
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Flags of Microscopium the Microscope and Telescopium the Telescope

Microscopium & Telescopium
The Microscope and The Telescope 

For most of written human history, we had no idea of the tiny universe of animals living all around us and in our tears and ears, nor did we understand that the sun is really a star and that others stars are suns.  

But with the invention of the Microscope and Telescope the hidden formerly invisible kingdoms of amazingly small animals and plants became visible.  Likewise the borders of our universe expanded, we would no longer perceive the planets as stars.

We became simultaneously giants and tiny creatures.  Super-giants relative to the animals that live in the drops of morning dew, and paradoxically tiny creatures relative to expanded borders of the known Universe.

"Five stars transformed into Planets that Wondered, and Earth transformed into a Wandering Star. "

So radical was this shift in our perception of reality, we now take it for granted today.  Much of this wonder shift in consciousness was due to our ability to improve our vision by creating 'magical glasses' constructed on sound mathematical principles that exposed these hidden worlds of wonder - the telescope and microscope. 

 The flag of Microscopium the Microscope has  bands of blue, green, and yellow.  Green is the thicker since Microscopium completely crosses all of the 40s Celestial Latitude.  Since The Cosmic Microscope partially fills the 30s and 50s it gets a smaller yellow band and smaller blue band. 
The flag of Telescopium uses the colours of blue and indigo to indicate its visibility along the 50s and 60s degree's celestial latitudes.  Since The Heavenly Telescope does not dominate a band, the centrally placed stripes are present.

By providence these constellations are at one of the Celestial Four Corners, as it is on Earth.  We have the American four corners of Utah-Colorado-Arizona-New Mexico or Canadian four corners of North West Territories-Nunavut-Manitoba-Saskatchewan.

But the Celestial Four Corners are composed of the Microscopium-Sagittarius-Telescopium-Indus.  On our Celestial Globe Microscopium is diametrically opposed to Telescopium as are Utah-to-Arizona or rather North West Territoires-to-Manitoba.  

Triangulum the Right Triangle and Triangulum Australe the Southern Equalateral Triangle

Triangulum and Triangulum Australe
The Right Triangle & Southern Triangle 

Coincidentally there are two constellations dedicated to the triangle.  Sorry no circles, hexagons, rectangles, trapezoids or any other type of shapes need apply.   A rhombus almost made in, but the astronomers couldn't dig the funky four corners, so it was given a pink slip.

So why are triangles so important to astronomers?  Because they are a fundamental shape that allows scientists to calculate distances with shadows and starlight.  Basically all other shapes can be broken down into triangles, which lead to the "Advanced Study of the Triangles" aka Trigonometry.  Long story short, the careful study of triangles allowed mankind to sail around the world.

 The Northern Triangle has its stars in the general shape of Right Triangle.  But it simply goes by the name Triangulum the Triangle.  Triangulum Australe the Southern Triangle is in the general shape of an Equilateral Triangle.   

 Triangulum the Triangulum Australe is the rarest of Constellations as it can be found in one band on the Southern 50 degrees Latitude of the Celestial Globe.  Consequently it only has one colour - indigo.  It is best visible during the July, thus the Cancer sign.  The downward pointing triangle clues us in that it is the Southern Triangle of 50 degrees south.  Lastly since it is embedded in the Milky Way it has a yellow coloured symbols.

The flag Triangulum the Triangle is composed of the colours yellow and orange.  Since the Triangle does not completely dominate a band it has two central overlapping stripes.  Triangle is best viewed during the month of November.  Although it is considered the 'northern' triangle since in the Northern Skies, Triangle is a part of the Southern Galactic Cluster.  Consequently the Astrological icons are green. 

Our solar system is a wacky planet like Uranus.  Our system's planets orbit the Milky Way Black hole at an extreme angle 'out of tilt' with direction of the Milky Way Galaxy. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Flag of the Draco the Dragon and Phoenix the Firebrid - The Dragon and Phoenix

Draco & Phoenix
The Dragon and The Firebird

The next harmonious pair is the mythical Phoenix and Dragon.  Nearly every culture has a legend about dragons and some kind of mystical bird with Magical powers.  Likewise both mystical creatures are associated with fire.  The Dragon Breathes fire while the Phoenix rises from the ashes of a fire.  It is kind of fighting fire with fire.

On one last modest level, both their names in 'English' have silly subs for the initial sounds. Legend has it, if you spell Dragon with a natural J or Phoenix with an F, you'll attract the unwanted attention of angry dragons and territorial phoenixes.

Interestingly both constellations are on opposite teams of our Galactic Disk.  Draco is allied with the Galactic Super Cluster Capitol Galaxy M-87, within Virgo's Golden Grain.  On the other hand, Phoenix is on Andromeda's side with a clear view to our closest Galactic Twin - Andromeda Galaxy.

The flag of the Draco the Dragon is composed of several colours: black, violet, indigo, blue, green, white, red, and navy blue. The colours denote the celestial latitude (Declination).  Since the Dragon passes into the 80 degree celestial polar regions, its time chart is navy blue and it has black stripe up top. 

The flag of Phoenix the Firebird is composed of the colours yellow, green, blue, black, and white.  Since it is best visible during the months of October and November the signs of Libra and Scorpio are present. 
Note that the Dragon and Phoenix is a popular dish in American-Chinese Restaurants.  It is usually composed of chicken and shrimp, most often General Tso's Chicken and Sweet and South Shrimp.  You can imagine the shrimp looking like little water dragons while the chicken is the distant relative of the phoenix.  

The colours indicate the celestial latitude while the zodiac signs tell us the celestial longitude.  The Celestial Sphere is basically the cosmos in a ball.  You have to step outside the universe to understand its dynamics.  It's similar to globe but puts the universe in a sphere. 

Flag of Norma the Set Square and Circinus the Drawing-Compass

 Norma & Circinus
The Set Square and The Drawing-Compass

The names of the Constellations in the Night's Sky are not so random.  An emergent pattern can be discerned when they are put in a certain order like Yin and Yang as in the Eastern Traditions or rather like Eve and Adam as it is in the Western Traditions, respectively.  Note that Yin is to Eve as Adam is to Yang.

The Constellations harmoniously pair up in an uncanny and amazing way.  They illustrate a kind of Cosmic Symmetry that is often found in Masonic Imagery.  In fact there are two constellations dedicated to the two iconic symbols of Free Masonry: the drawing-compass and square level.  Coincidentally both constellations reside in the Milky Way Galaxy and are 'non-partisan' on a Galactic Scale.  Since they are located in the Milky Way their symbols are white sandwiched between yellow astrological symbols.

 The main stars for Norma the Set Square are along its northern borders.  The symbols for Gemini indicate that it is best viewed during the month of June.  Note a good way to remember the Constellation of the Set Square's Greek name is to think of Norm from This Old House, who was a carpenter.  Thus Norm could often be seen using a Norma on PBS. 
 The stars that make up the constellation of Circirnus the Drawing-Compass are best seen during the months of May and June ergo the symbols of Taurus and Gemini. 

Flag of the Corvus the Crow and Columba the Dove

 Corvus & Columba
The Crow and The Dove

This is the first part of the Constellation Flags Series, beginning with Corvus the Crow and Columba the Dove.  The uncanny aspect of the 88 constellations is that they pair up, in a manner like Yin and Yang. 

In this case the Constellations of the Crow and Dove form a special relationship. They were the only non-sacramental animals mentioned on Noah's Ark, and were the key messengers that told Noah that the flood had subsided.  They are symbols of light to dark and mysterious to the mundane.  The crow is dark and mysterious, while the dove is light and mundane.  The temperament of the crow and dove also differ like night and day.  Both are rather common animals, but the bird song of the crow is described as a spine tingling crackle while the Dove speech is thought of as a peaceful coo. 

Constellation Flag of Corvus the Crow

Constellation Flag of Columba the Dove

The flag of Corvus the Crow uses the colours red, orange, and black.  In between the Aries symbol is the Astrological Symbol for Corvus, because it is best visible during April.

The flag of Columba the Dove uses the colours orange, yellow, and green.  Like the flag above the black stars show some of the brightest stars in this Constellation.  The Peace Sign has been chosen as the Astrological Symbol of Columba the Dove. 

Constellation Credits -

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Tie - the fashionable vexilloid

It'd be kinda' odd to wear a flag, but the next best thing is the tie, which traces it's origins to Croatia, or maybe Serbia?  One thing for sure is that ties do not originate from Thailand.  Croatia, like Western Europe, got into the habit of making wearable flags important icons, but flapping flags originally came from the East, just like Serbia's orientation.

So no matter, in this picture we have three American Men in Black ties.  You can't see me, but I'm that imaginary glimmer in my Grandfather's eyes.

These architects are at the drawing board of creating something beautiful, functional, and only to be known to the Kingdom of Men and Above.

Suffice it to say, when things are done the right way with the purest intention - miracles start to happen.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Flags in Reading Rainbow's Melody Sheep Remix

Reading Rainbow is a program on PBS that is dedicated to illustrating the joy of reading.  Starring LeVar Burton, it has created a wealth of joy and interest in reading.

Recently a music video was made cutting up splices from Reading Rainbow with the Melody Sheep program, creating a song that taps on the key virtues expounded on Reading Rainbow.  Instead of reading to be smarter than your rival or passing a test, Reading Rainbow focused on the inherent joy of reading minus the academic holier than thou tone typically strewn from the Dr. Smartypants Establishment.  But you don't have to take my word for it.

Reading really is a kind of magic, that allows any person to enter that transcendent timeless dimension.  It is a kind a time travel.

In the first picture behind LeVar an artistic tapestry of sorts can be seen.  Upon the shield is a design that is reflective of simple heraldic traditions. 

In the second picture, LeVar stands in front of some mini table top flags of the world.  One of the flags looks like the flag of Mali, while the others are harder to make out.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Flags in the Bob Ross Documentary "Bob Ross the Happy Painter" - 2013

Creating pictures is an ancient form of expression and at the end of the 20th century a simple and joy filled technique spread across the world with the calm and precisely controlled brush strokes of Bob Ross. More than just painting pictures Bob Ross gave the viewer a sermon on the joy of creativity.  Ross added a level of sincerity, peace, and heart into the entertainment sphere of television that usually relies on flashy and over the top wackiness to keep the people engaged and entertained.  During the show, Bob Ross would continually encourage the viewer that anyone could do what he did, in his own words he said, "People continually say [to me - Bob Ross]... I don't have the Talent, Bob, to do what You're doing!  [I - Bob Ross say] That's Baloney!  Talent is a pursued interest. In other words... Anything that you're willing to practice...You Can Do."  

In this documentary traditional flags do not appear but rather the recently popular geopolitical national outline flags appear when they explain Ross's rise to global superstar status as seen in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Ireland Accidentally got filled in as a part of the UK
 Bob Ross is not just an American Treasure, rather he is a Global Treasure.  A rise from humble beginnings, even after his passing on July 4, 1995 the joy of this life continues to inspire creativity across the world. 

Even with a professional big budget, errors sometimes slip in.  I myself am not immune to these slip ups, but the producers of the documentary accidentally flagged Ireland as a part of the UK.  I guess they must have had an old map from before 1931.
Senor Ross, Roberto is also a heroic artist to Mexico, the Rich Coast and Columbia.  In this Geographic Flag Map the producers got the flags correct. 

Although Ross may have looked like a hippie, he was in the Air Force for much of his adult life.  He originally grew up in Florida, but being transferred to Alaska when he was 21 made him become the legend that he was destined to be.

What do Iranians, Turks, and Americans have in common that they love to watch?  Answer: "Happy Clouds and Happy Little Trees" as painted by Bob Ross.  Perhaps at the next peace summit we can get our leaders to take 20 minutes to do a landscape painting around Mr. Ararat?  Amazingly Bob Ross's The Joy of Painting was aired and Iran! What a joy indeed.

 Again they goofed on the map, or rather had a happy accident, this time with the Geographic Flag Map of Japan.  They accidentally coloured Sakhalin under the Japanese fold.  It's the northern most island that kinda' looks like fish. I guess they must have used a really old map again since the Southern Half of this island belonged to Japan before WWII?

No matter, the techniques promoted by Bob Ross allowed anyone to easily enjoy and experience the 'Joy of Painting' or rather the 'Joy of Creativity.'  Bob Ross's show was more than just a painting show.  It was kind of medicine, that only charged you a few minutes of your time and attention.  So powerful was his simple, heartfelt love of nature that his passion for painting allowed the various colours of the world to enter a nexus of joy and peaceful creativity.

I, Christopher Maddish, would like to add that everyday you 'Write, Draw, Play, Jump, Laugh, or Imagine' it'll bring happiness to your heart, and to those around you, because you can do it, so do it! 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Old Rwanda Flag in Gorillas in the Mist - 1988

 The old flag of Rwanda appears briefly in Gorillas in the Mist 1988.  It featured the Pan-African 'Traffic Light' colours of red, yellow, and green.  In the middle is a black capital letter R.

 This film and the life lead by Dian Fossey took place long before the tragedy of the Rwanda Genocide in 1994. After that tragedy Rwanda changed their flag.

Fossey's advocacy to protect the Gorillas of the Central Africa also put herself in peril. She also ended her life on a tragic note, as she was murdered in her cabin.

The filming of the movie made something of a fusion movie-documentary as the film locations were the real locations lived and worked by Fossey.  Many of the cabins and huts you see in this movie were lived in by Dian Fossey.

US and Kentucky Flag in Gorillas in the Mist 1988

The US and state flag of Kentucky make a brief cameo in the film Gorillas in the Mist 1988.  Appearing during the introductory sequence when Louis Leakey meets Dian Fossey.  Leakey was a famous after-runner of Charles Darwin.

Louis Leakey like his ancestors from several millennia earlier was born in Africa, specifically in Kenya when it was known as British East Africa on August 7, 1903.  His family originally came to the area as Christian Missionaries, later to discover evidence for the biological inter-connectivity between apes and humans.

Kentucky belongs in the class of US states to parallel to Africa.  Just the southern counties of Kentucky are parallel to Africa, while the northern counties are parallel to Southern Europe.  Coincidentally the two most famous son's of Kentucky: Jefferson Davis was from a county parallel to Africa, but Abraham Lincoln from a county parallel to Europe.  Nonetheless, the Kentucky state flag appears every so briefly in this film.

Note that Caucasoid Humanoids were completely unaware of the existence of Gorillas until after 1847.  Before then these spirits of Central Africa in the European-American mindset were something a kin to Bigfoot or the Lochness Monster.  But this 'myth' was dispelled and one more link in evolutionary theory gained another leg to rest upon.  But note, the people of Africa were aware of these 'Harry Humanoids,' likewise the people of Asia were also aware of the 'Orange Harry Humanoids.' 

Congo Flag in Gorillas in the Mist

 Gorillas in the Mist 1988 is a Hollywood Grand Slam that tells an exciting story, sends a message, educates, and brings it home from far away.  This film tells the true, heroic, tragic and soul stirring story of Dian Fossey from San Francisco, California.   Fossey studied the mountain gorillas of Central Africa.  Her work and dedication to these still endangered cousins of humanity ensured that the world became aware of their perilous situation facing extinction, as caused by the greed and the political war mongering of modern mankind.

The movie has several vexillologically important flags.  When Fossey, played by Sigourney Weaver, arrives in Greater Congo, DR a unique flag representing this nation can be seen at the airport.  It is composed of a central white star on a background of green and black divided vertically in the middle, with the fly being black and the hoist being green. The flag also appears on the right side of a jeep.The best shot of this fictional Democratic Republic of Congo flag also appears during the break out of civil war at the Bugani border.

The subject matter of this movie makes it a great case study for any environmental studies class.

Note that Greater Congo, DR did not use such a flag in its history.  Perhaps the makers of the film chose a unique design for artistic and politically correct purposes?


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Texas Flag in the Dallas Buyers Club - 2013

The American Cowboy may seem like something from fairytale land, but the story of Ron Woodroof shows that the righteous Han Solo smuggler-outlaw is still something of a very real force in America.  Woodroof's story was retold last year by Jean-Marc Vallee with the Focus Feature film of the Dallas Buyers Club.

In the early days of the AIDS crisis fear and homophobia was the prevailing mood of the media and public mind.  In this ugly fear hyped climate the story of Dallas Buyers Club played out in the life of a straight shooting Texan Cowboy who contracted the disease through heterosexual means, Ron Woodroof in 1985.

Woodroof smuggled medicine through unconventional and illegal means from Mexico and brazenly stretched the truth, fearless of the unjust laws of his time.  Of vexillological value are the flags that appear in this work of art that has a highest of high levels of truthiness. Texans love their flags and it appears many times in the film.

 Often the Texas flag can be found a flying next to the Confederate Flag in any kind of Texan Saloon in the South.  Here Matthew McConaughey stars as Ron Woodroof back in 1985.

Even on a mundane medical announcement board you can see the flag of Texas.  The state flag of Texas is one of the most charming and beautiful flags in the Union. 

 Here, Ron fights against the Establishment that wants his Buyers Club out of business.  But Ron's alternative methods surely extended and positively impacted the lives of thousands of HIV patients in Texas during the 1980s.   

Monday, August 4, 2014

US Flag in High Noon - 1952

Gary Cooper stars as Marshall Will Cane the Lone Lawman facing down his Vengeful Evil Foe - High Noon 1952

 In 1952 the US flag made an appearance in one of the classic game changer gems of Hollywood Cinema.  Breaking with tradition can be a risky move, but sometimes it pays off.  More than just a change up on Western Action, High Noon 1952  presents hard moral choices.  Besides adding a layer of depth to a popcorn action genre, it showed a romantic relationship between a strong willed and fiercely independently minded Mexican woman with two white Southern Men.

37 Stars indicates the time period between 1867-1876
Besides a man facing a moral dilemma, so to would a young woman, Amy Flower Kane, played by Grace Kelly.   Amy is a pacifist Quaker, but she has a chance to save her man's life by breaking with her religious standards.  Amy chooses to stand her personal ground and draw lead.  A woman with a gun was taken as offensive to many  men of that era, in an era when it was not socially acceptable for women to wear pants, which was tantamount to cross dressing, until after the 1960s.

Hard it is now to appreciate this type of movie if you are younger than the Baby Boomer Generation, but it was still a smash hit for its hard hitting edgy themes and style.  It was considered one of Ronald Regan's favorite films. 

The debate between war and peace is not a new subject, ever so ancient.  But note this movie was created and released in the middle of the Korean War.

Notice Bonnet Ribbons on Grace Kelly
Subsequently, making such a movie caused a political backlash. So controversial was this film that persons involved in its production were BLACK LISTED by cowardly fearful Hollywood Bosses.  Coincidentally this movie showed the social dilemma between men of honor and men who make excuses.

High Noon puts into sharp focus the two-footer stand on your own two feet philosophy, in contrast to the weak minded cowardly element that often rules men and women in the face of evil. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Flags in Marley and Me - 2008

 Marley and Me 2008 is a film based upon the book written by John Grogan in 2005.  This film is more than just a story about dogs, it is a thematic picture of life that sometimes you get more than what you want, when you let life have its way with you.  Originally Marley is considered a 'bad dog,' but this dog later becomes a celebrity in South Florida and later a household name, thanks to John Grogan who notices that his dog is absolutely a 'Good Dog' and by serendipity, helps launch his career into stratosphere.  

Grogan is originally a young hipster who wanted to become hard nosed news reporter, but in the pursuit of this dream he ends up becoming a famous columnist, and later the dream weaver to a major blockbuster Hollywood film - Marley and Me 2008.

Several flags make appearances in the movie.  The US and Florida State flag appear when Gorgan is about to interview with his proving ground columnist paper, the Sun Sentinel

Additionally several more flags appear in front of the airport just before Gorgan is about to pick up his dog of national destiny - Marley.

Surrey Flags in Marely and Me - 2008

In 2005 a new All American Dog followed the paw prints of Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, and Benji.  However this not so mutty mutt was a grade A pedigreed wonder-puff whose likability was not his talent to do tricks, but his uncanny ability to get into hot water.

Earthy and warm, Marley was a dog that any dog lover could relate to.  

Marley was a virtual Menace the Dennis of Dogs.  But this movie was more than just a canine companion film, it touched on the meaning of life and love without being too sappy or serious.  This movie was seasoned with giggles and comedic situations that were exquisitely prepared by David Frankel.

Of vexillological importance  are the unique surrey pennants that appear on the 'four wheeled family and friends bicycle.'  On the upper awning are two orange pennants whom the surrey belongs to. 
The pennants on the surreys have a red background with a cursive letter B in yellow.

If we ever run out of energy or go 100% green, here is what your future family sedan may look like, the surrey.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Doozer Vexilloids from Fraggle Rock

 The Doozers are a secondary race in the world of Fraggle Rock.  They live mostly oblivious to the Fraggles as humans live oblivious to the bumble bee kingdoms, or the people involved in agriculture. However unlike the bumbee the Doozers actively allow the Fraggles to consume their honey, or rather Doozer sticks. 

Of vexillological importance is the Doozer Hat.  When Doozers reach the age of becoming a worker, they graduate with a revered full of pomp Doozer Hat Ceremony.

Unlike the graduation cap of the square strange silly creatures, which is mostly decorative and symbolic, Doozers receive a scared and fully functional hat that they will use their entire life.

This special yellow hat is worn by all mature worker Doozers.  Not only does it protect them, but assures other Doozers that they are qualified to work on a coveted Doozer construction project.

Perched on top of two floral sacred Doozer Towers are yellow helmets.  This illustrates that the Doozer Hat is more than just a hat, but rather has sacramental quasi-military social rank significance.   

Doozers live symbiotically with Fraggles.  Doozers make elaborate buildings that get consumed by Fraggles.  Apparently the structures are made from radishes mixed with a specially reprocessed potpourri of mysterious materials.

When the crew from Animal Planet's The Jeff Corwin Experience was filming an episode on the fauna of Fraggle Rock, Crowin reported to have seen the Doozers mix a "primordial Doozer gel" with a, "sweet smelling aromatic, glowing Fraggle Poo."  When Corwin was lucky enough to bear witness to this 'magical' event the camera batteries were, unfortunately, all being charged.  Doozer stick formation is still an unknown mystery to scientists across the world.  Coincidentally, this relationship is similar to humans and plants, whereby fertilizers made from excrement of various animals are reconstituted into the plant to make fruits, veggies, and various kinds of lettuce that the humans later eat.

Biologist have classified Doozers as a keystone species in the Fraggle Rock ecosystem.  It is theorized that Doozers are responsible for creating light from various chemical compounds in the rock through an unknown chemo-synthetic process, which results in bio-luminescent Doozer Sticks and other bio-luminescent biological proteins.  Since the Fraggles live in caves devoid of sunlight the source point of energy must be chemosynthesis, instead of photosynthesis, as it is in normal 'Outer Space.'  

The highest of holy architects is standing in between the two holy Doozer towers.  Notice that Art Deco style for the front emblems.

Scepter of the Oldest Fraggle in Fraggle Rock

 Fraggle Rock is a heartwarming series created by Jim Henson.  The series is the zeineth of 1980s puppetry, and stories ran the spectrum of adult to kid's interest.  Sometimes it was like Star-Trek, other times soapy, many times a drama, and often like old MTV.  It was an educational series but so subdued with music and fun, that the stories were more than just stories but ranged into the wholesome fable range. 

In one episode, the oldest Fraggle in the caves holds a scepter.  The finial is made of metal with three prongs that look something like a straight pitchfork.  On the middle prong is a metal sphere. 

Fraggles like humans can sense the mystical and wise sense of sphere.  But Fraggles value dance, play, more than work. 

To the left you can see Red talking to the oldest Fraggle who has the Scepter of the Wisest in his left hand. 

Fraggle Rock was the last of great puppet shows before the advent of CGI.