
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

International Maritime Flag for the Number Seventy Three - #73

A flag for the number seventy three.  Why? See the video below. It is such a wonderful number it deserves a flag.

International Maritime Nautical Flags 0-9

Did you know that there are flags for numbers?  Here are then numbers 0 to 9 which are officially used in international waters.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Battle Flags from Princess Mononoke 1997

 Happy Earth Day!

 The enchanted animals of a sacred forest are tired of humans cutting down their homes and destroying their lands for their stupid wars.  However not all humans desire to dominate nature, but the animals can not tell the difference between a kind natural human and war mongering money hungry human.  This is the basic plot to Princess Mononoke 1997.

The waring humans have been pushed to the edge decided to take the natural resources from the enchanted forest.  But the waring humans are not all bad, the leader is a kind queen to her people who has taken in lost people of the city under her care. 

Long before James Cameroon's Avatar, this film addressed the balance between mother nature and man's war ego.

The varied symbols indicate who is who on the battlefield. 

Long rectangular flags that were attached to the warriors back were used a point markers.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Flags in Cheech and Chong Still Smokin -1983

 It was thirty years ago when Cheech and Chong lit up the screens with another fantastic journey to Europe.  In the movie Still Smokin 1983 Cheech and Chong travel to Europe to enjoy the high life of Dutch culture. 

 Cheech and Chong board what looks like a cannabis restaurant on the on the river.  The flags of the United States and Denmark can be seen.
A strange white flag with something written on it is flying at one of the ends.  It has a Japanese Hiragana feel to it but yet seems to be a language of its own.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Flags in Cheech and Chongs Next Movie 1980

 The California State flag makes a small cameo in Cheech and Chong's Next Movie 1980

After visiting the Los Angeles Department of Public Social Welfare the state flag of California can be seen hanging in the office.
A US flag is barely noticeable on the wall.  It is part of a sticker with a checker flag. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Digitized Flags from the Matrix Reloaded - 2003

 Flags appear during the fight scene with the Merovingian's goons in the middle act of the Matrix Trilogy - The Matrix Reloaded 2003.

The flags all use the same palette or olive green, dark red, gold and white.

 One flag is a Scandinavian Type.

 A checker Fluer de Lis flag, minus a red colour.

Flags from the Matrix Trilogy

 Flags appear during the middle installment of the Matrix Trilogy - The Matrix Reloaded 2003.  During the fight scene with the Merovingian battle flags can be seen hanging upon the walls of the staircase.

One set of flags consists of a golden fluer de lis on green.  One is a checkered flag of green and white while the other is a green cross in a similar fashion to a Scandinavian cross.
 The other set of flags has diagonal stripes and large cross upon it.
Notice the infinity signs all over the shield of arms. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Alphabet of Nations - They Might Be Giants 2005

 Several Flags appear in the official music video for the song Alphabet of Nations by They Might Be Giants.

Zimbabwe is the fun part of song, kind of like the five golden rings diddy in the 12 Days of Christmas.
Suriname is in South America and they speak Dutch.  Here a Surinamese girl accidentally holds up the flag upside down.
A little Norwegian girl smiles with little flags of Norway behind her.

Andalusia Virginia Tilt Flag

Andalusia is the most southern region of Spain that nearly touches Africa.  In fact most of this Spanish federal subject is aligned with Africa rather than to Europe, thus it deserves a Virginia Tilt flag.   

Interesting snychronicity is that after Islam expanded in spirit into Eastern Europe, by capturing the foundational City of Bible, Constantinople converted into a Islamic center and received her an Islamic name - Istanbul.  But a few years later the Islamic Nations in Western Europe were expelled - Al Anadlusia being one of them.   As Islam would gain a foothold in Eastern Europe, only a generation later to loose it Western Europe. 

The Siege of Grenada in 1492 by Christian forces on and Islamic City was cosmically balanced to the Siege of Constantinople in 1453 by Islamic forces on Christian City.

As the 15th Century saw the lights of Christian Constantinople go out, so to would Islamic lights of Cordoba be silenced into oblivion.  Just as the once great Christian Hagia Sophia became an Islamic Center, so to would the Grand Mosque of Cordoba convert into a Church.  

US Flag and PALOMINO Mission Patch: The Black Hole - 1979

 The US flag appears as an arm badge in Walt Disney's 1979 The Black Hole.  While captain Holland accidentally gets lost on his way back to the ship he stumbles across the crew uniforms of Star Ship US Cygnus

 The story begins with crew of the Palamino coming across a massive black hole and detecting American Ship US Cygnus.  Here ships mission patch can be seen on Captain Holland.  To his left is Dr. Kate McCrae and artificial intelligently robot - Vincent.

 The mission patch of the Palomino is black and yellow.  It features a horse in rampant with six seven pointed stars - three in front and three behind.

Komi's Trinity Flag

The Komi Republic a nation within Russia.  The Komi are kin to long lost cousins of the Estonians.  Very distant cousins but cousins nonetheless.  The Komi Republic is due north of Asia and Africa thus it qualifies for a Geographic Trinity Flag.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Flags in Shadows of the Night - Pat Benatar 1982

 In 1982 several Nazi and American Flags appear in Pat Benatar's video for the hit single Shadows of the Night.  It seems for better of worse Nazi flags will always be sought after, especially in Hollywood movies.

This video takes place in the secondary imagined reality.  It starts off with a machine worker - Pat Benatar - dreaming and or wondering about her mundane factory worker job. 
 Notice the US flag as she gets into the cockpit of the Midnight Angel.  The Midnight Angel that amazing stroke of luck or assistance that comes the stroke of midnight. 
The US flag can be seen at the mission briefing.

Positive or negative - every thought has a power of its own.  Here a mix of wonder with dash of American Patriotism stir the imagination of someone with a 'small' role to play. 

Antarctica Trinity Flag

Antarctica is lucky because it falls into all time zones and its always today, tomorrow, and yesterday. Antarctica is in the time zone of all nations yet no nation can fathom Antarctica's time zone. London, Paris, Islamabad, Tokyo, Chicago, Moscow, Vancouver, Beijing are all within Antarctica time zone. 

Likewise Antarctica is in the Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere.  It is due south and due north of Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas.  Nonetheless it deserves a Trinity Flag.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Iraqi and Syrian Nexus Flags - Geographic Flags

 The Syrian Nexus Flag is based upon the colors of the independence Flag of 1932.  Two red Nexus Star are visible in the bend.

The Iraqi Nexus Flag is based upon the modern flag of Iraq but it has five Nexus Stars.  Both the Northern Regions of Iraq and Syria touch the geographic Nexus Field where all three old world continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe are aligned by north, south, east, and west.

In this geographic area Asia is West of Europe, Africa is North of Europe, and Europe is East of Asia.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Iranian Nexus Flag

Iran is in a select club of nations whereby North and South through Europe and Africa have no meaning, just an East is West and West is East. Iran's Nexus flag is based upon the national flag with some alterations and two six pointed Nexus Stars.

The Geographical Nexus is where Europe is East of Asia, Africa is North of Europe, Asia is West of Europe, and Europe is South of Africa.  

Turkey's Nexus Flag

The design of the Turkish Nexus Flag is based on the modern and ancient Ottoman Flags, with a Nexus Star.

Turkey is in a special group of nations were the traditional definitions of East and West collide.  There is a small place on Earth which is known as the Nexus - whereby Africa is north of Europe, Asia is west of Europe, while Europe is south of Africa and east of Asia - this overlap of continental geography is known as the Nexus.  

Nations of the Geographical Nexus include: Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Greece.

The Greek Nexus Flag

Greece is a part of an exclusive club that in officially geographically speaking terms has a region that is in between Asia, Africa and Europe.  The Nexus is where Europe can be south of Africa and Africa be north of Europe, yet Asia is also west of Europe and Europe can cross-dress as an Asian.

  This is a geographic flag for Greece with the Nexus Star in the Canton.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Portugal Virginia Tilt Flag

Portugal is parallel to both Africa and Europe, but with a tilt towards Europe.  Thus it qualifies for a Virginia Tilt Flag.

Symi Nexus Flag

Symi is another island that was gracefully place in the middle of it all in between Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Tilos Nexus Flag - Geographic Flags

The Tilos Nexus Flag is very colourful and divided into two basic halves.  The fly half consists of six stripes of pink and white.  The hoist half is multi-coloured nexus star.

Leros Nexus Flag

Leros is another Asian Greek Isle to lie in the geographic sweet spot in between it all.  The flag has a black background, deep saffron nexus star and white crescent moon.

Kalymnos Nexus Flag

Kalaynos lies in the Old World Continental Nexus, where Asia, Africa, and Europe all meet at a nexus of north to south to east to west.

Astypalaia Nexus Flag

The Astypalaia Nexus Flag has the trident of Poseidon along the hoist in black.  On the field of blue is a yellow Nexus Star.  Astypalaia is aligned in that amazing geographic spot where Asia, Africa and Europe all meet on their north, south, east, and west axises.

Kos Nexus Flag

Kos is the largest island in the world to wholly lie in the Trinity Zone and Cycladic Belt.  Thus Kos deserves a Nexus Flag.  Kos is aligned by north to south and east to west with Asia, Europe, and Africa.