
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Astrological Royal VI - East meets Wests Gemini & the Monkey

It is obvious to some that there is a peculiar alignment with the Eastern and Western Zodiac.  It is obvious for a few signs like Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio.  Since they harmoniously match with the Tiger, Ox, and Snake respectively. But the other half of the Zodiac is not so apparent.  Otherwise more people would have noticed by now. 

Gemini's East-West Astrological partner is with the Year of the Monkey.  So what this means on average one out of every twelve Geminis become an Astrological Royal when they are born during the Year of the Monkey.

So why does the Monkey make great Astrological harmony with Gemini?  Twins and monkeys are special.  Out of all the animal kingdoms in the world there is one so close - the Monkey Kingdom. Think about it, we humans like to put labels on things and out of all the known animals which is most like man?  Or rather which animal is man most like?  

The monkey has one foot in the kingdom of man and one foot in the animal kingdom.   It wants to be like man, but yet the monkey is free to be wild like the other animals. 

On the other hand twins are quasi-magical beings.  Their form hints at a higher order of spiritual things.  Twins often have a psychic or uncanny connection with each other.  On top of that Siamese Twins have an even more magical tone since they have two spirits in one body. 

Twins and the manlike animals offer us unique glimpses into the higher dimensions of nature.  The universe is a strange place and out of all the animals and types of people to walk this earth - monkeys and twins can make us pause and ponder about our place in the order of the Universe.

Of famous now living Gemini Royals - in the NBA we have Udonis Haslem and Harrison Barnes. Other famous Gemini Royals include Kate Upton, Val Valentino, Doug Mackenzie, and Rob Zabrecky.  The great soulfully singing Gemini Royals Twins include Patti Labelle and Gladys Knight.  And you can also add Latoya Jackon to the list.

By cosmic coincidence a Gemini Royal was a part of the US Gemini Space Program - David Scott - who was born a Gemini and during the Year of the Monkey.  David Scott was the astronaut who performed the most famous experiment, thought up by Galileo, with the falling feather and hammer experiment. Finally the original creator of James Bond - Ian Fleming is also a Gemini Royal.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Astrological Royal V - East meets West The Ram and the Sheep

 Aries Royal?  What in the world is that!?  How does Aries become 'Royal.'  And Why?

There are two main Zodiacs known to the people of Earth.  One originates in the East in China and the other originates in the West with Rome.  Luckily they are calibrated differently so that each person can have two 'Zodiac Signs' - a Western and Eastern.  But every so often the signs match in high harmony.  Other examples include the Tiger-Leo, Ox-Taurus, and Horse-Sagittarius.  Each sign has special partner that makes greater than the others great harmony - and this is an Astrological Royal

Thus the high harmony partner of Aries is the Sheep.  Thus Aries the Ram from the Western Zodiac matches with excellence to the Year of the Sheep from the Eastern Zodiac.* 

Famous Aries Royals include: Heath Ledger, Clare Danes, Moses Malone, Brittany Spears' little sister Jamie Spears, and Kourtney Kardasian. Perhaps the most famous Aries Royals are 'Kirk' and 'Spock' aka Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner.

* But a little more later on the sheep-vs-goat dichotomy.

Flag Day 2013 - Presenting The Martha Washington Flag

 Before the Stars and Stripes were chosen as the flag of the United States on that relatively mundane day of June 14, 1777 many a rebel flag were already flying for the Patriot Cause. The Pine Tree Appeal to Heaven Flag was relatively popular as was the Gadsden Rattlesnake Design.  Although the Gadsden name is attached to the popular yellow rattle snake flag, note that this design originates out of the mind of Benjamin Franklin.  Perhaps a name change is in order, since using a rattlesnake to represent the colonies was originally Benjamin Franklin's idea?  

 One of the popular designs was the horizontal or sometimes vertical Rebel Stripe Flags.  No doubt there were other designs that came to be, but were eventually lost in the sands of time.  But one design has been recovered.  It was mistakenly identified as a British Ensign.  

Like the legend of Betsy Ross there is an air of mystique on the story of its nebulous genesis.  It was definitely generated during the American Revolution sometime before 1777, and most likely by an American Patriot.  All evidence points to John Hewson - the Paul Revere of Philadelphia.  Or rather Paul Revere is the John Hewson of Boston?  The story behind the flag - which can not be wholly determined - involves the first first lady - Martha Washington.  Apparently it seems that Mrs. Washington visited Mr. Hewson at his calico print shop in Philadelphia and requested a special handkerchief that was to honor her husband, then the Commander and Chief.  

In the four corners are four flags - three are familiar and one is mystery. The three familiar flags are the Don't Tread On ("Upon" in this Case) Me Gadsden Flag, Appeal to Heaven Pine Tree Flag, and the 13 Son's of Liberty Rebel Stripes.  The fourth flag, in a general sense, is most like the official modern flag since it has a canton and a field.  But the field is solid and in the canton is a 'star burst' of 13 rays (with 12 spaces).  It looks like the Japanese Rising Sun Flag but without the sun and less a few rays. 

We do not know for sure if Martha Washington did indeed request the commission of this handkerchief at John Hewson's calico printing yard in North Philadelphia.  Unfortunately Mr. Hewson's printing yard was destroyed when the British Occupied Philadelphia.  

Nonetheless this handkerchief was made to honor George Washington as the "Foundator and Protector of America's Independency and Liberty."  The flags in the four corners were intended to be ensigns that represented the united cause of the 13 Rebel Colonies of United States of America.  The four flags were essentially 'de facto' flags of the United States before the adoption of the official stars and stripes.  

 Notice the 13 Rays in the Canton
Printed by John Hewson 1775-1777?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Astrological Royal IV - East meets West, Scorpio & the Snake

 Two signs from the East and West deliver a toxin that can help or hurt.  People born under Scorpio and the Snake have a double knifed edge.  One out of 12 Scorpios has this special enchantment, or rather one out of 12 Snakes. Most people are familiar with the intuitive sting that a scorpion can give, but snakes are rather upfront with their delivery of aggression. It's a good idea not to get on the wrong side of Scorpio Royal - since they can deliver a sting from their top and bottom Chakra.

 The sting of a scorpion or bite of the snake may do harm, but sometimes the sting dose more good than harm in the bigger picture.  In one story, a woman was on vacation in Thailand. During her jungle walk she was bitten by bright red, yellow and black viper.  She ended up hospitalized for two weeks, she lost her precious little left pinky toe, missed her flight home, and her wedding.  However the flight she was originally booked upon, crashed and had no survivors.

But she now lives happily married with her husband and two sons. She later got a tattoo like the snake that bit her on her forearm as a reminder, that sometimes bad situations can be graceful blessings in disguise. She now lives happily married with her husband and two sons. She is eternally grateful for that snake bite that ruined her trip, twelve hours of great pain, and overlooks the loss of her precious little toe.  Essentially this is the "Sting of the Scorpion"or rather the "Kiss of the Cobra."

Famous Scorpio Royals include NBA star Kenneth Faried, Country Music star Josh Turner, ESPN Sports Center talent Lindsay Czarniak, Aviation Aviatrixi Louise Thaden, Jacqueline Auriol.  Hard kick ass fighter Scorpio Royals include Demian Maia and Josh Barnett.

Since 2013 is the Year of the Snake, the next generation of Scorpio Royals will be born on October 23, 2013 unto November 22, 2013. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Flags in the Cake Song "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" 2001

 The California Flag appears in the music video Short Skirt/Long Jacket by Cake 2001.  While Ren-Wang Loi listens to the song the flag of California can be seen in the background.

This video heralds the future of the 21st century with a focus on the perspective of the masses, as is the case with Youtube, Facebook and the Internet.  People with negative, mixed, and positive reviews of the song are given airtime. The reviewers of the song are the stars of the official video.  The reviews engage the camera with a special kind of honesty that flies into your face.

It looks like there are some commercial flags flying in the background by PIER 39. The people oddly speak more with their body than their lips.


Here an elderly man is wearing a button with a pink flag on it.  It is nearly impossible to make it out.  If you know please let me know.


Astrological Royal III - East meets West Sagittarius & the Horse

 Once ever generation of Sagittariuses, during one moon, a special group of Sagittariuses gets blessed by becoming an Astrological Royal.  An Astrological Royal occurs when the Eastern and Western Zodiacs align.  In this case it is the match of the Year of the Horse with the sign of Sagittarius.

Famous Sagittariuses Royal include: Clay Aiken, Rita Ora, Jimmy Hendrix, Hu Jintao, Teyana Taylor, Jimmy Rollins and Chase Utley.  For basketball we have Avery Bradley and Jason Collins and his twin brother Jarron Collins. Dick Butkus is also a Sagittarius Royal. The boxer Manny Pacquiao also known as the Pac-man is a part of this group. Ray Liotta, Joel Cohen, and Bruce Hornsby are also Sagittarius Royals. They have an uncanny aim and ability to hit their mark.  Finally Jack Hobbs the 'Babe Ruth' of Cricket is the epitome of a Sagittarius Royal. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Astrological Royal II - East meets West Leo and the Tiger

 The Year of the Tiger and Sign of Leo match harmoniously.  Every 12 years during the year of the Tiger a special alignment between Eastern and Western Zodiacs occurs, when they are in conjunction.  In this case the Tiger matches with Leo - making it an Astrological Royal.

Amazingly cross bred tigers and lions do exist.  Tiglons or Ligers are real animals, almost like something out of mythology, and mostly a product of mans tinkering.   The Leo Royal has traits of Leo and Tiger wrapped up into one. 

Famous Leo-Tigers or Leo Royals include: Peter Jennings, Tony Bennet, and Kenny Rogers Wesley Snipes, Steve Carell, Fidel Castro, Jiang Zemin, Hillary Swank, Patrick Ewing, Roger Clemens, and Princess Anne.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Astrological Royal I - Taurus & the Ox

As East meets West it is important to notice that there is kind of special harmony between the two Zodiacs.

For every sign there is a special sign that aligns in great harmony - making it an Astrological Royal.  In this case the most obvious Royal Sign belongs to people born during the Year of the Bull and under Taurus - making one a Taurus Royal.

People born under the matching Royal Houses of the East and West by being both a Taurus and an Ox include: Malcom X, Dennis Rodman, Enya, Jessica Lange, Tori Spelling, Yogi Berra, George Clooney, and Jack Nicholson.

Perhaps the most infamous Taurus Royal was Hitler - he was born under Taurus and during the Year of Ox.  But on a more positive note Star Trek's original helmsman played by George Takei is a Taurus Royal - Sulu!

You are a Taurus Royal if you were born during the month of Taurus AND in 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1960, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.  The next group of Taurus Royals will be born in late April to mid-May in 2021, 2033, 2045, 2057, 2069, 2081, 2093, and 2105.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Flag of Pisces the Fish

The Pisces Flag is a counterchange design, like Yin and Yang.  It uses the colours blue and sea-green which is reflective of saline and fresh water fishes.  The Pisces symbol is reflective of that dualistic need for harmony between male and female energies. 

Flag of Aquarius the Water Bearer or Waiter/Waitress

Did you ever pour water for somebody else and get paid for it?  Well then, you have walked in the footsteps of Aquarius.   The flag of Aquarius uses three colours: black, indigo, and navy blue. 

Flag of Capricorn the Seagoat or Goat

Capricorn's flag is a basic design of the astrological symbol in white on black.  Is Capricorn a plain old goat or mythical Seagoat? Perhaps its both?  Maybe a Mermaid-Goat?  When it's feet touch seawater its lower half becomes fish like, as it does with the mermaid?  Which do you like better: Gmermoat, Mermoat, Goatiad, Gomermaid, or Gomermoat?  Can you think of any other 'labels'?

Flag of Sagittarius the Centaur-Archer

The Sagittarius Flag is divided in half at an angle, also known as a sinister bend.  The dividing line follows the arrow which is pointing upwards towards the fly. The colours of the flag are black, violet, and purple.  The 'upper hoist' half is violet, while the 'lower fly' half is purple.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Flag of Scorpio the Scorpion

The flag of Scorpio the Scorpion uses the colours burgundy-wine red, regular red, and black.

Flag of Libra the Balance Scales

The flag of Libra uses the colours soft lime green, pink, indigo and black. The pink and indigo stripes represent a balance between opposites since red and blue form the beginning and ending of color spectrum.  They are given a lighter pastel shading which represents a delicate balance.  Likewise they reflect the balance between male and female energies - pink representing feminine energy and blue representing male energy. 

Since there are new 'planetary bodies' in our local solar system, Libra can finally get her own heavenly body.  The best match is with the dwarf planet Vesta. 

Flag of Virgo the Virgin

The flag of Virgo the Virgin is divided in the four quadrants.  The colours green, navy blue, brown, white and purple are used.

Since new planetary bodies have been awoken to the human mind, Virgo can finally get her own 'planetary body.'  In this case the dwarf planet Ceres is the new welcome planetary ruler for Virgo.  Now Gemini can have Mercury all to themselves. 

Flag of Leo the Lion

The flag of Leo the Lion is composed of the colours orange, yellow, and black.  Upon the central orange disc which represents the sun is the astrological symbol for Leo. The central orange disc represents the Sun and the rhombus represents the four directions upon with the sun casts its shadows unto the four corners of the Earth.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Flag for Gemini the Twins

The flag for Gemini the Twins uses the colours yellow and white, with the symbol in black.  The white stripes also echo a notion of the twinning phenomena found in nature and science. Gemini is an air sign whose modern elemental is a union of 80 united protons - whose unique configuration causes metal to run like water.

The Gemini Flag is predominantly yellow, since yellow is the middle color in between red and blue, of the rainbow.  Gemini's are associated the ambiguous middle.

Does a Siamese Twin with two heads have two souls in one body, or one soul expressed though two bodies, or two souls with two bodies merging?  If this Siamese Twin is has one body then if she has a child does the child have one mother or two?Ambiguous indeed.

An interesting fact is that several of the US Gemini Astronauts were coincidentally also born under Gemini - David S. Scott, James McDivitt, and Pete Conrad.

Flag for Cancer to Crab

The flag for Cancer the Crab uses the colours blue and white with its symbol in black. The circular disc represents the moon and blue represents the sea.  The symbol for cancer is reflective of the Yin and Yang symbol, whose associations reflect the changes of lunar light.  

The energy of the moon is reflective of the Omega Energy.  What is Omega Energy?  Of all the wolves to howl at the moon, it is the weakest and most humble of the pack, the omega wolf, whose heart filled cries unto the night, can pierce the human heart with the deepest of intensities. 

The last person of the Apollo missions to walk on the moon was as arranged by fate born a cancer, thus the last or Omega Moonwalker was Harrison Schmitt

Flag for Taurus the Bull

The flag of Taurus the Bull uses pink and a pastel blue upon a black symbol. 

Flag for Aries the Ram

The colours of Aries the Ram flag uses red and black. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Flag of Svalbard

A flag for Svalbard?  Svalbard is a part of Norway. But Svalbard is partially in league of the New World, since it was permanently awoken to the Western World long after the discovery of the Americas.  In fact it was, in a Christopher Columbus sense, discovered by the Dutch - Willem Barentz in 1596.  The ancient Norse people had a foggy grasp of this island but couldn't hold on to its discovery until after the Dutch put it on the map.  Eventually all the northern nations of Europe had at one time or another set up camp - Russia, Germany, Norway, and the UK. Svalbard was under intense Soviet Colonization, which has subsequently faded.

But it wasn't until after WWI that this diverse Isle of Northern Europe was attached to Norway.  Thus this flag is based upon the flag of Norway but with the blue and white colors in an opposite position. The pattern of Russia's flag is also included to a lesser extent.  as the pattern of white, blue, and red can accidentally be discerned.

Photo Credit: Per Harald Olsen – User Perhols on no.wikipedia, Nordspissen av Prins Karls Forland, Svalbard

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Toy Gun Bang! Flag

One of the oldest gags features a flag - the "BANG!" flag gun gag.  A classic joke that is a staple in cartoons.  There is no standard "BANG!" flag but one of the more popular flags features a red background with BANG! written on it in black upon a shattered glass field of white in the center.

This post is dedicated to that US Marine who lost his limbs in the Middle East and refused to let go of his sense of humor no matter what. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

When It's Love Flag - Van Halen 1992

Mr. Hagar with cool flag!  Remember the Love is Always

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Six Flags Logo updated with Seven Flags

The more historically accurate updated logo for Six Flags which includes a seventh blue flag to represent the Republic of the Rio Grande.  The other six flags represent: France, Spain, Mexico, Texas, the Confederacy, and the United States.

 Board this summer?  Nothing to this link!

Republic of the Rio Grande Flag - the Seventh Flag over Texas

 You have probably heard of the Six Flags over Texas?  But there was also a seventh flag - The Republic of the Rio Grande.  In 1840 several Mexican States attempted to follow Texas and break away from Mexico.  Caohuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas.  For most of 1840, they attempted to follow in the footsteps of Texas, but failed.

The capital was located at Loredo Texas. 
And the president was Jesus de Cardenas.  They pleaded with the then Republic of Texas for aid, but none came.  Texas just wasn't ready for a second round with Mexico.  Texas would have to wait another seven years until 1846.

Some people think the flag may have been green instead of black?  Nonetheless it was a distinct rebel nation to fly over Texas.  It is older than the Confederate flag in any edition, and like the Confederacy a forlorn dream lost unto the ages.  Gracefully an echo of this fallen nation has been conserved as the city flag of modern Loredo, Texas. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Flag of Silesia - A future nation in Europe in the 21st Century?

Silesia is historically a region in between Poland and the former Czechoslovakia.  Many Silesians count themselves as a separate ethnic and are officially the largest minority in Poland.  A few have even called for independence or at least autonomy.  Maybe in our lifetime Silesia will join the ranks as a new nation in Europe?

Of vexillological importance is the 'Silesian Flag,' more than just a regional flag it is regarded in some manner as a national aspirant flag.  The flag is divided in the middle horizontally with yellow up top and blue on the bottom.  In the center is a coat of arms, it bears a striking resemblance to the Ukrainian Flag, or rather the Ukranian Flag looks like the Silesian "Nationalist" Flag.

For the past five years in July Silesian patriots in Katowice, Poland march for more autonomy.  Additionally it is sometimes accompanied by a quasi-Rebel American-like-Silesian flag that has a Confederate Flag design but uses Silesian colours.

image credits

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Flags from In My Book of Dreams - by Susanne Vega 1990

The transition of the cheeto-puff 80s into the artsy mod like 90s of American Culture hits a high note, when books stores and coffee shops were fully adopted in an American Style.  Welcome to the 1990s where American bucks began to flow to Starbucks and noble book stores were barn houses of dreams, email was it and the internet was young.

A green masthead pennant appears on the sailboat of imagination of Susanne Vega's ship of imagination. Also visible is a pennant hat streamer, apparently she registered her ship in Germany.

The opening theme of this decade - 1990s - just swirls around the melodic star of Vega, Susan. 

Mailbox Flag from the song, And She Was - The Talking Heads 1985

Heavy on the art in the 1980s is the melody by the Talking Heads - And She Was 1985.  The video is in a league of its own beyond the glamor of "focus on the artists playing instruments."  Rather the video gives a surreal concrete meaning to an ethereal open ended subject - which could be a dream, thought, or push at some other view of perception.

It is a an echo of the 60s in the 80s versus domestic housewife of the 50s.

The Safety Dance Flags - Men with out Hats 1982? just Just DNACE!

 Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance, life without dance is no life.  Like a fool, imbelicl, itdot, hopping, joy, fun and the like tis what you needing to do all to dance, forget out being in time or tiempo all you have to do it let loose and lit a little we force of the heart to go never mind nthe skepplling erross, you'll gtet pst it in time!

OK not fn dDANCE!!!!

A marker birght redlike marker showz the way of the Safety Dance.  Danceee, never mind the mistep or sleilling .   There are know rules to dancing/

thishs is skeihy board dancihgngsn o kdance dkwotjh key dkrogb. (dancing keyboard) key board likes to damnclke!!!

 Follow the heart never mind the mind it dones not know how to dncna1

I love to snacdce and you cant stop me i love to dance you love to dance we can dance never stop dancin e il like dance dance with ginfer, dance with cat, dance with eye, dance wtih toung, dance with foot, dance with dadi n muthere, dance with eenmy, and most most dance with lover!!!

BE safe and make good feet happio.


Note the red stremers on the poles as chuth things are thee vexiloodi.


Convenient Store Sales Pennants - Smashing Pumpkins, Perfect 1998

Stores often decorate their interior with coloufrul sales streamer pennants as a way to excite the customer for happy sales.  In 1998 the video of Perfect by the Smashing Pumpkins had'em.  

This video illustrates the magical pull of souls who cross paths on heavy issues of life, death, and romance.  The almost infinite timing of tragic events seem so apparent in a random order of things, which make perfect sense in hindsight.  In the wake of regretful hope, a song of alternate hopes give comfort.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Vexilloids is Siouxsie and the Banshees Video - Kiss them for Me 1991

 East meeting West is nothing new, since Marco Polo and Columbus.  Here Siouxsie and the Banshees weaves a hypnotic East-West song from 1991 - Kiss Them For Me.

Here the hand of a Hindu Diety holds some object of importance.
It looks like a man is holding a way flag on the left side of the picture near the background on the horizon.

Bye bye cheesy and fun 80s and here we go serious romantic art 90s.

Emblem of the Shadowy Fear Mongering Controller - Sam Phillips, Baby I Can't Please You 1994

In the song Baby I Can't Please You 1994 by Sam Philips the police or national arms of a shadowy unknown organization controls another spy who is spying on Sam Philips. It is hard to make out the arms but a bird seems to be in the emblem.  To truly grasp the meaning of the song just watch it below.  Fear is a healthy element, but in high doses is lethal.

In the video Sam turns to the East and dances away the paranoia and fear with dance, poetry and song.

Dream Police Badge - Cheap Trick 1979

The Dream Police originate out of Illinois from a musical ensemble known as Cheap Trick.  Dreaming is serious business that no market has been able to control or dominate.  Luckily the dream dimension is out of control of human hands.

Although in the waking world most humans put more value on commercials than their own dreams, someday the balance will shift back - to when dreams will be more important that commercials at least in the Western World. 

The badge of the dream police is black and in the center is a white star.

Dream Police?  Maybe not now, but surely some day? In the early days of the music video artists made extra efforts to give the song another dimension, to an almost cinematic quality of life with dialogue and plot mixed with the traditional media of jamming and focus on the me making the noise.

A somewhat timeless song underlined with a subtle orchestra.  The Dream Police live on inside of our heads, or at least some of us.