
Monday, December 9, 2013

The Malaysia-Colombia Antipode Flag

A flag for the region of Colombia underneath Malaysia, or rather for the part of Malaysia underneath Colombia.

The China-United Kingdom Antipode Flag

A flag for the region of the UK underneath China, or from the other end of the Earth for the region of China underneath the UK.  Which part of the UK is underneath China?  The Falkland Islands are underneath China, or rather China is under the UK, down under in America.  Confused yet? Look at map!

The China-Bolivia Antipode Flag

The Bolivia-China Antipode Flag is for the small patch of China underneath Bolivia, or rather the area of Bolivia underneath China.

The Laos-Peru Antipode Flag

A flag for the region of Laos that is underneath Peru, or rather a flag for the region of Peru that is underneath Laos.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Guinea-Solomon Islands Antipode Flag

A flag for the region of Guinea that is underneath the Solomon Islands, or rather a flag for islands of the Solomon Archipelago that is underneath Guinea.

The Mali-Solomon Islands Antipode Flag

A flag for the island of the Solomon Islands that is underneath Mali, or rather a flag for the small dimple on Mali that is underneath the Solomon Islands.

The Australia-United Kingdom Antipode Flag

A flag for the lands of Australia that are antipodal to the United Kingdom.