
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Japanese Prefectural Flag Twins - Hiroshima & Kumamoto: Part 10

Flag of Hiroshima

These prefectures align harmoniously by colour and design. The white emblems are stylized Katakana Letters "Hee" for Hiroshima, while Kumamoto uses the letter "Ku."

A geographic coincidence is that they both have the longest shorelines of their inland seas. Hiroshima has the longest inland sea shoreline for Honshu, while Kumamoto also has the longest inland sea shoreline of Kyushu's private inland sea - the Ariake and Yatsushiro Seas.

Flag of Kumamoto

Culturally Hiroshima and Kumamoto bear solemn and sacred landmarks in history. Buddhism teaches that suffering is a part of life - with Hiroshima a great suffering was delivered from beyond with atomic weapons in 1945. 50 years later another tragedy of firsts stuck Japan. Shoko Asahara, a man from Kumamoto, masterminded the Tokyo Sarin Never Gas Attack in 1995. These flags show us that suffering can come from within and beyond. We are often at the mercy of forces grater that ourselves. We must never forget or hide from our folly, rather we should recognize the better element of ourselves that strives to overcome these difficulties and tests. Rather than shame and blame, we must come to better understanding and hope. So the mistakes of the past be not repeated.

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome
Kept as it was since 1945


CLICK HERE for a video about Japanese Flag Pairs on Youtube

Mug Shot of Japan's
Domestic Terror Leader
from Kumamoto - led 1995 Sarin Terror Subway Attack

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Japanese Prefectural Flag Twins - Shimane & Nigata: Part 9

Flag of Nigata

The flags of Shimane and Nigata make a pair. Their background colours are a similar tint - brownish/red. Both flags have golden emblems that have lobed 'four leafed clovers.' The golden 'four leafed clover' of Shimane is centered and large, but the 'four leafed clover' of Nigata is at a 12:00 o'clock position in a double ringed circle.

Flag of Shimane

Shimane and Nigata are coastal prefectures along the Sea of Japan facing Korea/Mainland Asia. Another geographic harmony is that both prefectures are connected to two sacred 'satellite islands.'

According to Shinto Tradition in the beginning of the world, eight sacred islands fell from the divine spear tip which became the eight scared islands of Japan. This included the three big islands of Honshu, Kysushu, Shikoku, and five smaller islands of Awaji, Sadoshima, Okishima, Ikishima, Tsushima. There are hundreds of smaller islands surrounding the four big islands of Japan, and the chances that two prefectures that align by flags would also align with one of the sacred original eight is quite uncanny. Sado-shima is a part of Nigata Prefecture, while Oki-shima is a part of Shimane Prefecture.

Map of Shimane and Nigata with Sacred Satellite Islands
Two dedicated Naval Commanders of World War II were originate from Shimane and Nigata: Admiral Yamaguchi and Admiral Yamamoto. Admiral Yamamoto was born in Nigata, while Adimiral Yamaguchi hailed from Shimane. Both men were outstanding leaders for their nations. Yamaguchi served his country in the Pacific Campaign and died at the Battle of Midway aboard the aircraft carrier the IJN Hiryu - (Flying Dragon). He was one of Japan's brightest naval commanders and instead of escaping to fight another day he chose to go down with the carrier.

Admiral Yamamoto is the more famous name who helped plan the strike at Pearl Harbor and he was the Commander in Chief of the Imperial Combined Fleet. But after the Battle of Midway, Japan went on the defensive. In 1943 Yamamoto was shot down while in an airplane that crashed in the Northern Solomon Islands.

Coincidentally these men studied abroad in the United States during the 1920s, and at Ivy League Universities. Yamaguchi studied at Princeton University while Yamamoto studied at Harvard. Odd as it may seem Yamaguchi and Yamamoto were both Ivy League alumni.

Yamamoto Right, Yamaguchi Left with Ivy League Arms


CLICK HERE to see a video about Japanese Flag Pairs

Monday, March 28, 2011

Japanese Prefectural Flag Twins - Wakayama & Ibaraki: Part 8

Flag of Ibaraki

The prefectural flags of Ibaraki and Wakayama are the hallmark of Yin and Yang. Their coloration is counter charged - as it would be in heraldic terms. Ibaraki is blue with white rose but Wakayama is white with a Katakana 'WA.'

Geographically they are both on the western pacific sides. They are far enough from the congested Osaka-Kinki and Tokyo-Kanto metropolises - where the pace of life is decidedly slower and more country.

Flag of Wakayama
The most importantt event linking these two prefectures rests on the shoulders of Morie Ueshiba who is the founder of Aikido. Morie Ueshiba was born in Wakayama and died in Ibaraki. Aikdo is a martial art that strives for the holy grail of fighting. An Aikido master redirects the force of an attacker away or back at the attacker without doing harm, but yet being able to subdue the opponent. In modern terms you can think of it as a mix of Spock's knockout grip combined with Neo's invincibility moves in the Matrix.
Morie Ueshiba
founder of Aikido

Morie Ueshiba was born of that generation that first marvelled unto the modern age. He lived though the first Chinese-Japanese War of 1895, Russo-Japanese War, WWI, World War II, and Korean War. Morie lived in that transitional era where the ancient way of feudal of society was witness to the journeys of man to the moon - 1969. He lived in the nexus between the ancient feudal era and modern technological now.

The flags of Ibaraki and Wakayama are like Yin and Yang or Past and Future.


CLICK HERE to see Japanese Flag Video on Youtube

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Japanese Prefectural Flag Twins - Tokyo & Gunma: Part 7

Flag of Tokyo

Purple makes an appearance only twice amongst Japanese Prefectural Flags - Gunma and Tokyo. Both symbols have six points. The symbol for Tokyo looks a bit like a ships nautical steering wheel with six points, while six points of Gunma are are the end of the three 'crescent moons.'

Flag of Gunma

The symbol of Tokyo is an artistically modified Chinese Character for "East" which is a mixture of the root icons of "tree" and "sun"... for the rising sun appearing behind the trees in the east. Coincidentally Gunma also uses a kanji in the center of the three 'crescent moons.'

These two flags harmonize on colour and symbolism - accidentally or rather by destiny. There is a Sun on the flag of Tokyo and three moons on Gunma.

Mission Patch for
Akiyama's Historic Journey 1990

The most cosmic coincidence found in any flag pair that I have described can found here. The first Japanese Man to enter space was born in Tokyo, while the first Japanese Woman to venture beyond the wide blue yonder was born in Gunma.

Mukai's Mission Patch 1994
Historic Voyage for Japanese Women

Just as there was a space race to the moon between the USSR and the USA, there was a race to get the first Japanese National in orbit. The first Japanese space explorer was a Cosmonaut. The Soviets won this 'Space Race of National Histories' back in 1990. A Japanese Journalist - Toyohiro Akiyama was the first Japanese person in orbit.

However the first Japanese Woman in space was an Astronaut - Chiaki Mukai . She rode the USS Columbia into the heavens in 1994.

Enlarged Symbol of Gunma's inner Kanji
in the middle of the three 'moons'

Tokyo also has a more popular 'Metropolitan Flag' that is white with light green ginko leaf upon it. The purple Tokyo flag is older and reserved for ceremonial and very important events.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Japanese Prefectural Flag Twins - Toyama & Aomori : Part 6

Flag of Aomori Prefecture

The Japanese Prefectures of Aomori and Toyama harmoniously align by design and colour. Both have white backgrounds and green emblems. Coincidentally their central green emblems are reflective of geography. Toyama Prefecture is famous for having mountains and shape of the icon has two mountain tops. Also hidden in center we can see a Japanese Hiragana Letter - "TO."

Aomori Prefecture uses a stylized geographical outline of prefecture as its central green emblem. The emblem of Tokyama reminds me a camping logo, and Aomori emblem looks like as youth hostel logo, eh?

Flag of Toyama Prefecture

Both flags echo geographical marks that are important to both prefectures. Toyama is famous for its mountains and plateaus, while Aomori is the at the Northern tip of Honshu. You can think of Toyama as being the Colorado of Japan and Aomori as being like Maine.

Both prefectures are famous for their civil engineering projects. Toyama is home to Japan's tallest dam - the Kurobe Dam that dams the Kurobe River. Although meek when compared to America's Hoover Dam, the Kurobe Dam is nonetheless Japan's premier tourist attraction - as "Japan's Hoover Dam."

Japan's Tallest Dam
Kurobe Dam

Along the northern tip of main island of Honshu is Aomori - this part of Japan feels less like the Far East and more like the Adirondack or Yellow Stone. Aomori is also famous for its man made public works - the Seikan Tunnel. This is the longest and deepest railway tunnel in the world. It connects Hokkaido with Honshu.

Aomori and Toyama are parts of Japan at the edges by latitude and altitude. The fresh mountain plateaus of Toyama gave her stunning beauty, as Toyama is home to Japan's tallest waterfall - Shomyo Falls. Aomori too is revealing in her natural beauty of the far north. Japan's coastline is blessed with hundreds of small bays and inlets but Aomori has the largest private bay - unshared with another prefecture. Which coincidentally kinda' looks like Toyama Prefecture.


CLICK HERE to see Japanese Prefectural Flag Video on Youtube

Friday, March 25, 2011

Japanese Prefectural Flag Twins - Nara & Okinawa : Part 5

Flag of Nara

The prefecturual Flag of Nara and Okinawa are what I can fraternal flag twins. They are a similar in design - both having a white background with a red circular symbol in the center. The essence of the national banner of Japan is strongly reflected with these two flags.

These places are culturally balanced like Yin and Yang. Nara is the ancient heartland and the original Imperial Capital of Japan. The original name of Nara during the Samurai and Shogun era was Yamato, which is also the classical name of Japan.

Flag of Okinawa

Nara's dark red icon is a stylized Katakana letter "Na" for NA-ra. The flag of Okinawa has a completed red disc but it is marked with a white circle. The two 'circles' are off center. This creates an accidental image as if an eye is looking up or north - towards Japan?

Okinawa basically is the national flag with an off center white Roman Letter "O". It is both ironic and harmonious that the part of Japan most influenced and impacted by the West uses a letter from the West in its flag.

So which flag looks more like the national flag of Japan? I guess it depends on your point of view. I believe it's a stone cold tie.

You can see the Flag of Japan 'hidden' in the flag of Nara & Okinawa

During World War II, the largest battleship of WWII was set to sea - the INJ Yamato. For the Japanese, this grandest ship of ships is kind'a like the HMS Titanic and USS Enterprise all in one. A generation later in the 1970s - the power of this ship would echo across American and Japanese Pop Culture, merging the line between History and Pop. American Generation-X'ers were exposed to Japanime called-Starblazers which was called Spaceship Yamato in Japanese.

Nara's Todai-Ji

Nara was once called Yamato long long ago, when the earth was in a different part of the galaxy, far far away. Nara Prefecture has many temples, shrines, and is considered historical and hallowed ground. Nara (Yamato) Prefecture is usually on the list of places to visit for every tourist, besides Kyoto and Tokyo.

Nara has historical political significance - being in the very heart of Japan but Okinawa is on the fringe. Okinawa was last part of Japan to be made a part Japan. Furthermore, it was added after the arrival European Explorers in 1534. Okinawa was obliged to bring tribute to both China and Japan in 1609. By 1609 the Japanese had mastered firearms technology brought over from the West - but ironically this weapons technology was originally designed by the Chinese who overlooked its potential as a weapon.

It wasn't until 1868 that Japan annexed Okinawa. After WWII the US held on to Okinawa for 20 extra years,until 1972, after the national occupation ended in 1952.

Battleship IJN Yamato
a proverbial HMS Titantic & USS Enterprise wrapped in one

But during the Great War of the Pacific Okinawa was hit hardest by the US Invasion force. Ironically the least or youngest part of Japan - paid the heaviest price in WWII. During the 3 month long Battle of Okinawa the IJN Yamato was positioned in between Okinawa and the Southern Mainland Island of Kyushu. Thus the IJN Yamato (or IJN Nara so to speak) was sunk while the Battle of Okinawa raged in the spring of 1945.

The flag of Okinawa and Nara were destined to be of a similar tone. They are essential parts of Japan but carry radically different histories. Nara is Japan, Nara is Yamato, Yamato is Japan, as is Okinawa.

Left - modern name - NIHON......Right - classical name - YAMATO
LEFT (SUN -SOURCE) literal translation of Kanji ( GRAND HARMONY) RIGHT

Okinawa is the proverbial Omega, and Nara is the Alpha of Japanese prefectures.


A song from Okinawa with American Influence

It became a hit in Latin America, soon one day in the US too

Click Here for Video about 'Japanese Twin Flags' on Youtube

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Japanese Prefectural Flag Twins - Osaka & Fukuoka : Part 4

Flag of Osaka

Osaka and Fukuoka make a good pair. Again they match by background colour - blue. They both have circular white icons in the center. The emblem of Fukuoka is a white plum flower. I'm not exactly sure what Osaka's symbol is supposed to be? Maybe of stylized Primula Flower, since it is a prefectural symbol?

They have a geographic balance because they are at opposite ends of the inland sea of Japan. In the West is Fukuoka and in the East is Osaka. Subsequently the cities of Osaka and Kitakyushu in Fukuoka are famous for having bold business like acumen. The business is so bold that Osaka Businesses manifested the world first artificial island airport in 1994. Likewise the wealth of Fukuoka's Business Class allowed Kitakyushu to give birth to another artificial island airport in the Inland Sea of Japan back in 2006.

Flag of Fukuoka

Osaka and Fukuoka also have unique shapes. Most Japanese Prefectures look like blobs. But Fukuoka looks like a mushroom while Osaka is similar to a crescent moon.

I had the pleasure of living one year in Osaka and three years in Fukuoka - so I know both prefectures fairly well. I am an alumni of the Kansai Gaidai - Hirakata Campus in Osaka. I was also JET participant and was assigned to two high schools to teach at in Fukuoka Prefecture - Kurume Chikusui and Meizen.

Some baseball fans might recognize the name Hirakata, since they won the little league world series in 1999 - while I was in Japan I might add. And I'm from Pennsylvania. Another odd ball on top of that - also in 1999 Fukuoka won the Japanese World Series as the Fukuoka Daiei Hawks!

Kitakyushu certainly has an Osaka vibe. So what is an Osaka vibe? Osaka is famous for being not so neat, more open, bold, not afraid to wear wacky clothing and a bit more outspoken than your average Japanese person.

Fukuoka and Osaka are two Japanese prefectures that I also call home - if you bond with a place, and come back after a long time, it will feel like you're visiting a grandparents house or something like that.

Finally Osaka's flag used to be green, but then fate stepped in in 1984 and turned made it blue. Fukuoka's Flag also is the oldest prefectural flag in Japan - adopted in 1908!


CLICK HERE for a video on Japanese Prefecture Flag Twins