
Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Japan-Paraguay Antipode Flag

A small small small part of Japan is underneath Paraguay, likewise a wee wee wee portion of Paraguay is under Japan.  This flag is for the itty bitty schmitty part of land where they geographically eclipse each other.

The Korea-Uruguay Antipode Flag

A flag for the small region of Korea that is underneath Uruguay, or rather for the chosen slice of Korea that is underneath Uruguay.

The Canada-Australian Antipode Flag

Believe it or not a small portion of Canada is underneath Australia, or rather a wee nibble of Australia is underneath Canada. This is a flag that for that semi-magical "Aussi-nuck Area."

The Russia-Argentina Antipode Flag

Did you know a small part of Russia is under Argentina, or rather a slice of Argentina is under Russia.  Well this flag is for the part of where Russia and Argentina are in a geographic harmony.

The Mongolia-Argentina Antipode Flag

A flag for the small region of Mongolia that is underneath Argentina, or from the other point of view a flag for the wee portion of Argentina that is under Mongolia.

The China-Argentina Antipode Flag

Not True! If you live in the US and dig straight down, and you'll reach China.  But if you live in select parts of Argentina, then you will.  This flag is for that small area of China that is underneath Argentina, or instead the part of Argentina that is underneath China.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Russia-Chile Antipode Flag

The Russia-Chile Antipode flag is for the area of Russia directly underneath Chile, or rather for the region of Chile directly underneath Russia.