
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baden-Wurttenburg & Saxony Anhalt: German Flag Symmetry - Part I

Flag of Saxony-Anhalt

The sub-national flags of Germany are also subject to the phenomena of flag symmetry. The flags of Germany have an interesting blend of time lines. They have elements from the feudal age, mid 1800s, and post modern age - as Saxony-Anhalt's flag was altered in 1991. The boundaries of Germany were very chaotic during the 1900s, but since the end of the World War II and the reunification of East and West Germany, new flags were adopted for the sub-federal or semi-equivalent "states" that make up the modern nation of Germany. Since the end of USSR the German States have stabilized.

Flag of Baden-Wurttenburg

The flag of Baden-Wurttenburg matches with Saxony-Anhalt. These two German states are united by black and yellow. Their flags are divided horizontally in the middle. Baden-Wurttenburg has black on top and yellow on the bottom, while Saxony-Anhalt is 'counter charged,' so to speak. In the center of both flags are heraldic shields, without supporters. The three bold lions of Baden-Wurttenburg match with the bold bear and eagle of Saxony-Anhalt. There are two official flags for Baden-Wurttenburg, the more prestigious service flag is shown. In the aftermath of WWII these two states were drafted into opposite political camps of the Cold War. Baden-Wurttenburg became a part of West Germany aligned with USA, while Saxony-Anhalt became a part of East Germany aligned with USSR.

November 9, 1989 - 11/09/89
a broken heart was healed today

In 1984 the issue of a United Germany seem like a distant wish, for some distant of generation yet to be conceived. It seemed that our world was to be permanently divided into two political and aggressive polarities. However history is full of dynamic shifts, and the bitter frost between the East and West Germany melted in the Autumn of 1989.

East Germany and West Germany were nations created by hatred and destroyed by Love

This was a fall of walls to remember in the fall of 89'. For a short moment the world fell into love and peace. In the aftermath of this joyful reunion, a flag of the Saxons was reborn in the re-booted and post modern province of Saxony-Anhalt on January 29, 1991. These two Germany States carry different histories and share a special bond. This fateful alignment of flags, is reinforced by their provincial colours, let us hope we never forget their stories.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5 2011 Reservation


Monday, April 4, 2011

Tangled Flag - Disney's expanded remake of the girl with really long hair - Rapunzel

The hero or anti-hero buying the Rapunzel Flag

In Disney's feature animated movie of 2010, Tangled, a flag plays an important part. When Rapunzel and her consorts enter the castle town, the townsfolk are in the middle of celebrating. They dance and sing around the flags and banners of their lost princess.

Disney's adaptation of Rapunzel retells this childhood classic with an altered and expanded plot, and a healthy dose of classic Disney Charm.

The Castle Town Decorated with Flags and Pennants of the Lost Princess

Here Rapunzel looks at a flag that kinda' looks familiar at the town fair, and again at home. Eventually she is able to connect the dots of her destiny by putting it all together.

I betcha' if she read any of my flag symmetry posts, she'd totally get my flag matrix code!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Four Tribal Elements: Part II

In a previous post, a new type of flag was displayed to show the 'four elements' of a persons general ethnic identity, using the metaphor of a ship.

Since then, two new flags have been added, the jack and the ensign. The jack is the flag at the front-forward part of the ship. Remember Jack from the Titanic when he was flying with Rose? In ship code they call it the bow.

The flag at the other end, the rear of the ship, is usually called an ensign - sort of like "end-sign." I call this part of the ship the Rudder or Propeller-side. (In making it harder than it needs to be & our secret snob code) Mariners call it the stern.

Anyways at the bow of this ship, in the jack position is the Soviet Jack of 1969 (the Commies had two jack designs, just like the Confederacy). In my flag sail matrix-code the jack represents where the person was born regardless if he or she was a proper citizen of the place. The jack Flag represents the geographical position of the place of birth. This person was born July 4, 1969 in Kazakhstan. The jack is simply the geographical position at birth.

Also, the jack is next to the faith sail of mommy - who was a Catholic. At the other end of the ship is the astrological sign of this person - Cancer. Why an astrological flag? It simply points to the geography of the cosmos at the time of birth. Wouldn't one think the position of ones earth bound coordinates are just as important as the cosmological geography of the heavens at the moment of birth? Besides the jack is next to 'mother' earth while the ensign is next the ones 'heavenly' father.

Let's suppose the back story on this person is - his father was a part of an American Diplomatic mission to the Soviet Union. His mom and dad were stationed at the US Embassy in Moscow, but they were on a guided tour of the Soviet Union when mom gave birth two weeks early, on a train while passing though Kazakhstan. With the blessings of his Lutheran Dad and Catholic Mom, he married a rich Jewish Girl and subsequently converted to the Faith of Abraham - Version 1.0

Link to "The Four Tribal Elements: Part I"

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Mailbox Flag - with a NAVA flare

The mailbox flag is one special vexilloid so common that is often overlooked as being a flag. Most mailboxes have red flags, but there are a few that simply have red 'poles.' The association of a red flag our mailbox is so strong that even electronic mail continues to use virtual flags with email icons.

Mail Box Flag
painted with NAVA Colours

The mailbox to the right has been altered a bit - it has been painted with the NAVA Flag colours! Most mailbox flags are made out of metal, but I have seen a few wooden ones. Sometimes the 'flag' is just a red arm. But if you look around most mailbox flags are red and made out of metal.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April is Aries Month

Arms of Schaffhausen

The shield of arms with the Aries "Ram" on it belongs to the most northern Swiss Canton of Schaffhausen. It features a black ram standing on its back legs with a red tongue sticking out with and excited male gonadal tissue.

Most of the inhabitants speak German, the most spoken tongue of Switzerland.

The Swiss Canton of Scaffhausen famously had a reverse wood cut print made in 1521, by Urs Graf & Hans Holbein.

Note the Virgin Mary in the canton of this Swiss Canton

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Japanese Prefectural Flag Twins - Saga & Kyoto: Part 11

This is the final pair of Japanese Prefectural flags compared in the blog thread. It may seem odd at first but the partner of Kyoto is Saga Prefecture. The rich dynamic is like a farm girl vs a princess.

Kyoto is the number one destination of tourist travel in Japan. During the feudal era, Kyoto was the Imperial Seat and cultural hot spot beyond compare. Romantic writers, geisha, temples, poets, artists, Samurai, and nearly everything associated with classical Japan has a deep association or connection with Kyoto.

Saga on the other hand is the polar opposite (mecca-ly speaking), rarely is there any international or domestic travel to Saga. Saga is very much off the beaten path. And Saga is one of the least populated prefectures of Japan. This is also a blessing, because the natural beauty of Japan is conserved - Saga is populated with rice paddies, vast bamboo grooves, and friendly locals. The outfit the Japanese farm girls is stunning in its own way, just as stunning to the out fit of the geisha (see the video below and pause it!).

Flag of Kyoto

The common element between the flag of Saga and Kyoto is a six petaled white flower. Both have a mini-hi no maru in the center. Saga's is red while Kyoto's is gold. In between the mini-hi no maru are patterns that flow with the shape of the flower.

Flag of Saga

Saga has six red U-shaped parabola's facing outwards while Kyoto has a complete golden sine wave. Their background colours differ. But also harmonize as semi-Christmas colours. Saga's green blends well with Kyoto's reddish tint.

Close up of Saga's Mini 'Hi no Maru'

You could argue that the national banner is 'hidden' within the flag of Saga - if you zoom in really closely.Because, in the center of the white flowers is a red disc. This is the only flag of Japan to have a complete mini-chichai 'hi no maru.' The petals also have red streaks. The gold streak of Kyoto is totally connected. It looks like a convoluted asterisk, or 70s style flower power symbol. But for Saga - their are six red streaks, that look like six letter U's.

Kyoto is world famous because it was the cultural heartland of Japan. It carries the intrinsic echo of Emperors, Geisha, poets, artists, and craftsmen - who define Japanese Culture by their art. Saga on the other hand is and was Japan's Breadbasket (aka Japanese-Kansas). The pace of life is sweetly slow. Slow and unpopular as Saga may seem, Saga played a key role in the modernization of Japan. After the forced entry-arrival of America at Yokohama -Saga was destined to give Japan her famous "Seven wise men from Saga" who helped Japan adapt and modernize to the 'Western Barbarians.'

These men of Saga played key roles in the modernization of Japan in a crash course of studying Western Ways in 30 years. Note that the West had nearly 500 years to become "modern" in a natural way. Japan did it in less than one generation. In less than 30 years they mastered European Technologies, founded the Japanese Red Cross, established a Western style of Education System, and created a modern judicial system.

Saga was the original gateway to modern Japan by the gracious will of "Seven wise men from Saga," and Kyoto is the traditional gateway to ancient Japan.

Video Collage of Kyoto and Saga - play them together if you can
& mute Saga if you do! And let both load up before playing!

KYOTO ----------------------- SAGA