
Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Jersey and New York Port Authority Flag

Port Authority Flag of New Jersey & New York

The state flags of NJ and NY are 'fraternal twins' in my flag symmetry idea.

Further evidence is that they have a fusion flag for the Port Authority that operates between these two states. These are the only US state flags that only feature women.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Little Pony Flags from the Original Movie, 1986 - Dreamcastle and others

Notice Simple White Pennants

During the 1980s the childhood for boys was enriched with sentient robots from outer space - the Autobots and Decepticons.

But on the other side of the fence, we have the magical kingdom of My Little Pony - talking horses, sentient rainbows, snuggly fuzz puff nards, magic unicorns and all sorts on sweet smelling strawberry farts.

Transformers went from TV to Hollywood but My Little Pony went from Hollywood to TV. But both were originally toys made by Hasboro.


Each 'Little Pony' had an individualized mark on the rear hind legs that referred to their name. Here the three vanilla ice cream cones are a play of the name of Lickety-Split. Perhaps this laid the unconcious foundation and popularity of tatoos in the 1990s?

This movie is cutie-pie 80s puff-n-stuff dream little girl childhood playtime come to life. A heartwarming marsh mellow snuggle puff production that is more than a commercial, topped with a true heart spring sprite 80s sprinkles.

Be warned it is for the young at heart and mature grownup. If you're neither young nor a mature grownup - then you probably won't enjoy this lost gem from the 80s. If you didn't or don't like this movie then chances are your heart is covered in smooze and you need a visit from a flutter pony.

Home of Megan, Danny and Molly

The little ponies meet their human friends - Megan, Danny and Molly, who live on a farm. Coincidentally their farmhouse has flags.

The flag has a heart shaped icon on purple field with a pink frame.

Friday, April 20, 2012

KONY 2012 Flag

Kony 2012 Flag

The flag of the moment. It represents not an election but an awaking. conciousness The of the power to the people upon the internet - and awaken the world to the tragic and hostile political situation in Africa.

Joseph Kony was originally born in Uganda and is in charge of the Lord's Resistance Army in the central African region. Because the atrocities associated with this man - Kony is one of the world's most wanted criminals.

The Kony 2012
Yin-Feminine Symbol

The flag features an orange background with the date 2012 and Joseph Kony's last name. In between the name and date is an upside down pyramid with line that divides the letters from the numbers.

This upside down pyramid flashes for a millisecond in the intro which also invludes pics from the rings of Saturn.

The video that took the internet by storm in March 2012
by the Invisible Children

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yukon-Alaska Heritage Flag

Yukon-Alaska Heritage Flag
"The Yuklasksa Flag"

This flag represents that slice of Alaska that was in dispute between Canada and the USA. Spefically the region Alaska claimed by Canada above the 60th parallel - which could have become Yukon's Pacific Coast line.

Although the US has purchased Alaska and boundary rights in 1867 from Russia the south-eastern panhandle that ocean-blocks Yukon to the Pacific. This land was dispute went on for the next 36 years until 1903.

Amazingly the arbiter was the United Kingdom and swung in favor of the prodigal son America over the ever loyal son of Canada. The augmented vertical tri-bar is a Port-Middle Pale - divided in middle with the fly half further cut in the middle. The colours green, blue, and white come from the Yukon Flag.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Maryland Heritage State Flags for - Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, West Virginia and Washington DC

Maryland-Pennsylvania Heritage Flag
"The Marylavania Flag"

Maryland is the state that was downsized by all of her neighbors - Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, West Virgina, and Washington DC. In honor of those forlorn areas that shoulda've been a part of Maryland - these are flags that can be flown in that area.

The PA "Marylavania" flag uses same the state colours of PA with the flag of Maryland.

Maryland Delaware Heritage Flag
"The Marylaware Flag"

Colonial Sky Blue with Khaki Buff from the flags of Delaware are used with red and green that come from the clothing of the men on the flag of Delaware.

Maryland-West Virginia Heritage Flag
"The Marylestirginia Flag"

Red, white and blue plus yellow are the colours for the region of West Virginia that is perhaps a part of Maryland in another quantum reality?

Maryland-Virginia Heritage Flag
"The Maryginia Flag"

Small slices of Virginia were supposed to be a part of Maryland. Who would of thought it made much difference either way? Who knows - a school district here and chance meeting there. The sky blue and purple colours come from the clothing of the man and woman on Virginia's flag.

Maryland-Washington D.C. Heritage Flag
"the Marylumbia flag"

I guess this can be flown by persons born in Maryland and have moved into the Washington District of Columbia.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Mexico-Nevada Heritage Flag

New Mexico-Nevada Heritage Flag
"The New Mexivada Flag"

This flag is to be flown in that southern region of Nevada that coulda've been a part of New Mexico. Perhaps it is in an alternate universe?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Russian Flags from Titanic film from 1997 by James Cameroon

Russian Flag from
Titanic 1997

MIR patch

James and the Giant Peach Pirate Flag - 1996

Pirate Flag from
James and the Giant Peach 1996

Upon the forehead is a cross shining with four sparks.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dr. Seuss Flags - Oh the Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss Pink Guidon
Oh the Places You'll Go - 1990

Take a look! Oh the Places You'll Go,
it's a fantastic book - didn't you know?

Written by the lauded Dr. Seuss,
who is the American Father Goose.

All his life he drew, typed and wrote,
but this was his last grand final note.

The witty Father Goose,
I mean Dr. Moose,
No - rather the incredible unforgettable and strange Dr. Seuss.

With a simple manner,
he would write and hammer.

Blue Dr. Seuss Flag
of the Mountain being moved

Easy short stories that children could read,
so little people could sometimes take the lead.

In simple verse and children's rhyme,
he showed the world the plasticity of time.

Of neato vexillological consequence,
are the flags of the triumphant elephant sequence.

A pink flag is carried by the elephant herd,
marching to the beat and call of the eccentric, be and do - word!

It has a shape like a swallowtail,
it's a - guidon used on land or sail.
The Dr. Seuss Finial
The really neato part is the silly pole,
like the ones found on any golf hole.

It's striped black and yellow,
rumor has it that it's made of jell-o.

And guess what?
It resembles end of a bumble bee's butt!

PS - Dr. Seuss for Adults

Oh the Places You'll Go performed by
Happy Pappies on Funk Juice - notice the cool flags

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Muskogee and the Confederacy - forlorn banners of the South

South Carolina
Sovereignty & Secession Flag 1860

These flags arose on American soil shortly after the birth of the United States of America. First the Muskogee Republic arose in 1799. Its capital was located near Tallahasee, Florida with the name Miccosukee. But in 1818 with the US Army under General Andrew Jackson's command with friendly Indian help obliterated it off the map during the first Seminole War.

The leader of this forlorn nation with an indigenous bent was the charming and dashing William Augustus Bowles. Director General Bowles was certainly a colourful character. Bowles was born in Maryland in 1763 and chose to fight on the Loyalist-Union side during the 1776 Colonial Rebellion. Although the narrative of us-Americans versus them-British mentality is the dominant line, Bowles and many other native born European bred colonials and the like - offer up a different point of view. Rather the 1776 Anglo-Colonial American Revolution can be framed as a civil war.*

Long before Jefferson Davis
the original Southern Rebel:
William Augustus Bowles of Maryland

But the State of Muskogee was never a British Colony. Much of the Muskogee Republic was composed of Southern Native Americans and Seminoles. The last echos of this nation were terminated under President Andrew Jackson with the forced removal to Oklahoma - more famously known as the Trail of Tears.

The Sovereignty Flag of South Carolina was flown in the early days of the secession under president Buchanan. The design clearly embodies the essence of the now famous 'Confederate Flag.' But one difference is the number of stars. Official flags of the Confederacy had 7, 11, and 13 stars. The SC sovereignty flag had 15 stars in honor of the 15 Slave-holding states.

The uncanny coincidence is both national movements were crushed by the US Government. Ironically a South Carolina president and vice president oversaw the final removal of Natives who made up the forlorn Muskogee Republic in 1832. Less than 30 years later South Carolina would fly a similar flag for another forlorn nation - whose existence were at odds with the United States.

Flag of the Muskogee Republic

Both flags feature similar colours and patterns. The shared colours are red, white, and blue. The matching pattern is the blue cross that divides the field into four sections. Coincidentally their cantons reflect the natural duality of day and night. The older flag of the Muskogee Republic has a sun while the younger South Carolina secession flag honors the moon. Furthermore the stars of South Carolina are reflective of night.

The comparison of these flags under the umbrella of flag symmetry brings into focus the emotional charge often felt by both the Native American and Confederacy that lingers unto this day. The synchronous conjunction illustrates a karmic reflex of a wielding sort of cosmic justice.

The bitterness that many Native Americans feel from the US government in their coerced and unjust relocation to Oklahoma balances the lingering resentment felt by some Southerners. No Northerner can truly feel the bitterness of General Sherman's March to Atlanta nor can any Old World American feel the biting bitterness of President Jackson's Orders to march west under penalty of death.

The extreme prejudice of unjust law imposed by the US government coincidentally - under a South Carolina president would return back upon America when ironically South Carolina led another rebellion to defend their rights against the federal government.

These flags were featured in my presentation in 2009
at NAVA's 43rd congress, held at the original Citadel in South Carolina

Note most US history books often overlook that there were more than 13 colonies in British North America. 13 colonies may have signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 but more than 13 British American Colonies remained loyal to the Union and Crown: Barbados Colony, Newfoundland, Jamaica, Leeward Islands Colonies, Colony of Bahamas, Colony of Bermuda, Nova Scotia, Island of St. John, Rupert's Land, Grenada Island, Quebec, West Florida and East Florida.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Arkansas Territory Heritage Flags - Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico

Arkansas-Texas Heritage Flag
"The Texarkansas Flag"

Three states had soil that once belonged to Arkansas Territory. In a way portion of Texas, New Mexico and most of Oklahoma were born out of Arkansas Territory. Thus these flags are to be flown over those areas.

Arkansas-Oklahoma Heritage Flag
"The Arklahoma Flag"

The over all flag design belongs to Arkansas but the colours come from the flag of Oklahoma. The 'cross' at the honor point is actually a Native American version of a star - taken from the Oklahoma Flag.

For five years from 1819 unto 1824 the 'pan' of Oklahoma, not the handle, was under law and rule of Arkansas Territory. Thus Arkansas before statehood had a border with Mexico.

Arkansas-New Mexico Heritage Flag
"The Arkanumex Flag"

The colours come from the New Mexico Flag. At the honor point is the sun of the pueblo. You can also think of it as a Native American star - our closest star scientifically speaking. At this time Arkansas was spelled as Arkansaw. It was not until sometime in 1822 that Arkansas settled for the letter 's' as its last letter rather than 'w.'

Arkansas Territory existed from 1819 unto 1836 and had two capitals Arkansas Post and Little Rock. Only the 'pan' of Oklahoma was ruled by Arkansas Territory for a short whiles.

Flags for Team Protostome and Team Deuterostomes: Bungholians vs Mouthenese

The flag for Protostome organisms uses the colours blue, black, and yellow.  Since these buggers have their mouths form first, the Pacman is an appropriate icon.

The flag for Deuterostome organisms uses the colours red, purple, pink, orange, indigo, green, black and white.  In the center is what looks like a Pacman Ghost.  Critters of this nature have their bottom holes form first, and mouths come later.  The Pacman ghosts fit the bill perfectly since their mouths appear later.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Republic of Azawad - A new nation in Africa

Flag of Azawad
since April 6, 2012

Yes Virginia, Timbuktu is a real place. Albeit far far far away.

Guess What! Africa just got a new 'rogue' rebel nation. Freshly born out of Mali three days ago on April 6, 2012. South Sudan is no longer the our global baby.

Will the Azawad make it, hang out in limbo? Perhaps it can make friends with Somaliland or Transnistria?

Republic of Cascadia and the Kingdom of Araucania & Patagonia - Fraternal Twins

Flag of Cascadia

In the imaginary space of 'Great Pumpkin' almost nations we have Cascadia and the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia. Their flags are very similar and their history lies in the puff-n-stuff pipe dream category of nationhood.

Both banners feature the same pattern of a horizontal tri-bar of blue, white, and green. They differ in shades of blue and green. But the most striking contrast is the pine tree on Cascadia - a Douglas Fir.

Neither attempt to break free was a hardened serious contender for nationhood. But both forlorn nations have lingering footnotes that play unto the present moment. Believe it or not there is a small and vocal group that advocates for the creation of Cascadia, likewise a living heir to the Kingdom of Araucania & Patagonia is still ongoing. The royal line started in the 1860. Like the Anglo American Confederacy, the Kingdom of A&P went out of business.

Flag of Araucania & Patagonia

The Kingdom of A&P tried to get off the ground in 1860. The indigenous Mapuche of Argentina elected a 'white' king, Orelie-Antoine I, to be their king and leader due the the fact that Western Governments treated them like children or non-entities. The capital was in what is now Perquenco, Chile. Chile nor Argentine were happy with this 'illegal-indigenous' kingdom and both official countries smothered it with a military march.

Casacadia has a decidedly different course of history. Advocates for this nation hope that someday Washington State, Oregon, and British Columbia will break away from Canada and the USA to make a third hybrid nation. Imagine a nation with the best of Canada and USA? It may seem absurd but these three sub-federal districts have a common history as bi-national USA-Canadian territory. From 1818 unto 1846 all of Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia were both legally American and 'Canadian' soil. You could've call 'em Yanuks or Cnanckies.

The great coincidence is both forlorn states were to be made up of two countries. In North America Casacadia would have been born out of Canada and United States, while in South America the Kingdom of Patagonia & Araucania was to be stitched from Argentina and Chile.

Cascadia and the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia may seem like silly footnotes, but they offer insight of political ambition.

Link to active an active Cascadian Movement the CIP

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Flags from the Israeli and Iraqi - Fraternal Banners from Tel Afar to Tel Aviv

Flag of Israel
The YANG - greater well known flag

Here are two banners of brother nations at the edges of Mesopotamia. United by faith of different shades and colours. Both use enchanted objects of heaven at their honor point - the star and moon.

A twinkling star and crescent moon unite these banners of the Holy Land under the subject of flag symmetry. Chances are you never heard of the Iraqi Turkmen or seen their flag - well take a lookie' here on Wika-peeders'.

Flag of Iraqi Turkmen
The yin-lesser known quaint flag

These flags are partial counter charges of pattern. The flag of Israel is a sort of like a photo negative of the Iraqi Turkmen. Where one flag has white the other has colour. Their colours differ slightly but are still a part of the blue family. Likewise their charges are different but they both have horizontal parallel lines.

Tell or Tall Afar is an Iraqi city with over 90% Turkmen, while Tel Aviv was the first capital of modern Israel.  Of Asian peoples, many of Israel whose families traveled west looks more European or African -depending on each individual.  Likewise the majority of Turks, world wide, have a 'Mongol or Chinese-like' appearance.  Yet the Turkmen of Iraq have a more 'Semitic' appearance than that of their brethren the Kazak or Turkmen of Turkmenistan. 

Both flags represent peoples who are conjoined twins to the Arab World.  During much of the 20th century they have been perpetual thorns in the side of Arabian Asia.  Bloodshed is written into their faith and bleed, one will, when handled with little care or mistrust.  But such negativity, brings on a greater positivity. 

Beautiful banners like a bountiful blue and white rose, whose intense and romantic fragrance can pierce the heart with a passionate veracity of love or pain, for they are both powerfully positioned to illuminate the joyful call of love. 

When these ancient sisters unite in harmony, no force shall halt their love. 

The lesser-yin Iraqi Flag on the march in the 21st Century:
An Iraqi Turkmen protest in Amsterdam. The march (relating to Kirkuk and against article 140 of the Iraq constitution) was co-ed, but separated, so mostly women and children were at the front and the rear was all male. 2007-02-16 by Celesteh

ps. hippie happy hoppity passover ya'll

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Harry Potter's Parent Letter Flags - Photo Album

In one of Harry's Magical Photo Albums we see a family potrait of his mother and father - Lillian Evans and James Potter. On the left and right sides are two flags with letters, fringe along the bottom and a star.

The J Flag represents James while the L flag represents Lillian
in the center in baby Harry Potter

Hermione Jean and Ron Weasley become Harry's new family at Hogwarts

New Mexico-Utah Heritage Flag

New Mexico-Heritage Flag
"The New Mexutah Flag"

Monday, April 2, 2012

New Mexico-Arizona Heritage Flag

New Mexico-Arizona Heritage Flag
"The New Mexizona Flag"

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Chesapeake Bay Flag Association Meeting - Spring 2012

Chesapeake Bay Flag Association meeting held its first meeting for 2012 in Columbia, Maryland.

CBFA Meeting
Spring 2012

The meeting followed the usual vexi-bit like presentations then lunch, what vexillologists are doing, up coming events, and an auction of vexillological treasures. The CBFA meeting was certainly the forum of freebies. Rick Wyatt of CRW flags kindly provided the group with free flags in randomized order so everyone was a winner where the lowest number got first choice on a flag.

Speakers included Dale Grimes who spoke about US Navy Flags, Chris Bedwell who showed us a collection of flags, Peter Ansoff, Nick Artimovich, and Dan. CBFA welcomed Voron Xarya who presented his simple yet intricate flag designs.

Proposed Flag for King George's County
by Voron Xarya

Voron presented a four coloured flag for King George's County. The colours match with the state flag of Maryland - red, yellow, white and black. Its unique design is a mix of the four quarters with a black dexter pile rooted at the hoist. The quartered portion captures the essence of the Maryland State flag - but with stars and solid colours. There are a total of five stars - two black, two red, and black and red checkered at the cross point.

I presented to my designs for Howland, Baker, Jarvis, and Kingman Reef. The official flag of these islands is the US national ensign but none of these islands have flags of their own. If you research these islands only fictional, alternate reality flags can be found. Furthermore these flags represent a group of islands and none are specific for a particular island. I also presented proposed flags for Australian and New Zealand islands that did not yet have the like.

Our delicious lunch consisted of white chili, Texas chili, sandwiches, salad, fruit, and the regular fan fare of crackers, chips and other yummies. Interested in flags - please join us!

Flag sheet for un-flagged islands under Aussie and Kiwi control

Interested in Buying flags - look here at CRW flags

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Flag of the Mediterranean Sea

This flag is for the Mediterranean Sea, or rather the flag for the 'Sea of Middle Earth.'  It is broken into three parts that represent its three continental coastlines: Asia, Africa, and Europe.

 Flag of the Mediterranean Sea
The yellow bar represents Europe's Coastline and is in the traditional position for north. The indigo 'bottom-southern' half represents Africa's Coastline. It is often a cultural bias that the western mind conceives this sea as a European Sea, but this is not the case.  Asia and Africa are key cultural elements in making up the Mediterranean Sea.

Note that most if not all writing systems in Europe originate from Africa - via the Egyptian primary alphabet.  Likewise most if not all mainstream religions of Europe originate from Asia - of the Abrahamic Traditions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 

Finally the coast line of Asia is represented by the fly green half with a white stripe denoting a separation yet connection to Europe and Africa.  When you mix yellow and blue it makes the colour green.  This reflects the fact that although Africa and Europe are separated they join hands through Asia.  Only Asia touches Africa and Europe as the proverbial middle man.

The seahorse emblem was chosen since the Mediterranean Sea looks a bit like a sea horse already, with the outline of its head at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea.

It is the right of any nation that has a Mediterranean Sea watershed to fly this flag.  It truly is the ancient Sea of Middle Earth since Africa, Europe, and Asia all meet at this water junction.  Coincidentally the only opening to an ocean opens west - directly due west  to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in the Americas.

 map image credit
Mediterranean Sea - Eric Gaba (Sting - fr:Sting) All rights released Own work ;
Raster background map : screenshot from NASA World Wind (Public Domain) June 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Out office-house UK Flag

Notice UK flag on top
You can barely notice a small British flag up top.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dr. Whitney Smith's NAVA 43 freebie vexi-art by Beatriz Grayson

At NAVA 43 Dr. Whitney Smith spoke about the importance quilts in the Vexillological universe. He seemed to advocate the inclusion of these wonderfully hand made textiles. Quilts of all sorts have been made with flags in their design just as some flags have been made into quilts. Dr. Smith ended his lecture by handing out a card that featured the vexillological quilt art of Beatriz Grayson.

Grayson's quilt flag was essentially the modern 50 starred US flag with a rainbow pallet of colours and added designs. The 13 stripes were a rainbow patch of colours, starting from the bottom: purple, blue-green, yellow, orange, light green, red, and blue. Likewise the stars varied in colours. Additionally the quilt-flag had writing upon it. In the canton area in between the stars it is written "I wish upon the flag that we embrace diversity. I wish upon this flag that honoring uniqueness we treat each other with respect. I write upon this flag that we recognize our part in the global family." Inter spaced inbetween the coloured stripes in cursive, "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

The title of the quilt is Flag of Wishes - 2003

with the words written on the back - "A soft protest against the chiseling of our rights; a hopeful prayer for our immediate and global family; and a reminder that we, Americans, are not just red, white and blue, but of all the colors that exist" pieced and fused quilt 62" x 38"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mississippi-Alabama Heritage Flag

Mississippi-Alabama Heritage Flag
"The Missibama Flag"

For 20 years the land that would become the fine state of Alabama was a part of Mississippi Territory. From 1798 unto 1817 all of what became Alabama was under the territorial government of Mississippi.

Usually older states are more east but in this case it is reversed. Mississippi is the big sister of Alabama handling lil'bama's affairs until she came of age.

The design is based on the flag of Mississippi, with the Confederate Battle Flag replaced with a square flag of modern Alabama. This flag can be flown over any part of Alabama since it was once all managed by Mississippi.