
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Flags in Starship Troopers 1997

 Starship Troopers 1997 is a sci-fi allegory on war.  It is set in the distant future where mankind is fighting an alien bug civilization.  Although the director tired to make an anti-war film, it almost by accident glorifies military service.

Oddly in many ways this film would coincidentally predict the wars in the Middle East, especially in the Second Iraqi War. 

The flag of the Earth's Military uses the colors green, blue, and white and has a white eagle on the blue circle.

Here, capture the flag as it is now an important military strategy game.  In this version a blue team competes against a red team in traditional CRIPS-vs-BLOODS fashion.

In many ways bugs are the opposite, biologically speaking species of humans.  Basically there are two major factions competing for survival on planet Earth.  Creatures that form mouth first (mostly bugs and their like) and creatures that form anus first (mostly vertebrates like us with a backbone).  Such a dynamic shows that there is a non-natural random element in evolution.  Because only creatures with backbones form butt-hole first like ourselves, while the earthlings with outside-exoskeletons only have mouth first organisms. 

In other words, if Nature were truly random, you'd think a few butt-first embryonic animals with exoskeletons would have evolved, just as there would have been a few mouth first organisms with backbones?  This phenomena gives evidence to the idea that the evolutionary process is not necessarily so random. (You really have to be a biologist to understand what I'm talking about) There are a few exceptions but because of a so called random effect of evolution, there should be more diversity. 

 The flag of the Mobile Infantry has the same pattern of the general military but uses different colours - red, yellow, white, and black. Also the name of the Mobile Infantry is shown.

The Mobile Infantry flag in the in background of the co-ed barracks.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Flags in Julia Juila 2009 Movie

BLOGGING?  Putting your thoughts out there?  You aint seen nuthin yet!

Several flags appear in the film Julia Julia 2009 written and directed by Nora Ephron.  The story centers on a young thirty something who pioneers blogging with therapy.

All writers and rabid readers know of that transcendent space that books open up.  This movie hints at the amazing writing space of the Internet that brings this transcendency to new levels joy.  This movie is like a real life Back to the Future but for cooking and blogging in America.

Julia Powell is the heroine of the story who finds comfort and release in cooking.  Julia become enchanted with Julia Child and mixes blogging with cooking into a personal challenge, that leads to her fame.  She was onto the Super Size Me mantra before Super Size Me. Eventually she is able to revive interest of American cooking icon, Julia Child, and finds the inner light to success at the backdrop of the NYC World Trade Center tragedy of 9/11.

Here Julia Powell allows the inner passion to rule her heart and life.  In this scene she dresses up like Julia Child for her birthday.  The name badges are recycled in this scene.  If you have enough passion, enthusiasm, and the right frame of mind - anything is possible. Make believe is not just for kids, the people who get really good at 'make believe' become movie stars!

The flag of France appears during the French-US embassy party.  Here Julia Child learns to ham it up to get what she wants when she is confronted with national prejudice from a French Cooking instructor.

The 1950s were a conservative time for America and more in many ways for Europe as well.  Nonetheless Julia challenged herself to become something more and enhanced the way Americans prepare and appreciate food.    
The movie touches on political issues, challenges of the starving artist, and acts as a cheerleader for all dreamers - exuding the mantra of never giving up hope. It also gives credit to the unsung heroes and husbands who support their other halves.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Flag of Lake Biwa - the largest lake in Japan

Lake Biwa in Japan is the largest lake of the Japanese archipelago. It is located wholly in Shiga Prefecture next to Kyoto.  The flag is has the red sun of Japan but on a blue background with four white stripes that can be found a Biwa which is a Japanese Lute.

Flag of the White Sea

The White Sea is due north of the Black Sea.  It is a private national sea of Russia and its north shore composes the often ignored eastern peninsula of Scandinavia.

The flag is based upon a fusion of the Russian Flag with Scandinavian design.  You can see the pattern of Russia's national flag on the right-fly side of the Scandinavian Cross.  On the left hoist side the colours are reversed to give the flag distinction.

Photo Credit: ar2rtos Кандалакшский залив
Страница автора на 2008/03/11

Friday, May 10, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Miscellaneous Flags from Ghostbusters 1984

 The city flag of Chicago Illinois appears in the movie Ghostbuters 1984.  When the Ghostbusters get thrown in jail, they discuss the strange architecture of the building where Dana Barrett lives.  The other inmates listen in on their conversation and one inmate has a leather jacket with the city flag of Chicago on his right shoulder.

 In the mayor's office little police marker flags can be seen all over a map of NYC.  They seem to pinpoint the activity of supernatural-ghost activity.
During a montage a yellow flag can be seen in a typically NYC alleyway.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Washington Prepares for a Celebration on Cinco de Mayo para el Seis de Mayo

It was on a Cinco de Mayo that George Washington planed for a celebration in honor of France since they had decided to assist the United States in her effort for independence.  In an exceedingly grateful mood Washington wrote on the Cinco de Mayo in 1778:

 "...upon a signal given, the whole Army will Huzza! "Long Live the King of France." The Artillery then begins again and fires thirteen rounds, this will be succeeded by a second general discharge of the Musquetry in a tuning fire. Huzza! "And long live the friendly European Powers." Then the last discharge of thirteen Pieces of Artillery will be given, followed by a General tuning fire and Huzza! "To the American States."

Without the aide of France to the rebelling 13 colonies, the prospects for independence were gloom.  The rebel alliance with France was the ray of hope that paved the way for American Freedom.  Up until the Spring of 1778 for three long years the US was proving to itself and to the world that it was serious about becoming an independent entity from the United Kingdom.

The rebel alliance with France was signed February 6, 1778 but this was way before the internet.  Thus it took several months for official news to hit Washington.  And the good news of 'divine intercession' was revealed to Washington on the Cinco de Mayo.

The irony is that today Cinco de Mayo has become a US drinking festival observing Mexico's battle victory over France in 1862 in Puebla.  But Cinco de Mayo is also the date when the US managed to launch the first American in to space - Alan Shepard on Cinco de Mayo 1961.   However, as of today the most important event in the American Media for Cinco de Mayo is to mention and celebrate a foreign nation's battle victory over France, mostly as another excuse to drink lime flavored fungal excrement. Yet on the Cinco de Mayo of 1778, General Washington was elated and excited to hear that France and several other European powers were going to assist the rebel provinces of America.

Oddly Cinco de Mayo has become an American celebration of France's humiliation at the hands of Mexico, yet it was on this date that Washington's prayers were answered thanks to France. 

See the original Documents Here at the US Library of Congress

The Beret Streamer - The Stay Puft Marshmallow Hat, Ghostbusters 1984

An unusual type of vexilloid can be found in the Ghostbusters 1984 movie - the beret streamer.  This beret streamer may be the most famous of beret streamers known to the world. 
We are introduced subliminally to Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man when the eggs get possessed by demonic spirits and cook themselves.
On the side of one of the buildings by the Ghostbusters firehouse is mural-ad of the Stay-Puft Marshmallows. 
Here Gozer the Gozarian takes the form of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.  Dangling from his right side is a vexilloid - a red streamer.

Side view of the swallow tail red hat streamer. This is the clearest view this vexillologically appropriate piece of cloth, that functions as fashionable device.

Antarctica Territorial Divide Flag

This is a flag for the territorial division of Antarctica.  The dividing lines are according to the various continents.  The Orange Sector is reserved for the nations in the American Hemisphere from Canada to Chile, the Lime Green Sector is reserved for the nations of Europe, Africa and Western Asia.  Finally the Magenta Sector is reserved for the nations of Asia and Oceania.  The central white portion is the polar reserve that is unassigned to be used cooperatively for Antarctica. Note the islands of Antarctica are not included in this division.

These divides follow the natural divisions of Antarctica which are basically aligned to the particular time zones of a particular nation.

Lake Tahoe Flag

The flag for Lake Tahoe combines elements of the California and Nevada state flags.  Both have stars in near the upper hoist.  Since most of Lake Tahoe under California's state border the red star is dominant to the silver star of Nevada.  Additionally Nevada's silver star is recessive and upside down when compared to California's star.  The upper portion is blue that is taken from the Nevada's flag.  The lower portion is white which is taken from California's flag.  The middle red stripe is a modified version of bottom stripe of California's flag but place in middle rather than along the bottom.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Original Star Wars Vexilloid from 1977 - The Guardian Pole Stick

In the award ceremony for Han, Luke and Chewbacca a vexilloid appears in the hands of the guardsman at the entrance of the hall.  The vexilloid is a long stick with a metal top.  It fills the proper space of a flag or staff in a regal fashion. Its long size indicates it probably has a ceremonial function rather than use as a weapon.  More than likely, it lights up in the dark and may have the ability to produce holographic flags and insignia.  Nonetheless its imposing larger than life size marks it as a vexilloid. 

Rebel Alliance Insignia - Star Wars 1977

No flags appear in clear cut fashion in the first official episode of Star Wars 1977.  However the icon of the Rebel Alliance appears during the space craft prep before the attack on the Empire's Death Star.

Another fighter pilot putting on the helmet with the Rebel Alliance Emblem.  It looks like a crescent with cross in the center.

Flag of Treasure Isliglit Island - The Largest Island in an Island in the World

Canada has a lot of little inner islands found on lakes. But due to the extreme size of the Great Lakes, Canada also has the largest island within an island in the world.  This "island squared" is better known as Treasure Island which is found on Lake Mindemoya which is found on Manitoulin Island which is found on Lake Huron.

The flag of Treasure Island has a navy blue pile facing towards the hoist that represents Lake Huron.  Along the fly is a white circle that represents Manitoulin Island, the inner blue circle represents Lake Mindemoya, and finally the red inner circle represents Treasure Island.  The two red Canadian Maple leafs brings power to the flag - making a Canadian statement. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Flag of Ryan Island: The Largest Island in an Island - Isliglit - of the USA

What do you call an island on an island?  An Isliglit?  Who knows for sure?  Perhaps it can be added to the Sniglet Dictionary?

Ryan Island is one of those peculiar kind of islands.  Ryan Island is located in Siskiwit Lake, and Siskiwit lake is located on Isle Royale Island, and Isle Royale National Park Island is located in Lake Superior, which is located in North America.  Thus Ryan Island is an island on an island.  In fact it is America's largest 'Isliglit.'

The flag of Ryan Island is suppose to convey this inner inner point of view.  The central yellow circle is Ryan Island, which is surrounded by blue square which represents Siskiwit Lake, which is surrounded by larger red circle that represents Isle Royal National Park Island, which is surrounded by a blue rectangle that represents Lake Superior, which is framed in a white rectangle that represents the America, finally the blue frame represents the oceans that surround America.

Lake Okeechobee Flag

Lake Okeechobee is the largest lake in Florida.  Its flag is based upon a mixture of American and Colonial Spanish designs. It uses the colours blue, orange, and white. The white stars represent the various nations or states that tried to colonize Florida - France, West Florida, Seminole, Muskogee, Confederate, Spanish, English, and the Conch Republic.

Lake Urmia Flag

Lake Urmia is in Iran but also the Geographic Trinity Zone - and its southern shores are in the Geographic Nexus.  It is composed of five white strips, two golden stripes, two blue stripes and a field of blue with white Nexus Star.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chalki Nexus Flag

Chalki, or sometimes Halki, is a Greek Island that resides in the Continental Nexus Zone.  This is where Asia, Africa, and Europe cross hairs, so to speak.

It is tri-bar of navy blue, orange, and blue.  In the center is a yellow nexus star.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Second Confederate Flag

The memory of the Confederacy as it was is askew to what people often remember. There were three basic designs and 150 years ago today it underwent its second major overhaul. Officially it had square 'modern' Confederate flag as the canton on a field of white.  For the remainder of the US Civil War the southern armies would fight for independence under this flag against norther unionists. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Flags in Romancing the Stone - 1984

 Romancing the Stone 1984 is a classic American romance action comedy.  In it several flags appear during the celebratory scene at the city center.

Danny DeVito plays as one of the plotters chasing down a precious stone as marked on a hidden map.
Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner dance away the night, eventhough a life and death struggle is at their foot.  They just happen to come across a small town celebration in Colombia.

This dancing scene is a rare element of cinematic gold.  It captures a natural timeless harmony that happens every so often in film.

 The Colombian flag makes several appearances in this movie.  Here a model boat with the national flag passes behind the hero - Jack Colton.
This film is a work of art that is a mixture Indiana Jones meets Crocodile Dundee, yet with an overall American theme painted with Colombian textures, and small sprinkles of Goonies and Forrest Gump magic.

American Mediterranean Sea Flag

When you combine the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea this body of water is known as the 'American Mediterranean Sea.'  The flag of the American-Mediterranean Sea uses red, indigo, purple, white, and yellow.  The upper red portion represents North America and gets a star since it is an official continent.  The lower indigo portion represents South American and also gets a star since it is an official continent.  The purple section by the fly represents Central America, but it is not a continent.  Perhaps it falls into the category of 'Sub-Continent' like Greenland or India.  Finally the yellow divide represents the islands in the American-Mediterranean Sea.

The stars echo the celestial division of the Northern and Southern Heavens through the constellation of Orion.  The brightest star of Orion - Betelgeuse - is a red super giant in the northern divide of cosmos, while its second brightest star - Rigel - is a hot blue star in the southern divide of the Cosmos. 

The Americas/New World may not be as large as the Old Word - with regard to literacy.  But the Americas has a longer north-south continental axis, than the Old World, from Alaska to Argentina.  In balance to that the Old World has a longer east-west continental axis - from Senegal to Chukotka. 

Hudson Bay Flag

The Hudson Bay Flag is composed the English Red Cross but with quarters two, three, and four coloured navy blue.  The canton is white but with a blue Canadian Leaf. This is a private bay for Canada only. It is the virtual opposite of the Gulf of Mexico.

Not to be confused with the Hudson Bay Corporation, this flag is for the body of water that composes the Hudson Bay.  Navy blue represents the water while white - the ice flows of this area.  The red cross indicates it was first documented by the English.  The blue maple leaf should be obvious, as to why it is there...duh.  

You could call Hudson the Gulf of Quebec?  Likewise the Gulf of Mexico can also be though of as Dixie Bay?

Gulf of Mexico Flag

The colours for the Gulf of Mexico flag originate from the Mexican Flag.  However the national seal of Mexico is missing since the Gulf of Mexico is also a part of the United States and Cuba.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Flags in Ghostbusters 1984 - New York City Flag and US Flag

 The US and New York City flag appear in Ghostbusters 1984 several times. They appear together when the Ghostbusters are escorted to the mayors office. On the left side is the US flag and the right side is a larger New York City flag. The NYC flag is vertical tri-bar of blue, white, and orange with the city seal in the center. The colours originate from the old Dutch flag.
 Once in the mayor's office an American Eagle cut out and the New York City flag is visible behind the mayor's desk.
Several US flags can be seen in the background when Sub-way Specter appears out of the walkway.

When Dr. Venkman visits Dana at her orchestra practice hall, the US flag is visible at half mast in the background.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Flags in the Hunger Games - 2012

 Several flags appear in the Hunger Games movie 2012.  The flag of the government features a maroon banner with a golden emblem of national bird. Two children from each district are 'drafted' to represent the area in a death match.
 Upon the city entrance, long banners of the government can be seen.
The emblem of the Hunger Games Bird with wings spread out.

The inner chamber were the new inductees are introduced, notice the long federal government flags hanging from the ceiling.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Flag of Lake Khanka

Lake Khanka is one of the largest lakes in lakes in the world shared between Russia and China along their eastern border.  It's in that odd overlap where China is north of Russia and Russia is south of China.  Since it is a shared lake between the West and the East its flag reflects this by having an eclipsing sun.  The yellow crescent represents the sun, the white crescent represents the moon, while the black middle part represents the overlap.  Four stars are visible in honor of night cast upon day which is also an echo of the Chinese national flag.  The wavy lines represent the lake.