
Monday, February 2, 2015

Minions Flags 2015

Minions are unique pill shaped creatures that have a penchant for following dark negative energy.  Their spirit to serve a strong master has unintended consequences of bringing light to darkness.
The Minion flag that appears in this movie during a sporting festival consists of a blue and yellow vertically striped flag that has eleven stripes - six blue and five yellow.  The yellow stripes have a black line down the middle. In the center of the flag is "Minion Eye" with a "#1" around it.  The number one is on the hoist side of the eye, while the number (or hashtag) is on the fly side of the eye.In another part of the movie the Minions can be seen holding red pennant flags unenthusiastically.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Flags in Sarah Bareilles video Brave - 2014

 Sarah Bareilles keeps it real in her video Brave.  Singing from her heart, Bareilles lets out positive vibes wherever they may be found - in a park, a mall, gym or at the library.

Here a flag can be seen in the upper background above the yellow building.  It is impossible to make out exactly what it represents but it can be seen gently waving in the wind.

Here a man is dancing almost with spontaneity. On the ceiling are several banners of yellow that are impossible to make out.  But yet again a mundane place has become the center point of happy feet.

Here a woman lets it loose at what looks like a South American outdoor shopping center.  Streamer triangle banner flags can be seen in the background, again it is impossible to make out the specific details of the flags.

Bottom line is when a happy spark of love or dance taps your shoulder, you should engage it!  People are so apt to engage the complaining spirit, next time feel free to be brave by pushing up an on the dance vibe whenever or wherever you feel it be it at a mall, park, or wherever.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fight Flags from Popeye Movie 1980

During the boxing match several unique flags make an appearance.  The flags are simple white swallowtail designs with the word "FIGHT!" written upon it in various colours that include black, yellow, and red.

Here the "FIGHT!" flags can be seen next to the national flag of Sweethaven.

Racing Track Pennants from Popeye movie 1980

The movie Popeye is a flag rich film.  The makers put a lot of effort to make unique flags.  During the scene at the race track painted black flags on the background wall can be seen.

You can see several women holding flags with the various numbers of the horses on them.  One flag is pink while another is sky blue.

The woman on the right is holding a red pennant for horse number 8 in her left hand.  Although they are using binoculars the horses are actually very close and mechanically controlled.

Bluto Pirate Flag from Popeye 1980

Bluto's flag is a swallowtail flag with a red field.  It has white jolly roger with a bearded skull.

Sweethaven Flag from Popeye Movie 1980

 The flag of Sweethaven is similar to the United States but with Kiribati twist.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Money Symbol flag from the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Club Heart Band Movie 1978

  In the 1978 the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Club Heart Band film was released starring The Bee Gees. It was made in the cosmic wake created by Star Wars mashing up with the spirit of the 1970s with the Beatles.  It was funky a film to say the least.

Several flags appear in the movie but the most original appears during Aerosmith's rendition of Come Together.  The flag is a dollar sign in circle on a background of money green.

The money flag represents greed on a harmful selfish level.  The choice of greed versus love and joy is a theme debated in the film.

There is a fine line between joyful abundance and self serving greed.  Certainly it is possible to become rich without being mean, cruel, wicked, heartless or paying people a sub-human minimum wage.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Flag from the movie Divergent 2014

 In the movie Divergent 2014 several unique flags appear.  Since the movie takes place in the future these are not normal flags, but are made of a type of luminescent fabric that makes them glow.  The film is based upon the Divergent Trilogy. 

These flags appear during the capture the flag tournament.  One team is out to capture the neon lime green flag while the other is out to capture the neon orange flag.

Here the team captain is holding the orange team's flag.  You can see the flag crumpled up in his right hand. In the above picture you can see the green team's flag being waved.  

Here is a close up of the orange team's flag. Certainly in the future, flags will be of this nature will be made.  

Friday, January 9, 2015

Flags in Daria - that 90s show on MTV

 Beavis and Butthead were so successful that they were able to generate spin offs.  Spin offs are an old sit com practice that happens every so often with smash hit shows. 

In this case, a snack bar character from Beavis and Butthead's universe got her own television series - Daria.  Daria was a non-conformist high school misfit with a superior intellect, yet glazed with a punk rock theme.  Daria was the 90s version of Molly Ringwald with pent up teenage angst.  The other Beavis and Butthead spinoff television show was from the opposite political pole - King of the Hill.  In the introductory sequence we see Daria with her family and her sister and father are waving a yellow pennants. 

Later in the pilot episode, Daria's family visits a UFO convention.  Of vexillological note is a "Welcome Lawndale" banner hanging above the centerpiece fake green alien.  Also along the right side of the wall are what look like two Star Trek flags.  One is purple with a yellow Star Trek symbol while the other is yellow and it is harder to make out its emblem.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Sugar Candy Kisses from the Archies Video "Sugar Sugar" 1969

A banner announcing kisses appears in the 1969 video Sugar Sugar by The Archies. It offers kisses for only one dollar.  Additionally the both is decorated with red striped streamers that give it a candy cane look.

Note if you have lost the sense of taste or have no idea what sweetness tastes like, then this song puts it perfectly in a musical analog.

A vexilloid appears when the dog becomes a clown.  

Happy New Year! 

If there is any song in desperate need of a wedding group dance, it is this one. 

Bass Drum Vexilloids - Recognized by Vexillology Today

Like the sail of a ship, the logo on the bass drum is a vexillological badge that marks the presence of a band.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Eve 2014 - Earring Hope Vexilloids

These ear rings also wave like vexilloid.

A lost gem for the ages. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Vexillolid Like item in Scandal's Goodbye to You - 1982

The earring is similar to a vexilloid, such that it flaps and shakes in the wind.  Earrings are usually considered a fashion accessory.  Earrings convey messages and express personal taste and certain life styles. 

Until recently men having pierced ears usually meant one was of certain lifestyle, depending on which ear was pierced.  Nowadays such meaning has been lost.

In the video Goodbye to You by Scandal 1982 Patty Smyth wears earrings of intense size that reflect her intense feeling towards a person in her past.

As 2014 winds down, it is nice to take stock on several of the hard people who taught you well but, luckily you never have to see again, or they are no longer above you to demand anything and have lost their abusive power to influence your life.  Such as crappy landlords, mean neighbors, nutty co-workers, psychotic teachers and bosses.  And of course abusive lovers. 

Also a good song for getting motivated to quit smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, or any number of chronic deleterious habits.  When you get the urge to do it just listen to this song.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Livery and Flags from Disney's Frozen 2013

Hans and Disney hit it again.

Here banner lamp post flags line the streets showing the silhouette of one of the princesses. City bunting pennant flags with livery of green, gold, and purple.

The themes of hiding ones secret powers that go against the grain of what expected are a theme to this story.  Sometimes gifts given to young people are seen as weird or taboo.  But in Disney's Frozen, an Ice Queen is liberated to be herself.

Certainly everyone has personal liberation days,
when you leave a horrible job, move to a new town, or when certain negative people who hold you back are taken away.  In the wake of this change you are able to be free and follow your destiny.

Personal liberation years for me include: 2013, 1994, and 1990.   New happy bosses with good workers, good bye to mean judgmental jerks etc...

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Fraternal Holiday Flag Partners of Kansas and Montana

 For 2014 the Fraternal Flag Pairs of Kansas and Montana were decked out in the Christmas Holiday Spirit.  In particular Kansas was North Polarized.  Instead of a sunflower we now have a poinseita, likewise the heraldic torse/head band has been coloured red and green.  Night has fallen and 34 stars are gleaming in the distance.  The state motto now says "Merry Christmas."  The five buffalo have become sheep while the two Native Americans on horseback have become shepherds with crooks.  Santa's eight reindeer have replaced the eight cattle, likewise the two wagons have been replaced with Santa on a practice run, before take off.  The house by the river has a wreath on its door and red and green Christmas lights glowing on the roof.  Obviously a warm fire in the fireplace that has produced three puffs of smoke.  Instead of the sun peeking over the horizon we see a crescent moon with an Earth glow.  Finally the man plowing in the foreground has been replaced with an elf pushing a wheel barrel full of presents.  Hard to see on the elf is a candy cane badge.

Montana's holiday spirit is more subdued.  But it also displays a cold winter night with snow covering the ground.  The Spanish words for "Oro Y Plata" have been replaced with "Hope & Peace."  Also missing are the miner's tools and plow.  Instead we have three musical instruments: a drum, harp, and trumpet.  The trees have grown super tall and have what looks like white lights.  Although the scene indicates a Christmas theme, it is not explicit.  Perhaps it could be just a cold night with snow on the ends of the branches?  Like in the North Polarized Kansas flag the moon is present but it is full and high in the sky.  Only a few stars are out. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

US Flag in Forrest Gump

On this Thanksgiving Day there are so many things to be thankful for.  In the movie Forrest Gump 1994, the story of one man, Forrest Gump, reflects back the story of America in tale is one to consider.

Several flags appear in dramatic fashion.  Forrest Gump's best friend Bubba looses his life in Vietnam, but Forrest decides to live out Bubba's dream fishing for shrimp.
Here the US flag is on the flying on the shrimp fishing boat Jenny.  Note that Forrest Gump was filmed at the apex of natural colour filming.  Currently as of 2014 movie directors, since the Matrix in 1999, opt to film in a genre of limited colours. Maybe soon they will go back to black and white since natural color movies are out of fashion  
During the anti-war rally in DC, a man with an American Flag shirt stands in awe as Forrest gives a speech about Vietnam.
Here the US flag is in the background next to several other flags, including the US Army flag.