
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Flag for the Year 1958

Flag for the Year 1957

Flag for the Year 1956

I like Ike, you like Ike, everybody likes Ike!

Flag for the Year 1955

What's a "Jigawatt" and who is JFK?

Flag for the Year 1954

Love it, love her, love it!

Flag for the Year 1953

Flag for the Year 1952

WWII war hero Eisenhower here to settle the peace, chill out Mr. Stalin! 

Flag for the Year 1951

Metric Flag for the Year 1950

Does the Cold War qualify as a WWIII?  War is ongoing in China, Europe, Africa, and in the Americas and hotly on Korea? 

Metric Flag for the Year 1949

Metric Flag for the Year 1948

The real Truman Show gets a reboot!  Encore Harry!  Good times ahead for most.

Flag for the Year 1947

Metric Flag for the Year 1946

Metric Flag for the Year 1945

Humans master the Atom and peace follows.  This is what EPIC should be reserved for, not a silly boom, boom, bang movie.

Metric Flag for the Year 1944


Victory is in sight, but still a long road to go.

Metric Flag for the Year 1943

Metric Flag for the Year 1942

Things look bleak!

Metric Flag for the Year 1941

The USSR and USA finally get dragged in the WWII. 

Metric Flag for the Year 1940


FDR's triple play is just so unconventional, but whoa, things in Europe are really not so nice. 

Metric Flag for the Year 1939

Metric Flag for the Year 1938

Metric Flag for the Year 1937

Real Lead Zeppelins and real Dr. Indiana Joneses roam the earth in this year.  Too bad the Nazi's were fascinated with airship tech.  Subsequently people became scared of this technology.  A shame, but maybe not.  Drone airship tech in the 1950s and 1960s would have made U2 obsolete. 

Metric Flag for the Year 1936


All that negative energy from WWI has gained a bit of ugly interest.  How mean people can be, sowing seeds of hate is a really, really, really, really, bad idea.  Try forgiveness next time.

Metric Flag for the Year 1935

Metric Flag for the Year 1934

Metric Flag for the Year 1933

Metric Flag for the Year 1932


Metric Flag for the Year 1931

Metric Flag for the Year 1930

Metric Flag for the Year 1929

Hoover this Hoover that, so many Hoovers in this era?  How come?  Did Hoovers invent time travel?  It was Dr. Hoo after all, I mean Dr. who? 

Blame the economy on President Hoover, not human greed mixed with a heavy dose of stupidity!

Metric Flag for the Year 1928

Metric Flag for the Year 1927

Metric Flag for the Year 1926

Metric Flag for the Year 1925

Women in pants!  Yikes?  Are the allowed to do that? 

Metric Flag for the Year 1924

Metric Flag for the Year 1923

Poor president Harding, Coolidge becomes the free ball Vermonter Prez.

Metric Flag for the Year 1922

Metric Flag for the Year 1921

Metric Flag for the Year 1920

President Harding had a hard time trying to extend rights to minorities, but on the flip side women votes scored a win! 

Metric Flag for the Year 1919

1919, the War to End all Wars just ended, sort of.  Who knew it was only part one and a sequel was to follow?  But just to be technically speaking correct a WWIII would involve Germany + her allies against the world; it would not be a war against China, Iran, Russia, or the Soviet Union.  

GLOGLO 13 anyone?

Metric Flag for the Year 1918

Metric Flag for the Year 1917

Metric Flag for the Year 1916

Metric Flag for the Year 1915

Metric Flag for the year 1914

Metric Flag for the Year 1913

Metric Flag for the Year 1912

President Elect Wilson won!  Wow the last president born when Virginia was unbroken and united with West Virginia.  This is fitting since the map of America was completed with all of the United 48 states under president Taft. 

Although the a map complete the US was had its own kind of Christian caste system based upon birth just as India has its own Hindu birth based caste system. 

Although Wilson seemed like a racist, he kinda' had to be, otherwise he would have been unelectable at the time. At this time in America any public official with a "We are the World - MLK King Spirit" showing genuine kindness to minorities and women would have been brutalized by the public and ruling corporations of that time period - North, South, East and West.

Metric Flag for the Year 1911

What a year, what a year!  Why can't those Europeans get along.  Empire this, empire that, the public was so into national empires.

Metric Flag for the Year 1910

Oh President Taft, such a big and lovable guy.  Fossil fuel cars, planes, and trains!  The original movies that made people read were so interesting. 

Metric Flag for 1908