Subsequently the 8th sign of the Eastern Zodiac is the sheep which uses the same colours.  However the divide is opposite from upper hoist to lower fly.  But for The Scorpio Time Flag the divide is from the lower hoist to the upper fly.   The eight yellow stars also indicate that the eight hour offset from GMT or UTC Zero/Zulu hour.

Places that are always on Scorpio Time include: The Pitcairin Islands of the UK,  Clipperton Island of France, and Clarion Island of Mexico.  Also Ducie Island of a dormant unresolved claim of the United States falls under Scorpio Time.

Much of the West Coast of North America also fall under Scorpio Time during the Winter which includes California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.  But during the Daylight Saving Time, Alaska switches to Scorpio Time: UTC -8:00. 

GMT or UTC +08:00 Time Zone Flag = Sheep Time Zone Flag

The flag for UTC +8:00hrs features the colours black, yellow, white, and red.  The Year of the Sheep symbol reflects that 8th sign of the Eastern Zodiac, as this is the 8th hour east of GMT in the Eastern Hemisphere.  Also note that this time zone can be called the Goat time, since there is some ambiguity across China and the East as to which animal is in the 8th slot of the Eastern Zodiac.  The same thing happens with the Western Zodiac under a similar sign of ambiguity - Capricorn.  Some see this sign as a magical goat-mermaid while others see it as simply a goat.

Nonetheless China is very pleased that the 8th hour east of UTC Zero Hour, just happens to fall upon their nation.  The biggest reason is that eight is considered a very lucky number in China, Buddhism, and other Eastern mystical practices, more so than the number seven as it is in the West.

Besides China western Mongolia falls under Sheep Time as does the region around Lake Baikal in Russia.
Nations that always are awake and asleep under Sheep Time include the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, and Singapore.  Also the central-western most portion of Indonesia utilizes Sheep Time.

 North Korea falls under Sheep Time of the 8th Eastern Hour, but it has thirty extra minutes, making it a +8:30 from UTC Zulu. 

GMT or UTC -07:00 Time Zone Flag = Libra Time Zone Flag

The flag for UTC -7:00 uses the colours violet, white, and yellow.  Since Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac it is used here.

GMT or UTC +07:00 Time Zone Flag = Horse Time Zone Flag, South East Asian Time Zone Flag