
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Greatest American Hero Flags

On March 18, 1981 a new Super Hero was born. In the aftermath of the American cultural revolution of the 60s and funk of the 70s - came the Greatest American Hero. This television show aired until the day after Ground Hog Day in 1983.

The basic jist was an unassuming well meaning special education teacher was drafted by 'higher powers' to show the world how great America could be. His name was Ralph and he reluctantly took on the role. His missteps and bumbling into the role of superhero was comical and at the same time inspirational. The team up of crusaders were a yin-yang odd couple - one guy looked like a 'swim with wales and save the earth' type while the other guy was a meat eating, gun toting, patriot.

In the first episode several flags were shown. The first scene starts with a dune buggy chase. An FBI agent is being pursued by a group of heavily armed shaved heads guys and gals. The flag on their buggies is a pennant.

The colours are black, white, and silver. Harmoniously the letters G & A are artistically combined with a sword. What does the G & A stand for? We don't know. It oddly aligns with Greatest American, minus the hero.

In the first episode two other flags shown are the US Federal Flag and the Flag of California at Whitney High, which is rumored to named after the highest peak in California, Mt. Whitney.

Flag of the misguided militant
Christians and the FBI agent who
gives Ralph the suit from another world

Long story short, Ralph is chosen to wear the outfit of the 'Greatest American Hero.' The colours of his outfit are red, white, and black. On his chest is the insignia which looks like the Chinese Character for 'middle.'
Apparently the symbol was inspired by the handle portion of a pair of scissors.

Others flags shown in the pilot episode are the US flag, and California State Flag.

Close up of California Cult Flag

Video Montage & Credits of the Greatest American Hero

Links to Greatest American Hero Fan Sites!

Star Wars & Greatest American Hero Fan?
Did you know Ralph was almost Luke Skywalker?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

shuttle 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

November is Scorpio Month

Fierce animals are a common theme on flags. Birds of prey, lions, snakes, dragons, bears, bees, tigers, but what about scorpions? Is there something oddly frightening about the scorpion that no nation would put this creature on their flag. The US NAVY uses a flag with a snake! Perhaps it's the formidable and alien exoskeleton. But since November is the month of Scorpio here are two military patches that feature scorpions!

On the right is the patch of the USS SCORPION SS-278. She served in WWII in the Pacific Ocean. She took down a few Japanese ships but was herself lost in the Yellow Sea, probably by a mine. The entire crew was lost.

Official Patch of the submarine

Non-Military Commercial

On the left is a non military patch made in honor of former Soviet Sub that has become a museum in Southern California! Odd but true, a Cold War era sub built in 1971 to intimidate and the US has become a tourist attraction at Long Beach, California.

During the Cold War another USS SCORPION was commissioned as SS-589 but was lost at sea in an accident near the Azores in 1968.

The Patch has a submarine, 50s style nuclear atom, an ancient catapult and the astrological constellation of Scorpio.

1968 was tragic year, one month after Martin Luther King was assassinated the tragic loss the entire 99 man crew of the USS SCORPION SS-589 took place on May 22, 1968.

You can learn more about the USS Scorpions
and other US Subs lost at Sea Here

You can visit the Soviet Sub in Long Beach, California
Click here for more info

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reservation 225

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chesapeake Bay Flag Association's Flag

Flag of the Chesapeake Bay Flag Association

There are several states that are a part of the the Chesapeake Bay. The two states maine with Chesapeake Bay bay front property are Virginia and Maryland.

The District of Columbia does not have bay front access but is a part of the tidewater region.

Finally there are the outer states that simply have rivers that flow into the Chesapeake Bay. Flowing from the North is the mighty Susquehanna River. Thus Pennsylvania and New York a part of the Chesapeake Bay water shed. From the West is Delaware. Finally from heart of Appalachia, the Chesapeake is connected to West Virginia.

That is a total of six states and the District of Columbia.

You can visit the Chesapeake Bay Flag Association,

Fort Whoop Up Flag

Flag of Fort Whoop Up?

Fort Whoop Up was an American 'speak easy' set up in Canada around 1869. Fort Whoop Up was basically an illegal fort set up in Alberta by American fungal dope dealers of alcohol. If you didn't know alcohol is a type of fungal dope, or rather fungal excrement. FYI, when yeast (a fungus) eats the sugars it can only burn it a certain way. The remainder waste product of its food (yeast poo) is excreted as alcohol. This substance has plagued and blessed mankind since the reign of Pharaohs. More potent fungal dope is known to certain shamans of Siberia, Grateful Dead fans, and Super Mario.

Yankee Traders sold a brewed Fungal Dope
to Native Canadians (1st Nations Peoples) Illegally

When Fort Whoop Up was set up in Alberta, American whisky traders set up this trading post illegally to make their fortunes. They flew a flag that had wide stripes on the bottom and thiner stripes by the canton. The canton seemed to have some shapes that were either boxes or crosses. To this day the details of this flag are unclear. However a flag of this nature did indeed fly in 1869 in Alberta.

The new Canadian government wanted to shut it down and was apprehensive. But when word got out that Mounties were coming, the rum runners gave no resistance and fled south of the border.


Monday, October 25, 2010

The AVGN is a vexillographer

ames Rolfe is a Vexillographer

AVGN stands for Angry Video Game Nerd, and the AVGN
is a YouTube Star from Generation Y. Generation Y is the last generation born before the Internet that does not yet quite fit into Generation X. If you can't remember a time before the Internet you are Generation I. But also remember that Y can sometimes take the place I.

The Angry Video Game Nerd (James Rolfe) is likely to transition over from YouTube Star to famous Hollywood Movie Director in the near future. I'd put a few eggs in his basket if you seen his work.

Rolfe recently posted a video about his childhood homemade boardgames. He created a board game called Street Fighter III. In it, he designed several flags to represent characters in the game.

General Slaughter Flag
Modern Rendition

General Slaughter has five stripes with canton, assumed to be stars.

Dracula Flag

Dracula Modern Version

Dracula's Flag is simply a bat on solid background

Candy Man Flagyou can see the original name was erased with white out, or perhaps is was just a spelling error?

Nearly all children at sometime in the lives have had a desire to create a flag for some odd reason. If you see a young person drawing a flag, save it! You never know what may come of it!

You can Visit the AVGN website here:

*note flag colours are assumed