
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Metropolitan Police Department Flag from - 21 Jump Street 2012

The seminal high school undercover classic television show 21 Jump Street was reboot in an epic comedic post grad high school film, 21 Jump Street 2012.  Sometimes the universe puts together two unlikely heroes.  In this case two men who missed out on their prom are fatefully given a second chance to prom while saving the day.   This movie is part high school drama and part cop show.  In a weird way it is a social commentary on high school life with all its pluses and minuses.  It takes all the judgemental icky suburban social ugliness and turns it upside down with giggles and jokes. 

The flag of the Metropolitan Police can be seen in several scenes.  It is composed of the city logo with a blue background.  Here Ice Cube stars as the chief of the undercover 21 Jump Street Team.  The police building is in an abandoned Korean-American Church, as you can see the stain glass window in the background and a left over cross behind Captain Dickinson.  The movie gives an uplifting message with hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and things can work out, but often in a way you would never have expected.

Hoppy Easter

Friday, April 18, 2014

Flags from Get Low, A True Tall Tale - 2010

Get Low is an old fashioned yarn with a certain kind of charm, in a similar steady pace and tone to Driving Miss Daisy.  It is serious cinema that addresses the issues of guilt, forgiveness, and redemption.  It gets preachy without being all that preachy, it simply lets the story tell itself.

If you can't stand to sit though this movie, then you need eat at the kiddie table, and shouldn't be bossing anybody around. 

A well put together film that packed with nutritious themes.  In another scene the patriotic bunting can be seen on the stage.  The US Flag can be seen in the corner store window.

Carrying guilt effects one and in a serendipitous way connects us to others in ways that only the mysterious chords of history yet to come can unravel and understand.

Have an Extra Good Friday this Friday!



Sunday, April 13, 2014

US Flag in Inception 2010

 The US flag just barley slips in the 2010 seminal movie about dreams.  As the hero enters customs at Los Angeles International Airport, the bottom half of the US flag can be seen - the bottom four stripes. 

Dominick, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, gets clearance from a multinational corporate conglomerate to reenter the United States after inserting an idea into anther persons dream, which is termed 'inception' in this film. 
The architect of the key inception dream world is Ariadne played by Ellen Paige.  When Ariadne passes through customs the badge of the combined US Customs Homeland Security badge can be seen.   

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Flags in Dirty Dancing 1987

Before the occlusion of Dancing with the Stars on the Imagination of the American Public, there was Dirty Dancing twirling in from 1987.  It was the classic retro movie of the early 1960s created in the 1980s.   The soundtrack successfully blended the early sixties with the later eighties dance pop.

A coming of Age Movie in more ways than one, not just for girls but reflective as well for society.  The cultural shift in America from the 1961 to 1969, has never been matched on any magnitude before.
Dirty Dancing addressed serious issues of the heart, family relationships, class structure, and dancing with a distinguished sparkle.  More than just a sermon, it was a second movement to Foot Loose Philosophy, with a dramatic and fairytale charm.

Unique vexillological items of interest include the plastic putting flags of Kellerman's Mountain House retreat, that use the K emblem.  The US flag also appears on the porch workers residence.  The US flag can be seen behind Patrick Swayze's head as he gets into a scuffle with an egoic, mean spirited college boy.

Starring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey, it falls into the Some Where Over the Rainbow Class of movies that include the like of The Wizard of Oz, Back to the Future, Titanic, and Star Wars.  And done with less industrial magic and more with good old fashioned authentic butter and bread theatrical A+ acting. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Flags in the video game Paperboy 1984 by Atari

 Back in the day when video game machines ate quarters, the mall or beach side arcade was the it place in the 1980s.

One of the classic games from that era was Paperboy.  The game playfully parodied normal and weird people in suburbia - break dancers, hobos, angry kids, and wild animals.  The object of the game was to deliver papers.  It also acted as an outlet for neighborhood mischief since you could get extra points for smashing windows or destroying property of non-subscribing customers.
Flags appear on the big wheel kids and remote control cars.  After delivering the papers, a special off road challenge is given.  At the end of the course several little girls are waving blue pennant flags.  Sure it's odd that people would cheer a paperboy, but it was the 80s and so like totally appropriate for this so cheesy and still playful video game.

They should make paperboy mods for the inner city, country, Japan side street, deep south, 1950s version, Russian Paperboy, Simpson's Paperboy, American Dad Paperboy, Beavis and Butthead Paperboy, South Park Paper Boy, That 70's Show Paper Boy, Snoopy and Peanuts Paperboy, Nyan Cat Paper Boy, Disney Paper Boy, Pokemon Paperboy, Ninja Turtles Paperboy, Star Wars Paperboy, Die Hard it'd be so much fun.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Chariklo Flag - 10199 Dwarf Planet

 The flag of Chariklo uses the colours green, black and white.  Chariklo 10199 is the King of Centaurs, but the most unique aspect is that it is has its own ring system.

Discovered February 15, 1997 it is one of the gems of the outer dwarf planets. It orbits in between Saturn and Uranus, crossing over nearer to Uranus.  In the speculative picture below it can be seen flying by Uranus.

The cycle of this minor planet is about 63 years old.  We are thus in Chariklo Age I, and its the second age of Chariklo II in the year 2060.  By that time a bot will certainly visit this amazing gem of the outer solar system.

Astrologically it represent the full emergence of the internet and networking of the world as single virtual city.

Photo Credits:
Chariklo -
, 19:00:00

Image of Uranus: 


Monday, March 24, 2014

First Fraternal Flag Lecture: August 4, 2007 at the Omega Institute for Holisitic Studies - Rhinebeck, NY

The first time that I gave an open public lecture about the Fraternal Flag matching idea was nearly seven years ago.  On August 4, 2007 the generous staff at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck Campus in Upper New York State allowed me to express this idea.

I was excited to give the lecture and it was only afterwards that I realized that this was indeed my first place to talk about this phenomena that is deeply reflective of synchronicity and providence.

It is difficult to make out the flag phenomena from the picture.  It was easier to notice the pattern in person.  It was a perfect day, of sunny and warm in the sun and cool in the shade.

The talk took place at the Movement Studio, and the reception was universally positive.  People were amazed to see the pattern revealed before their eyes. Afterwards we went on a walking meditation, which means to walk without any inner dialogue and allow the space to speak for itself.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Flags in Where is the Love? 2003 - The Black Eyed Peas

 In the official video for Where is the Love? by the Black Eyed Peas a unique flag makes an appearance. The flag has black background in the center is red question mark that is surrounded by a white box.  The flag or appears all throughout the video.  Its purpose is to provoke thought about the state of the world, for the viewer and public. 

Here the Peas Team is riding bikes and the flag can be seen attached to one of the bikes.  The theme of the song is about questioning the media, greed, government, and war. In 2003 the War on Terror kicked into high gear with Iraq War Part II.

The song questions death squads on both ends of the spectrum of society, from the CIA at one end to the other, with street gangs like the Blood and Crips.  Both groups are familiar with summoning the Angel of Death with extreme prejudice but by different protocols, yet the ugly and tragic shroud of sin covers the heart of the executor no matter the justification.    

A large Question Banner is unfurled on what looks like city hall.  Above the question mark banner are smaller US flags. This song is part poem, part prayer, and part wake up call.

Here the Black Eyed Peas are pointing up to show that we are all one community interconnected in one world, and just because other people who are not of our nation or look different, they still deserve a level human respect. Notice the while lion on the jumpsuit with a vexilloid. 


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Other Flags from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989

 Many flags appear in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989 starring Sean Connery and Harrison Ford.  During their interrogation scene several heraldic banners can be seen hanging from the walls of the castle.  It is nearly impossible to distinguish what exactly is upon them but these flags add to the background.

 It looks like this motorboat is registered to Austria.  Flags at the back of the boat or rather rear rudder-engine area are simply known as the rear ensign, which denotes the national registry of the boat - kind'a like a license plate. 

 The flag of this boat is a horizontal tri-bar of black-white-black.  It looks like the colours of Prussia but Prussia was no longer around, at least officially in the 1930s.

The British Red Ensign made an appearance in this movie, during the boat chase. The British Red Ensign has a red field with the regular UK flag in the upper left corner - also known in flag jargon as the canton.

The Kingdom of Italy flag also appears briefly in this picture.  The main difference between the modern Italian Flag and the Kingdom Flag is a coat of arms.  The Kingdom has a white cross on red field with a blue border.

A middle eastern flag with a red eight pointed star trimmed in yellow on a green background. 

Nazi Flags in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989

It seems that the Nazi flag is a permanent fixture on Hollywood sets.  In normal discourse the waving of a Nazi flag is a big no no.

But when used appropriately, it is an essential movie prop.  A prop that probably can't used in high school theater but whenever a WWII film is made it will be put to 'good' use.

In 1989 the Nazi Flag was waved in the faces of the American Public again, and with great profit and ironic humor. During one of the Nazi Propoganda rallies, Dr. Jones accidentally bumps into Hitler and is mistaken as an officer in the SS and gets his autograph. 

  The flags in these scenes are perfect Roman Vexilloids of the modern era.  These types of vexillums keep a flag's face upright and independent of a blowing breeze. This type of flag would be useful indoors, instead of the typical wrinkled hard to identify flag at rest with no wind.  But since Nazi Germany adopted these types of flags, this style of flag has been pushed to the back along with lighter than air airship technology. 

 Of course the swastika is much older symbol than Nazi Germany, it has been negatively tainted in the Western mind with this most harshest and mean spirited political movements of our times.  At least in India and with Buddhism the negative association with this symbol is muted, with a more peaceful and positive association.

Circus Train Flags "Dunn & Duffy Combined Circus" from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 1989

 In the 1980s only two men played the role of Indiana Jones in film - Harrison Ford and River Phoenix.  River Phoenix played Mr. Jones as a young boy and in his first death defying episode on a circus train running at high speeds.

Of vexillological note are the circus advertisement flags flailing in the background.  They are long streamers with swallow tail ends.   The body is mostly an eye catching yellow with a red border.  The flags also announce the name of the circus.

 The grand coincidence is that Indiana Jones movies are much like the modern day circuses that came to town every few years.  It was a great show, but in many cases the modern day action spectacular movie has become nothing more than big stunt show.
 But the difference with Indiana Jones is that a little bit of educational dressing is thrown into the mix so it doesn't just necessarily feel like a monster truck rally.  It mixes history with legend into an exciting and memorable story.  


Friday, March 21, 2014

Walley World Flag - National Lampoon's Vacation 1983

 You can barely see the 'presidential' Walley World Flags at the front of the limo.  Normally national flags are flown in this spot.  But the makers of National Lampoon's Vacation had an eye for detail and made sure limosuine car flags were in the film.
The badge of the Walley World employee can be seen on John Candy's upper right shirt.

Flags in National Lampoon's Vacation - 1983

 In 1983 the Chevy Chase starred in the immortal family vacation film gone horribly and hilariously wrong - National Lampoon's Vacation.  Sometimes vacation can feel like work, and other days work can feel like vacation.  But we have a work of cinematic gold poking fun at all the things that can go wrong. The title card for the movie features a 48 starred American Flag, which was before the entry of Hawaii and Alaska.
 A more unique flag can be seen in the Walley Moosernaut who is holding a silver pennant with two Ws on it that represent Walley World. 
Brightly colored pennants and theme parks go hand in hand.  Flags of this sort covey a festive celebratory attitude.  In the entrance way of Walley World a large red and yellow pennant can be seen.

This film included the teamwork talents of the Everybody's Uncle All American Dream Team: Chevy Chase, Randy Quaid, Harold Ramis, John Candy, and John Hughes. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sochi Olympic Flags

(((under consturction)))

Friday, February 7, 2014

Spinky the Vexi-Cat

Something a little personal, before any blog posts are posted, our cat Spinky edits and censors appropriate material. Behind her head is the canton of stars from the American Flag - the 50 starred version. Spinky likes to fetch, chase her tail, and will stare you down in the eyes without flinching.  She also likes to sing before bed and loves lasers.

Why do we love pets?  In a world full of deception and people who want to sell us stuff, it is nice to see a sentient being that can only be honest and want our love. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Little Pony Michigan Flag by Amazome

A great flag I found while looking for a flag of Michigan, very funny and cute. The green tattoos on the horses are the shape of the state.

 Created by Amazome

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pre-Centennial 1676 American Flag

This flag commemorates the era of time 100 years before the Declaration of Independence.  The patterns of the UK, Sweden, Spain, France, and the Netherlands can be found in this flag. Additionally the colours of the Pan-Africa Flag are present. It only has 12 stripes since only 12 of the original rebel colonies were in existence in 1676. Georgia was yet a twinkle in some English-man's eye.

Imagine traveling back to July 4, 1676?  What a weird and wondrous time.  None of the founding fathers were alive.  However the first cell of Benjamin Franklin was around and patiently waiting since 1667.

This flag honors the hand that the Kings and Queens of France, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Spain who shaped America in her embryonic stage.  And without a doubt there were many Princes and Princess from Africa who were drafted into bondage so that America could find her footing and become a rich and abundant nation.

In 1676 the English Colonies were ruled by Charles the II as the restored King.  The Colonies just passed through the Kingless Decade of the Experimental Republic Commonwealth of 1650-1659, with Oliver Cromwell as the national leader.

The People having trouble with the King, started long before King George the III in 1776.  British Congress (Parliament) had King Charles the II executed for his tyrannical rule.  Note, only a few colonies were around to remember this part of their history.  The Pre-Revolutionary Kingless Phase of Colonial History is almost always skipped over in US Civic Classes as a kind of dirty secret, since the government murdered the King in 1649.

This flag commemorates the ancient colonies lost in the annals of time before 1676: The Swedish-American Colonies, Dutch-American Colonies, Spanish-American Colonies, French-American Colonies, and sweat and blood sacrifice of the African-American pioneers who were drafted by fate to help establish and ensure the stability of America during her infancy.   

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Flags in the documentary "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage" 1980

Carl Sagan starred in a public television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.  It was first broadcast across the nation in 1980.  This thirteen part series explained in simple words the complexity of the universe through the gifted talking talents of Carl Sagan.  This series made Carl Sagan a house hold name and added little bit of rock star magic to the spirit of science.

Flags appear in several scenes, in an episode that explains genetic diversity the red banners of a Japanese Butterfly feudal clan are shown along a beach.

In another part the flag of the Netherlands Kingdom can be seen flying in the background.  Similar to the current flag of the Netherlands, the only difference is that red is replaced by orange.  Yet in an Eastern perspective red and orange is also conceptualized as the same colour.  However the distinction of orange and red is a modern shift made more apparent due to the immigration of Western Ideas.   Easy it is to point out the Western Influence on the East, yet harder it is to notice the Eastern influence on the West.

The US flag sublimely appears as an arm patch on a US astronaut working outside of his or her space vehicle.

This television series was epic on shaping the mind of many a American and non-American, causing them to enter into careers related to science.

The great synchronicity of this series is that it rode along the wake of galactic imagination as a torrent of excitement about space and the future was first stirred with Star WarsCosmos was a second delicious rational whammy for those interested in sci-fi and science.  Both Star Wars and Cosmos had memorable themes that penetrated into the soul with a cosmic forte.  The composition of John Williams was timeless and parallel to generations yet to come and those before, while Vangelis was perpendicular giving away its position with scientific accuracy as a photographic anthem of the 1980s. 

In the big picture Cosmos is a scientific poem that sung upon the graces of objective and rational thinking, with a hidden undertone to respect mother earth or Gaea. 

Cosmos asked us not to take science and technology for granted, and to appreciate the magnificence of technology.  It has put us on the threshold of a great social and mind expanding era unlike anything seen before.  For much care and respect must be taken, for strange days are set before us unlike anything imagined before. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Display of the Fraternal Flag Partner Phenomena - 2007 Doylestown Arts Festival

It was on September 9, 2007 at the Doylestown, Pennsylvania Arts Festival that the general public at large was exposed to my fraternal flag partner concept.

With special permission from the Univest Bicycle Coordinator and renowned cyclist, John Eustice, I was able to hang my flags in pairs on the potted plant street lamps that line the streets of Doylestown, Pennsylvania.  Right in front of my old apartment on Ashland Street are the flags of Ghana and Ethiopia blowing in the background.   

In the upper right hand corner is the so similar pair of Italy and Mexico. People often compare the flag of Ireland to Italy, and its well enough.  But a more harmonious overlap exists between Mexico and Italy.  The only major difference are the national coat of arms on Mexico's flag. 

 It a bit of a challenge to see but on the left side street lamp are my flag pairs hanging on either side of the flower baskets.

The winner of the face was from Italy - Mattia Gavazzi.  I surrendered my Italian flag unto him as a congratulatory gift.


Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug
The flag of Germany and Belgium are Fraternal Partners in the upper left side
If you participated in this race the link to the placing results are here

First Photo of Ghana & Ethiopia


Link to the Doylestown Arts Festival Organizers

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Boo Boo Village - So That Other's May Party Flag

The Boo Boo Village flag was recently sent to me by a reader.  The flag is a play on a child's choice word for a physical injury - boo boo.  This flag belongs to a first aid group that helps people at social events. 

This flag was made by Nurse Obi Wan. Since this group operates under a First Aid setting, the Republic star is replaced by a Red Cross. Boo Boo Bear has a copyright tag to keep Warner Bros a little happier.  The bear is a symbol of strength, healing and family, which is what the medical teams strive for when serving festival communities. The motto is "So That Others May Party" which makes up the acronym S.T.O.M.P.

All the medics camp around the venue.  Allowing Boo Boo Village to be close at hand and support the participants and each other.  Generally they have their own cooking area, to dismis worries about any unwanted chemicals.  Boo Boo Village is a very real community of healing and hope.  So if you get a boo boo at a festival, look for the Boo Boo Village flag waving in the distance, they will help you! 

This blog post was co-written by me and Nurse Obi Wan.  If you have any flag ideas please send it to me!  I'll post it when I get the chance.