
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Geographic Flags - State Flags with a Virginia Tilt

 Six states in the Union have a  Virginia Tilt.  A Virginia Tilt means that they follows in a sense the climatic and geographic positions of ye' Virginia.

Virginia is geographically aligned in between the two great continents.  Virginia's northern counties are parallel to Europe only while her southern parts are parallel to North Africa.

Seven states, including Virginia, can legally claim to enjoy both 'hot African summer nights' and know 'a chilly winter's day as it is in Europe.' The design of the flag is based upon design of Jamaica and final design of the Confederacy with adjusted colours and style of the modern state flags. 

 The Kentucky-Virginia Tilt Flag

Kentucky is a near match in climate to Virginia.  The southern counties are on par with North Africa, while her northern counties match to Spain.

The Illinois-Virginia Tilt Flag

Believe it or not the southern part of Illinois is much like the South.  Some cities in Illinois are even more southern than Richmond, Virginia. No doubt General Washington would've found the southern tip of Illinois to be mosts like home.

Illinois also has the most northern reach of states with a Virginia Tilt.  Also, the northern part of Illinois is on par with Canada.  Illinois is of the proverbial middle states to know both the climate of Canada and the Confederacy.

 The Kansas-Virginia Tilt Flag

Yep, the southern counties of Kansas are on par with Algeria.  It's no wonder the original immigrants thought it was a desert.  But thanks to rain water and productive use of water Kansas is an American bread basket.

The Colorado-Virginia Tilt Flag

Just as the Atlas Mountains of Morocco pierce into the sky so do the Rockies of Colorado.  

 The Utah-Virginia Tilt Flag

Utah is the last state to have that semi-unique way of knowing with African and European climate, at least at high altitudes.

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Colours of the South Pole

The South Pole Vexilloid is similar to the North Pole but with different colours and more stripes.  The South Pole is mostly black.  The next largest stripe is orange with a smaller yellow stripe below it and and even thinner red stripe above it with a small black space.  The colours of the South Pole were decided by the penguins.

Photo Credit:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Flag of the Pacific Princess - The Love Boat

 In honor of Valentines Day 2013, here is an appropriate flag - the flag of the Pacific Princess.

This is a one a once in a lifetime television series that magnificently harmonized up comedy, drama, romance, and action all into one.  Offering up insights, ups and downs on the human heart.  It was the proverbial 'Sea Trek' of the human heart.

Hangs ups on love, life were a main stay on the Love Boat.  A classic series that rode the wave of drama in waves of absurd sitcom humor balanced with serious heartfelt footnotes.

Much of the charm rested in a diverse crew balanced with a healthy infusion of new stars minor and major.

Flag of the Pacific Princess featured the stylized outline of woman's head blowing in the breeze.  The colours of the flag were white, green and blue.  The background was white and the head was blue as was most of the hair.  Small dashed of green accentuated the hair.

The Love Boat was flagged under a red British Ensign. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

US Flag with Powdered Toast Man

 Powdered Toast Man becomes the US President during one of Ren & Stimpy's episodes.  The US flag can be seen behind his desk in the oval office.  Additionally the coat of arms for this fictional cartoon land America features an unusual seal.
 Powdered Toast Man leaves shiny 1960s shimmering vapor trail that smells of fresh toast. Note that powdered toast is filled with vitamin F, that gives it that something extra.
Here the powdered Toast Man sits at the desk to ensure the rights of the people are overlooked.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Matthew and Hunter Island Flag

Matthew and Hunter Island are in between France's Australia (New Caledonia) and Vanuatu.  Likewise its status is disputed.  Thus this flag includes the colours of France and the design of Vanuatu. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen Flag - from Ren and Stimpy

 The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen Flag was featured in Ren & Stimpy.  The background is the popular green tartan.  In the center is red hockypuck like device with the yellow letters C, K, and Y.  Superimposed is a green letter R.  The letters stand for Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen.

Ren & Stimpy like the Pet Detective are from Canada.  The original artist, John Kricfalusi, who thought up these two loveable and refreshingly original characters is from Quebec. 

Here a close up of the flag.  Notice is has yellow English cross and the red hockey puck thing is crested with yak horns.  Along the bottom are two cross olive like branches of a lighter shade of green.

In this episode John K. shows struts his Canadian heritage, and many of the jokes in this episode are for Canadians rather than Americans. 

This cartoon was for children and adults.  The adult humour is not so obvious, yet the cartoony humour is on the spot.  Instead of repeating all the gags of yesteryear, John K. was able to effectively create something new that would influence the next generation of cartoon to some subsequently.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Royal Candian Kilted Yaksmen Flag - Black & White Version

In the episode of The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen of Ren and Stimpy.  A black and white real version of the flag appears in the title sequence.  It slightly differs from the coloured animated version seen in the episode.  The major difference is that in the b&w flag an outline of Yak can be seen with British Crown on the crest and the motto of the organization in the compartment upon a scroll.  To see the coloured animated version see the next post or click here.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Heraldic Flags from Oh Sherrie - Steve Perry 1984

In the one thousandth, eight hundredth and eighty fourth year of our lord, the barriers of love bended and swirled, for love smashed the hardened chains of tradition.

Once a man shall find his lode star of love, may no force of reason or object of false reality hold him back.

Garnered by every cell and atom in his body, he shall follow their will and change his universe.

In the wake of love, love at its end and love from behind will follow.

Yes indeed we all applauded Sir Steve Perry on his journey to love!

For it is written that the good of purest heart of man will abandon all riches and lusts of power to behold the power of love.

As so was heralded in 1984 by the men of stain glass banners upon thy horn.

  Rather not think, better to feel the tender and powerful phoenix of love from within, than the external yearning for loves approval. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pre-US Revolutionary Anglo-American Heritage Flag 1607-1776

A flag for the often forgotten era when British and American history were one, as it was whence the colonies were in a British-American Eden.  The beginning of American History was but one movement in the history of Britain.  However unlike the British Colonies of Africa and Asia, it was not a mere adoption of native peoples unto a King or Queen but rather the genesis of America lies squarely within the womb of England.

The flag of Anglo-American Heritage-History uses the original union flag between Scotland and England, minus St. Patrick's Cross, since the 13 colonies left the Empire before its addition.  Along the fly are thirteen stripes in honor of the 13 colonies.  In the field of blue is the constellaion of Cygnus the Swan or rather the 'Northern Cross.'

The ten eight pointed stars represent the ten royal sovereigns who were given dominion as spiritual guardians upon the colonies when they were unable to tie their own shoes.
It is good that America should not forget her past, when once upon a time she was allied to the forlorn nations of Prussia and the Iroquois.  

List of American Colonial Kings and Queens who guided the 13 Colonies before Independence (1607-1776)
1. King James I
2. King Charles I 
3. King Charles II
4. King James II
5 & 6. King William & Queen Mary
7.  Queen Anne I
8. King George I
9. King George II
10. King George III

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Love is the Seventh Wave - Red Cross Emblem and US Flag?

Perhaps the most peaceful note to snag the mainstream media in the 1980s was sung by Sting - the former front man of the Police.  In his video Love is the Seventh Wave, he hints at the realm of higher consciousness that the senses can not perceive and makes a statement on war, religion, and love.

The video features children's art work animated around Sting in the essential 80s cheese-techno puff style.  In one scene Sting is seen on a flying carpet flying above the earth.  During this scene the faint edges of what looks like the stripes of the American Flag? 

Here is the close up of the red cross helicopter that is trying to rescue lives on the battlefield.

Is Sting singing or preaching?  

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Massachusetts Republic Flag - California Style

A flag for California Residents from Massachuetts

Monday, January 28, 2013

Connecticut Republic Flag - California Style

 A flag for Californians from Connecticut

The salamander was chosen to represent California-Nutmeggers.  Reasons being that this little animals is of the unique class of water-land animals.   Likewise American Yankee ingenuity stems from the tinkers and thinkers who honed in on making things better.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Georgia Republic Flag - California Style

A flag for Californians from Georgia

A heritage flag for California residents who hail from Georgia.  It is modeled on the California flag with a few changes.  Instead of a grizzly bear we have a snapping turtle.  Likewise the background colour is orange, a white lead star and blue stripe with seven white stars with a white fimbrated edge.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

New Jersey Republic - California Style

A flag for Californians from New Jersey

A flag for California residents from New Jersey.  Many a persons from New Jersey have gone west to pursue their dreams, well here is flag that digs into their New Jersey essence combined to style of California.

The animal of choice is the wily and clever skunk, who was given a natural power of defense that is annoying yet not so deadly.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Pennsylvania Republic Flag - California Style

A flag for Californians from Pennsylvania 

Why a ground hog for Pennsylvania?  Well it's the state animal after all, and home to one of America's most mundane yet silly and fun holiday's for all - Gound Hog Day.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dragon Flag from Excalibur 1981

In 1981 the ancient Legend of Excalibur enchanted the modern world and a Hollywood movie was made about this fantastic tale of semi-historical origins.  The long flag of the king features a red banner with golden dragon.

Delaware Republic Flag - California Style

A flag for Californians from Delaware
A flag for California residents from Delaware.  California is like the great attractor of American Dreams.  Its also a state with one of the highest immigration rates from other states.  So in honor of those Delawarians who headed west here is the "D'caliware Flag." 

Instead of a red stripe and red star we have a purple stripe and purple star.  Also the horseshoe crab is at the center instead of a California Grizzly.

The Never Ending Story Meets the Gadsden Flag

Some what of an appropriate reboot of the Gadsden Flag fun in the context of the Never Ending Story 1984. 

Never give up on learning to love to Read

Monday, January 21, 2013

The armed US State flags that feature guns

Guns in America?  Guns are as American as apple pie, baseball and the US flag.  And did you know that several state flags feature guns.  Amazingly the first state in the Union is armed with a long gun. Here are several state flags that 'invoke' the second amendment as a right to bear arms. 

 It all begins with the first state Delaware.  The county gentleman on the right wearing a green suit holds a long gun in his left hand.

 West Virginia also has guns on its flags.  It has the most with two guns crossed in the foreground with a smurf hat in the center.

Michigan follows in the tradition of Delaware via long gun.  We can see a frontiersman holding a gun in his left hand and waving to us with his right.  Although he as a gun, he certainly seems like a friendly fella.'

The state flag also depicts a gun.  However it is behind the farmer resting on a tree stump. The Native American does not hold a gun but rather a spear.

Finally Wyoming is the last state to have a gun, and it's a hand gun at that.  It's really hard to see.  The man on the left has the traditional cowboy holster, thus you can't see the barrel.  Also take notice sometimes that this gun sometimes does not appear on some versions of the seal, depending on who made it.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Flags from Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles 1994

In 1994 the trite and quite dull tale of the blood thirsty undead was revived with a fresh infusion of insightful creativity and sparkling splendor.  The Interview with the Vampire: the Vampire Chronicles arose from the dusty crypt of Vampire Lore and was made a new, thanks the cinematic talents of Neil Jordan under the writing wit of Anne Rice.  

One flag makes a noticeable appearance during the film - the flag of France.  It appears during a play.  This is where the film shines like the moon of a moon.  More than once the director effectively weaves the cinematic device of a story within a story in the revelation of the story plot-theme.

The challenge of the story within a story device speaks both to the audience of the primary story and to the audience watching the movie.  The amazing fact is that this alignment of character to the third inner story perfectly echoes on the theme without being abrupt to the story - it is a seamless tri-fractured point of view presented in one dimension.

Ironically the play has a Vampire pretending to be a human pretending to be a Vampire, as so eloquently noticed by the young Claudia - as cue for the less aware viewers of the film. The Vampires watching the play are privy to a secret while the audience in the film can only see the play from one perspective. The play with perspective hints at 'what it is like' to be a Vampire.

During this story within a story plot device the flag of France appears as a poetic insight on death is revealed to all audiences.  Upon the stage an artful presentation of the Napoleon on horseback who is accompanied by a colour guard and drummer. 

Flags in Raising Arizona 1987

 Raising Arizona was a 'Dra-comedy' with original storytelling combined with talented acting. The state flag of Arizona appears several times.

Here Edwina, an officer of the law, meets her future husband, Hi the outlaw, at the police booking station.  In the background is the state flag of Arizona resting in a tie-draped croat manner.


The flag of Washington DC appears during the prison scene in a photo of JFK on the upper bunk.  Although this man had no name he was the initial essence origin of Bubba from Forrest Gump. 

Love is able to bring together two members on opposite poles of society - the law and outlaw.  In a similar notion to the genesis of Arizona was divided by the Union and Confederacy as a 'baby' when it was a territory.

Nicholas Cage is sitting here with a tattoo of Woody Wood Pecker.  Oddly this little mark would save his life.
Oddly a tattoo of Woody Wood Pecker helps saves Hi's life when he is confronted with the fury of vengeance.  The synchronicity of finding the exact tattoo on the bounty hunter gives Hi a moment of respite.