Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Astrological Royal IX - East meets West Virgo and the Rabbit
The feminine essence of Virgo the Virgin is reflected in the Year of the Rabbit. Thus when it is the Year of the Rabbit and a person is born a Virgo, she or he is an Astrological Royal. The rabbit is a symbol of fertile abundance with a feminine temperament. Soft and docile like the persons who are Virgins to experience.
Virgins represent the purity of innocence, like a baby or gentle rabbit. Ignorant of the harsh truths that may await a persons path, the path of the Virgin and rabbit is usually non-agressive. Out of all the wild animals in a forest, the rabbit maintains its dignity and spirit to run free - no horns, no claws, no rabid teeth, nor any loud barking noises or roars. The peaceful and docile rabbit is a good match for the non-jaded uncorrupted innocent Virgin.
Likewise Virgo usually holds a grain in her hand - may it be wheat, barley, rice, or corn, it is a symbol of abundance, likewise the rabbit is a signal of abundance and positive directions.
Virgo Royals include: movie star Lily Tomlin, star from East Michael Tao, rapper Easy-E, baseball player Randy Johnson, Richard Marx, Peter Ho, Liu Yifei, actress Evan Rachel Wood, rapper Wiz Kalifah, Tyler Hoechlin, actress Danielle Panabaker
A real official royal who also happens to be a Virgo Royal is Prince Nikolai of Denmark.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Astrological Royal VIII - East meets West Aquarius & the Dog
The Water Bearer, Aquarius, is partnered with the Dog as an Astrological Royal. The association between Aquarius and The Year of the Dog may not seem so obvious, but they have some common elements. One is master to man, while the other is master to the King. The Kings cup bearer must be a loyal subject since he gives the live sustaining element of water and has the ability to assassinate the King. Likewise the Cup Bearer is the most loyal of servants to the royals.
Aquarius Royals are hard to come by since the Chinese New Year overlaps at different times during the sign of Aquarius. Currently the most famous Aquariuses Royal are talking head Keith Olbermann, actress Linda Blair, actor Blake Clarke, Chinese Writer Lao She, singer Adam Lambert, comedian Dick Martin, NBA Star Jameer Nelson, rapper Gorilla Zoe. The man from the 'Loyal Half of Virginia' who broke the sound barrier Chuck Yeager.

Sunday, June 16, 2013
The Hanson Brothers Plant a Flag on the Moon - MMMBop 1997
In the age of music B.B. (Before Beiber) there were other pop boy bands who had a grip on tween girl nation. Hanson was one of them. In the the official video of their smash hit single MMMBop 1997 they plant a flag in the moon. It is a blue triangular flag worthy of vexillological note.
MMMBop is a happy song capturing the happy feeling of America at the end of the 1900s. The world and America were in a positive happy cycle at this time.
This song is mish mash of American culture that takes bits from the 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, and 20s - it's a final good by to the 1900s. The century where the we walked on the moon.
It certainly is a secret special flower. That nobody knows! When a secret seed of love is planted, when and where it will bloom?
MMMBop is a happy song capturing the happy feeling of America at the end of the 1900s. The world and America were in a positive happy cycle at this time.
This song is mish mash of American culture that takes bits from the 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, and 20s - it's a final good by to the 1900s. The century where the we walked on the moon.
It certainly is a secret special flower. That nobody knows! When a secret seed of love is planted, when and where it will bloom?
Astrological Royal VII - Cancer and the Rooster
As the cultures of the East and West merge, many have become aware that there are two dominant Zodiac Scales that the people love to follow and talk about. Many of the younger Zodiacs simply copy the format of the Western Zodiac and substitute different animals and beings. However the Eastern Zodiac from China and the Western Zodiac from Rome are by far more ancient and established. Moreover they are calibrated to different cycles allowing one two have two zodiac elements without competing for the same space.
But for every sign there is a special high harmony when the Chinese and Roman Zodiacs are in conjunction - and this is an Astrological Royal. The Astrological Royal partner for Cancer is the Rooster. Thus the next Year of the Rooster during late June and early July of 2017 will welcome the next generation of Cancer Royals.
Cancer is represented by the Full Moon, while the Rooster is represented the Rinsing Sun. It is a balance of Yin and Yang, or rather East to West. Both the crab and rooster are unbelievably beautiful animals from distant shores. Although the crab can swim it chooses to live on the earth and walk, likewise its long lost avian cousin can also fly but prefers to walk on the earth.
Biologically both come from eggs and develop from opposite ends - uniting the divide between 'First Mouth Animals' and 'Second Mouth Animals.' Basically the animal kingdom can be broken into two main tribes - ones that form skeletons on the outside 'First Mouthers' and animals that form skeletons on the inside 'Second Mouthers.' Although our bodies and genetic lines may have shifted - note that a living species 'spirit line' is exactly the same age.
The familial line of the chicken, crab, and human has been around since the age of dinosaurs. Although the number of generations may be different and the biological form as it is now has shifted - if a species is still alive it's spirit line is as old as the Cosmos. Rather the spirit line of the Dodo, Woolly Mammoth, and Passenger Pigeon has ended.
Cancer Royals have domain over air, land, and water, sort of like an aircraft carrier. They are protected by an enormous defense perimeter. And they have the power strike far and away.
For the record, famous Cancer Royals of our time are: Li Xiannian, Nancy Reagan, and John Glenn, the triplet baby boomer singers - Kim Carnes, Blondie, and Carly Simon, Top Gun's Star Kelly McGillis, political peace activist Cindy Sheenan, David Tao from Taiwan, Hockey Star John LeClair, rising stars of Ariana Grande and Pierre Louise Edwards.
Finally an official Royal who also happens to be a Cancer Royal is the Princess Alexia Juliana Marcela Laurentien - Princess Orange-Nassau.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Astrological Royal VI - East meets Wests Gemini & the Monkey
It is obvious to some that there is a peculiar alignment with the Eastern and Western Zodiac. It is obvious for a few signs like Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio. Since they harmoniously match with the Tiger, Ox, and Snake respectively. But the other half of the Zodiac is not so apparent. Otherwise more people would have noticed by now.
Gemini's East-West Astrological partner is with the Year of the Monkey. So what this means on average one out of every twelve Geminis become an Astrological Royal when they are born during the Year of the Monkey.
So why does the Monkey make great Astrological harmony with Gemini? Twins and monkeys are special. Out of all the animal kingdoms in the world there is one so close - the Monkey Kingdom. Think about it, we humans like to put labels on things and out of all the known animals which is most like man? Or rather which animal is man most like?
The monkey has one foot in the kingdom of man and one foot in the animal kingdom. It wants to be like man, but yet the monkey is free to be wild like the other animals.
On the other hand twins are quasi-magical beings. Their form hints at a higher order of spiritual things. Twins often have a psychic or uncanny connection with each other. On top of that Siamese Twins have an even more magical tone since they have two spirits in one body.
Twins and the manlike animals offer us unique glimpses into the higher dimensions of nature. The universe is a strange place and out of all the animals and types of people to walk this earth - monkeys and twins can make us pause and ponder about our place in the order of the Universe.
Of famous now living Gemini Royals - in the NBA we have Udonis Haslem and Harrison Barnes. Other famous Gemini Royals include Kate Upton, Val Valentino, Doug Mackenzie, and Rob Zabrecky. The great soulfully singing Gemini Royals Twins include Patti Labelle and Gladys Knight. And you can also add Latoya Jackon to the list.
By cosmic coincidence a Gemini Royal was a part of the US Gemini Space Program - David Scott - who was born a Gemini and during the Year of the Monkey. David Scott was the astronaut who performed the most famous experiment, thought up by Galileo, with the falling feather and hammer experiment. Finally the original creator of James Bond - Ian Fleming is also a Gemini Royal.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Astrological Royal V - East meets West The Ram and the Sheep
Aries Royal? What in the world is that!? How does Aries become 'Royal.' And Why?
There are two main Zodiacs known to the people of Earth. One originates in the East in China and the other originates in the West with Rome. Luckily they are calibrated differently so that each person can have two 'Zodiac Signs' - a Western and Eastern. But every so often the signs match in high harmony. Other examples include the Tiger-Leo, Ox-Taurus, and Horse-Sagittarius. Each sign has special partner that makes greater than the others great harmony - and this is an Astrological Royal.
Thus the high harmony partner of Aries is the Sheep. Thus Aries the Ram from the Western Zodiac matches with excellence to the Year of the Sheep from the Eastern Zodiac.*
Famous Aries Royals include: Heath Ledger, Clare Danes, Moses Malone, Brittany Spears' little sister Jamie Spears, and Kourtney Kardasian. Perhaps the most famous Aries Royals are 'Kirk' and 'Spock' aka Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner.
* But a little more later on the sheep-vs-goat dichotomy.
There are two main Zodiacs known to the people of Earth. One originates in the East in China and the other originates in the West with Rome. Luckily they are calibrated differently so that each person can have two 'Zodiac Signs' - a Western and Eastern. But every so often the signs match in high harmony. Other examples include the Tiger-Leo, Ox-Taurus, and Horse-Sagittarius. Each sign has special partner that makes greater than the others great harmony - and this is an Astrological Royal.
Thus the high harmony partner of Aries is the Sheep. Thus Aries the Ram from the Western Zodiac matches with excellence to the Year of the Sheep from the Eastern Zodiac.*
Famous Aries Royals include: Heath Ledger, Clare Danes, Moses Malone, Brittany Spears' little sister Jamie Spears, and Kourtney Kardasian. Perhaps the most famous Aries Royals are 'Kirk' and 'Spock' aka Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner.
* But a little more later on the sheep-vs-goat dichotomy.
Flag Day 2013 - Presenting The Martha Washington Flag
Before the Stars and Stripes were chosen as the flag of the United States on that relatively mundane day of June 14, 1777 many a rebel flag were already flying for the Patriot Cause. The Pine Tree Appeal to Heaven Flag was relatively popular as was the Gadsden Rattlesnake Design. Although the Gadsden name is attached to the popular yellow rattle snake flag, note that this design originates out of the mind of Benjamin Franklin. Perhaps a name change is in order, since using a rattlesnake to represent the colonies was originally Benjamin Franklin's idea?
One of the popular designs was the horizontal or sometimes vertical Rebel Stripe Flags. No doubt there were other designs that came to be, but were eventually lost in the sands of time. But one design has been recovered. It was mistakenly identified as a British Ensign.
Like the legend of Betsy Ross there is an air of mystique on the story of its nebulous genesis. It was definitely generated during the American Revolution sometime before 1777, and most likely by an American Patriot. All evidence points to John Hewson - the Paul Revere of Philadelphia. Or rather Paul Revere is the John Hewson of Boston? The story behind the flag - which can not be wholly determined - involves the first first lady - Martha Washington. Apparently it seems that Mrs. Washington visited Mr. Hewson at his calico print shop in Philadelphia and requested a special handkerchief that was to honor her husband, then the Commander and Chief.
In the four corners are four flags - three are familiar and one is mystery. The three familiar flags are the Don't Tread On ("Upon" in this Case) Me Gadsden Flag, Appeal to Heaven Pine Tree Flag, and the 13 Son's of Liberty Rebel Stripes. The fourth flag, in a general sense, is most like the official modern flag since it has a canton and a field. But the field is solid and in the canton is a 'star burst' of 13 rays (with 12 spaces). It looks like the Japanese Rising Sun Flag but without the sun and less a few rays.
We do not know for sure if Martha Washington did indeed request the commission of this handkerchief at John Hewson's calico printing yard in North Philadelphia. Unfortunately Mr. Hewson's printing yard was destroyed when the British Occupied Philadelphia.
Nonetheless this handkerchief was made to honor George Washington as the "Foundator and Protector of America's Independency and Liberty." The flags in the four corners were intended to be ensigns that represented the united cause of the 13 Rebel Colonies of United States of America. The four flags were essentially 'de facto' flags of the United States before the adoption of the official stars and stripes.
Notice the 13 Rays in the Canton
Printed by John Hewson 1775-1777?
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