
Saturday, June 23, 2012

US Flag in Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

US Flag on Pee-wee's house
Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

Tour de France Flags in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure

Notice the flag of France along the utility line
Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

Flag of Texas in Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

Flag of Texas on a bus
Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985

In Pee-wee's first feature film he heads to Alamo in Texas to find his bicycle as foretold by a fortune teller. Here Pee-wee is hiding behind a bus with the flag of Texas painted on it.

Bicycle Handle Bar Streamers - from Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985
notice the simplest of childhood vexilloids the
bicycle handlebar streamers

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure came to life in 1985 and it features many kinds of vexilloids. Of vexillological note are the bicycle streamers of his beloved bicycle. Bicycle handlebar streamers are popular on children's bicycles, usually until the tween age.

Pee-wee's Big Adventure 1985
notice the varied colours of the streamers

This film is essential cult classic for American male tweens in their first year of middle or junior high school. Paul Rubens plays as Pee-wee Herman, a grown up man who refuses to grow up. Pee-wee is something like Spongebob but more zany and without a side kick.

Close up of the bicycle vexilloid -
"handlebar streamers

Close up of bicycle handle bar streams - usually made of plastic, string, or some kind of strong paper like material. They can vary in shape, number and color. Sometimes they are specific for gender - for instance pink is reserved as a bicycle streamer. Other times they can be patriotic - as is the case with a red, white and blue streamers.

Friday, June 22, 2012

American-Mexican State Heritage Flags

The following flags are American-Mexican State Heritage Flags, created in honor of their Mexican Heritage. The south western states were once a part of Mexico. So these flags can be flown over the part of the state that was once a part Mexico - thus all of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and most of Texas. But only a small portion of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma were a part of Mexico.

Utah-Mexican American Heritage Flag
The Utaxico Flag

The beehive has been replaced with a prickly pear cactus. And a Mexican Flag has replaced the US flag on the right and the back ground is green. Believe it or not Bringham Young emigrated to Mexico before it became a part of the United States.

Oklahoma-Mexican Heritage Flag
The Oklameximaho Flag

The Oklameximaho Flag is based upon the original state flag of Oklahoma but instead of the number 46 it is written in Spanish - and coincidentally the Mexican-American War started in 1846.

Wyoming-Mexican Heritage Flag
The Wyomexming Flag

The Wyomexming flag has colours fit to the national colours of Mexico. On the smallest south western corner of Wyoming was a part of Mexico.

Kansas-Mexican Heritage Flag
The Kansaxamexis Flag

The sunflower has been replaced with a poinsetta - which originates from Mexico. Merry Christmas, oops! I meant to say... iFeliz Navidad!

Texas-Mexican Heritage Flag
The Mexatexas Flag

The Mexatexas Flag just has a different colour pattern. The colours are similar to pan-African colours on purpose as well - since some of the first illegal immigrants into Texas were African Slaves brought over by the USA. When Mexico invited Americans from the Southwest to colonize way before the Mexican-American War, Mexico told them that they were not supposed to bring their slaves - but many a rich Southerner and few a Northerner did so illegally, in total contempt for Mexican Law.

New Mexico-Mexican Heritage Flag
The New Xameximico Flag

The New Xemeximico Flag just has colours of Mexico with a larger Zia Pueblo cross.

Colorado-Mexican Heritage Flag
The Colomexirado Flag

The Colomexirado flag has colours found on the Mexican Flag.

Arizona-Mexican Heritage Flag
The Arizexica Flag

The colours of the Mexican National flag are imprinted and combined with the design of Arizona's flag.

Nevada-Mexican Heritage Flag
The Nevexada Flag

More Colours of Mexico, coincidentlaly most of the state flags in Mexico have white backgrounds.

California-Mexican Heritage Flag
The Mexilfornia Flag

The changes are: the wings of the Mexican Eagle are combined with the California Bear and the red star has been changed to green. Also the flag is explained in black. The fanciful animal is known as a "Grizzly Beagle."


photo credits
Poinsettia Source

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Flag in Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984

Notice Chinese Advertisement Flags
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984

Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Doom 1984 is the second film starring Harrison Ford as a dashing and charming archaeologist - Dr. Jones.

This film centers on Asia, starting in China and ending in India. In the opening action sequence a race occurs though Shanghai.

Banners with Chinese Writing
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984

The first recorded flags made from a fabric originate to China. Flags often have writing and elegant borders. The borders of flags are often zig zaggy or serrated.

If you can translate Chinese into English, please post it here

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

US Flag and Banners in Some Kind of Wonderful 1987

Harlequin Play Announcement
Some Kind of Wonderful 1987

Some Kind of Wonderful starred Eric Stoltz as an artistic outsider who learns about love and following his heart. Social status usually becomes an obnoxious factor in high school - and this movie takes on these issues head on.

US Flag arm patch on leather jacket
Some Kind of Wonderful 1987

A US flag can be seen in the background as an arm patch on a leather jacket. Some Kind of Wonderful was directed by John Hughes. All during the 1980s Uncle Hughes provided many outsider high school students a ray of hope, when most kids are caught up in ego-games, bulling, and bullshit status labels.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Reading Rainbow Flags

Black Sand Castle Flags
Reading Rainbow - Original Introduction

Reading Rainbow aired from 1983 unto 2006. Its main message teaches children to love and enjoy reading. It was hosted by the LeVar Burton and was able to inspire children across America to read.

In the original introduction, little flags appear on top of the sandcastle. They are little black triangular flags - also known as pennants.

Red Mast Head Pennants - Reading Rainbow

After reading the book by the river, the boy is able to see an ancient view of history. The young boys imagination lets him see a ship from the past. Along the top of the ships are little red flags or pennants.

Reading really is a kind of magic.

Monday, June 18, 2012

War of 1812 - or rather World War Negative One?

One can argue the American Revolution of 1776 as being a 'Civil War' but the War of 1812 was not. However the War of 1812 can be thought of as a 'pre-world war' or WW -1.

The War of 1812 in a global point of view was simply another theater of the Napoleonic Wars. Like WWI and WWII the United States was 'late' for WW-1, since it started in 1803.

Ireland, Cross of St. Patrick - Scotland, Cross of St. Andrew - England, Cross of St. George

The flag of the United States was 'stripus maximus' with 15 stripes. After this war the US flag would revert to only ever having 13 stripes. The flag of the UK was in its modern form with a new element since the American Revolution. During the American Revolution the UK Union Flag was based on two crosses - St. George and St. Andrew. But during the War of 1812 the Union Jack was composed of a trinity of three crosses. In 1801 the cross of St. Patrick was added which is quartered into four small thin parts around the corners.

The United States was an ally to France. But since 1803 the British and French 'drafted' several other nations. These nations like the United States often switched sides. It can also be painted as another French and Indian War. However most of the Indians were on the side of the UK, and the US was an ally to the French.

The world wide war battles were fought all over the globe in Asia, India, Africa, and North America. Navies also fought in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Oceans, Great Lakes and the Mediterranean Sea.

Nations involved in WW -1 (War of 1812/Napoleonic Wars)

1. Poland (Duchy of Warsaw)
2. Italy (Sicily, Tuscany, Sardinia, Naples)
3. Switzerland
4. Netherlands (Nassau, Holland)
5. Spain (bitterly divided)
6. Denmark
7. Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
8. Sweden
9. Germany (Rhine, Brunswick, Hanover)
10. Prussia (wiped off the map after WWII)
11. Russia
12. Persia
13. Austria
14. Vatican
15. Portugal
16. Montenegro
17. Countless Unrecognized Native American Nations

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Death the High Cost of Living - 1993 the flags and vexilloids

Notice Flag of Cameroon on soccer player - minus the yellow star
Death the High Cost of Living - 1993

Death the High Cost of Living was published in April 1993. Written by Neil Gaiman and drawn by Christopher Bachalo and Mark Buckingham. In this 'alternative' comic - Death manifests as a human for one day to experience life.

However the image of a graven skull with scythe is replaced and shattered with a hypnotically cute woman.

This paradigm shift of an attractive Death comes from the belief at the end of life - Death appears as a woman whose rich beauty pulls your soul out of your body.

This enchanting and nice version of Death runs into a high school student on the verge of suicide. She is also nefariously pursued by others who dabble in to magic.

Orange Pennant Steamers in the background
Death - Comic Book by Niel Gaiman

Somehow the universe condenses Death into a real girl who recently lost her entire family due to a psychopath.

This not so comical comic book focused on death had the paradoxical effect of causing readers to embrace life.

It is a rich, original story told by an experienced English Storyteller and drawn with a soulful authenticity by a Canadian Artist - Neil Gaiman and Christopher Bachalo respectively.

US flag waving
Death - the High Cost of Living

Notice Yin Yang symbol on surf board in the corner
Sexton says it all - in an communal public address for
everyone who was positively effected by Gaiman back in 1992-1993

*blogpost #1001

Friday, June 15, 2012

Flags in Coraline 2009 - Hanging around in Ashland, Oregon

Shakespeare Fesitival
Coraline 2009

Truly moving art with a witty and well acted cast. It sparkles with a harp and smells of toasted talent. It has hidden morals yet sings with eye catching refinement.

This film should have won an academy award.

The story takes place in February
sometime in the 20-ohs/via primitive cell phones

Finally a stop animation film that can be watched every mid-February. The setting could be mid-November as well, but this sign gives away when the story takes place in the most subtle of ways.

Pink Palace with Sign
Notice tiny Russian Imperial Flag

A pink American Gingerbread House - a far cry from the McMansion. Just as every ounce of a gingerbread house is meticulously and lovingly put together - so too was this film. A lot of sweat-ful joy went into this production. It is a first class artisan film. As American Ginger Houses ooze of love so to does this film.

A Masterpiece of Art & Acting, worthy of a Shakespeare Cameo!

Flags in the moive Coraline 2009, The Russian-American Circus in the Attick

Russian Imperial Arms Flag - top apartment
Coraline 2009

A circus in the attic
Coraline 2009

Cotton Candy Cannons with Flag
Coraline 2009

Mouse Flags for the Jumping Mouse Circus
Coraline 2009

The "B" Flag is for Bobinsky
Coraline 2009

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day 2012 - the original red, white and blue

The Franklin & Adams Flag Flag of the United States - October 9, 1778

The genesis of the American flag is something of a great mystery. Things were happening and all kinds of 'rebel' flags went a flying. It's interesting to note Benjamin Franklin and John Adams' description of the US flag to a foreign dignitary.

The letter describes the "flag of the United States of America" and is dated to October 9, 1778.

(Dear King of the Two Sicilies)

"it is with pleasure that we acquaint Your Excellency that the flag of the United States of America consists of 13 stripes, alternately red, white, and blue; a small square in the upper angle, next to the flag staff, is a blue field, with 13 white stars, denoting a new Constellation. Some of the States have vessels of war distinct from those of the United States...but the Flag of the United States, ordained by Congress, is the 13 stripes and 13 stars above described."
"B. Franklin"

"John Adams"

So there you have it, the man now on the 100 dollar bill - describing the US flag with blue stripes - more than a year after the red and white only striped, congressional resolution of June 14, 1777.

The holiday we celebrate today is dedicated to the original patriots in the memory of a red and white only striped flag. But the truth is - many men in the army, marines, navy and other patriots most likely served, fought, and died under a red, white, and blue striped national banner.

Perhaps October 9th will become the blue striped flag day? Where we fly any recorded US flags that had blue stripes?

Note that congress may have made red and white official, but maintaining a coherent consistent flag pattern was at the bottom of the list of critical 'things to do.'

Benjamin Franklin and John Adams were professional and astute minds who would not have made an intentional mistake or over look important details. Also note there are lots of other recordings, descriptions and paintings of US flags with blue stripes:

1. Fort Stanwyk, August 1777
2. Fort
Mifflin, October 1777
Captured HMS Serapis October 5, 17794. Arthur Lee letter on September 20, 1778
Surrender at Yorktown 1781 by John Trumbull (painted 1787)

any many more...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Flags in Cheers - the TV show on NBC

Bottom end of US Flag
in the middle near the top - Cheers

An old time photo of Cheers back in the day before prohibition. But the television show was set in the relatively modern 1980s. Note that each bar has its own type of drinkers and culture. Bars usually cater to certain types of customers of different economic and cultural ranges. The bar in Cheers was a more upscale a relatively middle upper class of customer.

US Patriot Flag on 3-D oval art work
Cliff, Same, and Norm from Cheers

The stars of the show are Cliff the mailman who is a know it all public servant and caustically admired for his wide range of trivial knowledge. Sam is the alpha of the establishment - a former professional baseball star and old school womanizing can do confident bartender. Norm is your average overweight earthy hardworking and humorous most beloved patron. He is mostly loved by doing nothing and being himself.

US flag over Cheers Restaurant

Hanging out at the bar consuming fungal excrement is a long established tradition and seen by many as an All American Pastime.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Flags in Clerks - 1994

White Banderitos Flags are circled red
Clerks 1994

In the classic 90s in a nutshell Clerks 1994 - little waving flags (aka Banderito Flags) can been seen on the lawn of the funeral home of a recently deceased school mate and x-love.

Directed by Kevin Smith - who subsequently became a key note filmmaker for 90s youth culture. It is raunchy, funny, silly, artful, deep and strangely optimistic. Clerks is a masterpiece of black and white cinema in the overly pre-packaged formula profit shareholder business-Hollywood machine of the modern age.

Notice the 'Baderito Flag' by the potted plant
Clerks 1994

Dante left, Randal right are running out of the funeral home after accidentally tipping over the casket. Next to the flower pot are little 'banderito' flags in white or perhaps yellow. These flags often communicate messages to construction crews about under ground hazards, marks of design or warnings for the public to keep off due to lawn spraying and other miscellaneous reasons.

Relive the 1990s - "the last generation before cell-o-phozation"

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sea of Galilee Flag

Sea of Galilee Flag

A flag for the lowest fresh water lake of the earth. Composed of the famous Jesus Fish, water waves, and a harp.

In the canton we have a Hebrew Harp, sometimes called David's Harp. The base is white with black grounding for the multicolored strings. The rainbow colored strings denote an acceptance of all things and reflect the natural joy found in a rainbow. A rainbow is a positive symbol in all cultures. The seven strings are harmonious reflections of the seven tones in an octave - A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

On a navy blue background is a white Jesus fish symbol, facing towards the harp - as if listening to the sweet divine music. Under the Hebrew Harp and Jesus Fish are three waves - two of azure blue and in the middle one indigo.

Why do we have a harp? Because in the first testament this body of water is described as "Kineret," which sounds a lot like "harp" in Hebrew - 'Kinnor.'

Grave Digger Flag - the Monster Truck

Grave Digger Monster Truck
Notice Gave Digger Flag

Trick or Treat? This is what you get when you combine Halloween with Monster Trucks - Grave Digger.

The Grave Digger Flag
a jolly roger with a eye patch and cross bones

Although jolly rogers were once flown on boats, they fly again on monster trucks.


Photo Credits
Taken by Jot Powers, 1/2006 22:38, 6 February 2006

Maniac Mansion - the flag in Weird Ed's Room

An orange-red pennant
above the hamster cage in Weird Ed's Room

A flag makes an appearance in one of the cult classic of 80s video gaming history - Manic Mansion 1987 by Lucasarts.

This game combines writing, imagination, and mystery with puzzle solving. Hand eye coordination are not necessary but an ability to think at put things together and experiment is important.

Elements of 1950s B-movie horror shows are mixed and mashed with 80s hip culture. It's 80s meets 50s shaken with George Lucas Imagination topped with a dash of Happy Days sprinkle.

No doubt someday a well done Manic Mansion movie will come to life - but it has to be set in the 80s! Unlike Monster House it must be released in September or October! If they make a modern 20-TTG movie (2000 text tween generation) it will stink monkey poo soup.