
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Flag of Livingston Island, Antarctica

Flag of Livingston Island

The colours and design are based on the Sami Flag in Scandinavia - red, yellow, green, and blue. White is added for emphasis for snow. The stars represent the most southern constellation - Octans the Star Compass with the Southern Star represented by the green eight pointed star with a white fimbration.

Similar to the Sami Flag yet it has elements of EU flag as well.

Flag of Hearst Island - Antarctica

Flag of Hearst Island

Hearst Island Antarctica flag is based upon the flag of Greenland in conjunction with the constellation Octans the Star Compass.

Flag of Rothschild Island - Antarctica

Rothschild Island

The design of Rothschild Island is based upon the Nenets flags of Russia. The Nenets are a group of people who live in between Asia and Europe. Reindeer herding is a national way of life for these polar men of Eurasia.

The colour scheme is based on colours found on penguins - black, white, red, orange, and yellow. The constellation above represents Octans the Star Compass.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Flag of King George Island, Antarctica

King George Island Flag

The flag of King George Island is based upon three flags - the flag of St. George, Colonial Era Imperial China and space age China.

The red cross is the primary element of St. George. The red quartered sections with yellow stars are modeled after the flag of modern China. The two quarters with yellow backgrounds have stars - the upper fly has the Southern Star from Octans the Eight Sided Star Compass while the star in the lower fly represents the sun.

King George Island Flag reflects duality of Eastern Taoism. The flag combines elements of the East and West, modern and Imperial China, and finally the Southern Star with our local Star. Like the flag of China it has five stars, but in different positions.

The flag of King George was created in honor of its name sake and the establishment of China into the polar explorer club. China's first base in the Antarctic region was at King George Island - established on February 20, 1985 with the Great Wall Station.

Flags of Modern China, St. George, and Imperial China

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kansas and Montana - Fraternal Flag Twins

Flag of Montana

Did'ja ever notice some of the state flags look familiar? I did, but I didn't stop there. I went the distance and paired each state with a so called sibling look a like. And for the record, Montana's look a like twin is Kansas.

Both banners are locked and loaded by fields of blue with yeller' letters. On top of that both have matchin' seals of a similar nature. Since they both show us an idyllic scene down by the river. But they differ like potential and kinetic energy. Or rather like dawn and dusk. Ya see, the flag of Kansas is the busiest of busy flags. It has the most people, animals and activity. How many persons can you count? How many animals are there?

Flag of Kansas

No other flag in the union comes close to Kansas. There are at least five people on the flag, and more than 13 animals. On the other hand, Montana is the essence of quiet tranquility. No people, no critters - only the eye of the observer. The hustle and bustle of Kansas reflects the morning rush hour, while empty calm of Montana is like dusk when everyone has gone home ands' settlin' in for supper.

Furthermore the position of the sun in transition over the hills on each flag is in the proper place that map makers consider east and west. You can orient a map any which way, but in the USA we usually mark the forward/up position as north, the right hand side as east, the left hand side as west. Likewise the sun on Kansas is in a would be eastern-right side, while the sun of Montana is on the would be west-left side.

Close up of Montana Flag

Kansas is snuggled in the heartland of America in between the West and East. Although Kansas gets first dibs as being the heartland of America, in a way Montana is the heartland of the continent. When you look at a map of the USA, Kansas snuggled in the middle, likewise when you look at a map of North America, Montana is a would be monkey in the middle.

A key historical alignment of matching caliber is that both Montana and Kansas took a bullet for America, or rather both states were pierced in the heart by an arrow of historic proportions. The events of Bleeding Kansas are considered the opening pre-game season of the US Civil War. The War officially started on April 12, 1861 but little bits of terror were breaking loose all over from Harper's Ferry, Virginia to Lawrence, Kansas.

Close up of Kansas Flag

The matching event for Montana to Kansas is related to the closing phase of the Native American Indian Wars. The key note sung by General Custer. Officially the War on Native Americans ended in 1890 at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. But the sharpest footnote of the violent struggle between Natives and Newcomers transcends time at Little Bighorn, Montana

But before the outbreak of succession of the Southern Slave Holding States, the debate between ending slavery and letting it expand in the new states reached a raucous roar in Kansas. The congressmen of America passed the buck to the settlers of Kansas. Subsequently pro-slavery and abolitionist groups raced to Kansas in order to make it in their own image. In the ensuing chaos, the rash of violence and the political bloodshed became known as Bleeding Kansas.

Sisters of the Prairie - Kansas and Montana

Less than a generation later, another golden bullet was shot into the heart of America, with the tragic story of Custer's Last Stand. General Custer was a dashing, brash, and high held hero of the US Civil War for the Union Side. However his intuitive one man rambo style tactics resulted in his death and the death of the men under his command. The painful fact was that it happened on the eve of America's 100th birthday - late June 1876. The US was steadily recovering from the madness and scars of civil war, and feelings of higher hopes were in the air. But news of this lopsided battle put slight damper on America's Centennial.

Custer's Last Stand and Bleeding Kansas are two Aces of American History. They are tragic yet hopeful echos of our past. The Native American and Confederate are united in a similar destiny but under different stars. Both groups saw their ancient way of life come to an end under violent restriction from the US Government. No longer would the nation tolerate the right to own a man or the right to roam freely across the plains. Even today a lingering pain remains on all sides.

Likewise General Custer lost some luster as a hero of the American West. As America grew into maturity she reevaluated the status of Native Americas. The limelight of history shifted in remembrance and favor for the Native American. The fall of Custer and his men challenge us to remember our past. General Custer risked his life for the Union and in a serendipitous line gave up his life, so we wound not forget the Native American.

Forlorn are America's ancient ways of life, but perhaps America is ready for a new kind of limelight that sparkles on all sides, where an unlimited range of colours shine upon the past. Where all men and women can be seen as heroes rather than villans?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Balleny Islands Flag - New Zealand

Balleny Islands Flag

The colours of the Balleny Islands are navy blue, white, red, and orange. The four red stars with white fimbrations are taken from the New Zealand flag. The colour orange in honor of the 'Orange Antarctic Flag' designed by Whitney Smith. The cross is cut as low fly square canton.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Flag of Snow Hill Island, Antarctica

Flag of Snow Hill Island

This flag is based upon the design of Sweden, essentially a counter charge of colours. Its character as an isle was discovered by a Otto Nordenskiold.

Flag of Blaskimen Island, Antarctica

Flag of Blaskimen

Parts of this island were originally charted by a joint UK-Swedish-Norwegian expedition in 1950. Thus this flag has elements of the UK and Norwegian Flag.

The Soviet Union discovered that Blaskimen Island was a separated from Novyy Island in 1961.

Flag of Novyy Island, Antarctica

Flag of Novyy Island

This island of Antarctica was mapped out by the former Soviet Union in 1961. The colours of this flag are red, white, yellow and black. The design combines elements of the old socialist republics with colours of the Russian Imperial Flag.

 However there is no hammer or sickle, instead the constellation Octans the Star Compass is shown. The eight pointed star represents the 'South Star.' Along the bottom are colours of Russian Empire but upside down, since this island is in the Southern Hemisphere. The white and yellow 'stripes' are shaped with a wavy design - doubly for the white stripe and singly for the yellow. While the black stripe is solid.

Flag of Coulman Island, Antarctica

Coulman Island

Although the Japanese were not the first to land on this island, Japan came by it on their first expedition to the Antarctic in 1911.

It was quite an amazing trek for a nation that was living in medieval times technology nearly 60 years earlier. The Japanese team was led by Shirase Nobu and was the first nation to land on King Edward the VII land.

The flag is based on the national flag of Japan.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Flag of Charcot Island, Antarctica

Flag of Charcot Island

Charcot Island was recognized as an island by an Australian - Sir Hubert Wilkins in 1929. The colours of Charcot Island flag - orange and blue - are based upon the two popular flags for Antarctica designed by Whitney Smith and Graham Bartram.

The constellation represents the most southern constellation Octant the star compass.

Spaatz Island Flag, Antarctica

Dundee Island - Antarctica

Flag of Dundee Island

The flag is based upon the islands namesake - Dundee which is a town in Scotland. Basically a it's a Scottish Canton on it own matching field with the dexter bend extended the whole way across. The constellation is Octans the Star Compass. The eight pointed star represents the 'South Star.'

Sunday, February 5, 2012

America's Pre-Bicentennial Flag for 1576

America's Pre-Bicentennial took place on July 4, 1576 two hundred years before the official birth of the United States.  Since Spain had free run on the continent of that epoch the Colonial Spanish Burgundy Flag is in the Canton and a modern motif of Spain is in the the field.  The red burgundy cross has 13 white stars on it that foretell the future coming of the 13 rebellious colonies that would arise two hundred years later.

The only one 'state' area was settled by Spain since 1565, which would become a part of the future United States: Florida.  On July 4, 1576 the founders of Florida were at war with England, the Netherlands, and France during the Eighty Years War.   Also note that the territory of Spanish Florida included much of the South Eastern United States.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Flag of Drygalski Island, Antarctica

Flag of Drygalski Island, Antarctica

The colours of Drygalski Island are based on the national colours of the islands namesake - Erich Dagobert von Drygalski from Prussia.

Flag of Avners Island, Antarctica

Flag of Avners Island Antarctica

Avners Islands is the 13th largest island in Antarctica's neighborhood.

Flag of Adelaide Island, Antarctica

Flag of Adelaide Island

Adelaide Island was awoken to our awareness in 1832 by a British Expedition. Although Europeans claimed to discover the worlds of America and Australia, this is incorrect. However Antarctica and its major islands were indeed discovered. Adelaide is officially a new world founded by the British.

Thus this flag pays homage the founders national identity John Biscoe. The design is exactly the same as the UK Union Flag. But there is a slight alteration in colours. The white spaces and Scottish elements have been reversed. The colour white represents snow and the blue represents the Southern Seas.

Flag of James Ross Island, Antarctica

James Ross Island Flag

The James Ross Island flag in Antarctica is based upon the flag of Sweden. First charted in 1903 by Otto Nordenskiold.

Flag of Joinville Island, Antarctica

Flag of Joinville Island

This island was discovered by France in 1838 by Jules Dumont U'rville. It features the most southern constellation - Octans the 8 sided star compass. The four pointed star is the celestial south star.

Flag of Siple Island Antarctica

Flag of Siple Island

The flag of Siple island is based on the design of Ohio State's flag. The pattern is a reflection of the islands namesake - Paul A Siple - who was born in Montpelier, Ohio in 1908. Siple was a part of the American expeditions to Antarctica in the 1930s. Siple also helped coined the term "wind chill" with Charles F. Passel.

The colours of the flag are black, white, orange, yellow and red. The pallet comes from typically colours found on a penguin. Four stars are visible along the upper and middle sections that represent the most southern constellation - Octans the eight pointed star compass. The central red eight pointed star represents sigma Octans which the opposite of it more famous northern cousin as the the "South Star."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ground Hog Day 1993 - Ground Hog Day Flags

Notice black and blue ground hog flag

The essential pre-valentines classic film that brings in February. Ground Hog Day 1993 is based on a Pennsylvania tradition determining the length of winter with the behavior of a rodent.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Iowa and Missouri - Fraternal Twins

Flag of Iowa

When you compare the flag of Iowa with the flag of Missouri you can see a striking similarity. Some people would rub this off as mere coincidence, but I go 2 steps further and gave this particular kind of happenstance a name. This is no accident, somehow it seems in our collective unconscious flags are chosen with a subconscious need for peculiar kind of symmetry.

Basically every flag in our Union has a near look a like that I call a 'Fraternal Twin.' To spell it out the 'fraternal flag twin' of Iowa is Missouri. If you have trouble wrapping your head around that then just take a look at a few other examples here for some southern states and here for northern states.

Flag of Missouri

These are the only two states with tri-bars. Iowa's bars go up n' down, and Missouri's goes from side to side or left to right. They are 90 degree pattern inverts of each other. Iowa's flag is a dead ringer for France and a wee northern portion is with matching latitude to southern France, likewise Missouri's flag looks like the Netherlands' Flag, but no part of Missouri is parallel to this country.

Now for the interesting part, their are all sorts neat parallels that can be drawn between each of the paired states. Missouri and Iowa are both in the heartland of America in between the Old Establishment on the East and the New Age west coast. Although they are next to eachother, Missouri and Iowa differ like night and day. You can think of Missouri as being the older brother who went on more sordid and wild adventures making a little trouble for Ma and Pa, while Iowa is the younger brother who didn't feel the need to test his borders and go hog wild so to speak.

Iowa is American Gothic

Missouri is the central state at the cultural heartland of America. North, South, East and West all collide with Missouri. Missouri has parts more southern than Nashville, Tennesse, parts more northern than Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, parts more western than Houston, Texas and finally parts more eastern than western Michigan. Making Missouri the jack of all American trades. Because Missouri can cowboy up more than Houston, Yankee up more than Philadelphia, sing more southern than Nashville, and act more industrial than the west side of Michigan. Iowa may not jack it up like Missouri, and the only direction they can lord over Missouri is north.

And this fits Iowa so, as the loyal cherry and blueberry pie with white whipped cream. Iowa was the state that brought us all American Art such as American Gothic and as apple pie in the in sky Field of Dreams. Iowa is the natural homebody state to balance the whip wild joyride ethos of the Show Me State.

Even the flag of Missouri tries to do it all. It has elements from states all over. Like New Jersey they are the only two to have a heraldic helmet with mantling. Missouri goes east and west with her central badge. There are bears like California and a crescent moon like South Carolina. A belt like Wisconsin and stars like Kansas. And finally it shares the American eagle on white like its little brother up north - Iowa and cousin to the east, Illinois. Is it Missouri trying to be like everyone else or is everyone trying to be like Missouri?

Missouri is also famous for her boot heel that digs into Arkansas, likewise Iowa has a little nub than pokes down into Missouri. It's Iowas way of digging at Missouri for digging into Arkansas.

It's interesting to note that it was on the USS Missouri that the Japanese unconditionally surrendered the United States. The cosmic coincidence is that the USS Missouri was an Iowa Class battleship, which was the biggest of all US battleships to be constructed. What this means is, when somebody picks on Missouri's little brother Iowa, you better look out. Although Iowa and Missouri may bicker like hot headed brothers there ain't to stopping them when fight together against a common foe. They'd put Wolverine and Sabertooth to shame.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Babe - Sheep Dog Flag

Babe Sheep Dog Flag and Banner
The flag is on the right side of the banner

A sheepdog banner and flag appear in Babe 1995, an academy award winning Australian film about a pig that grows beyond his expectations.

The flag and banner use the same colours - yellow-green, white, black, and yellow. The flag features a yellow-green background. Upon the center is the seal of the sheepdog Championships, which is a black and white sheep dog with yellow winners wreath the surrounds the sheepdog.

The flags as seen though a camera covering the sheep dog competition. On the left and right sides of the banner are the flags.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Angry Birds Flag - Green Piggy Flag

The Green Piggy Flag

Angry Birds is a smart phone app that has reached a kind of Pac-Man Fever or rather Angry Bird Fever for the age of the smart phone.

It came out of Finland in 2009, the nation that brought us Nokia Phones. The object of the game is hurl birds from a slingshot, which then crash into Green Piggy structures. The Piggies apparently stole the birds eggs and now the avian feathered friends want payback.

Extremely addictive, its like hurling paper balls or airplanes. A flag makes an appearance in the game, that of the Green Piggies. It is oddly modeled after the Finnish Flag.

Flag of Finland

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Big Bang Thoery - Sheldon Cooper, presents Fun with Flags

Sheldon Cooper from the Television Show
Big Bang Theory - with show about Vexillology

Vexillology recently made it into prime time when Sheldon showed an interest in Vexillology. The show centers on Gen-X Academia at Caltech. The essential yin and yang component relies on the dynamic of four egg headed intellectually acute yet socially awkward men with a sultry blonde waitress.

In this episode Sheldon Cooper the research physicist becomes enchanted with vexillology and decides to make 52 part educational series about vexillology on YouTube.

Dr. Fowler-Bialik Ferdinanty Flag

Here is an original flag created for the show known as "Ferdinanty Flag," which is supposed to garner interest for younger viewers. This flag was designed by the fictitious Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler played by Mayim Bialik, who in real life holds a PhD in neuroscience.

You can watch the complete episode here on Hulu

New categories for flags - Aquageotic and Geopolitic Classes

Their are many ways to categorize flags - tri-bar, canton, pan-African, etc. But here are two new classification groups "Aquageotic" and "Geopolitic." First a definition for Aquageotic. These are flags that have maps of islands or partial maps that are determined by water via the coastline or other various watershed. Examples include two popular flags of Antarctica and Sulawesi independence movement. The flag of Cyprus is also - Aquageotic.

Flag of Sulawesi
"Aquageotic type flag"

The island of Sulawesi is shown on a white disc. The shape or icon is based upon the coastline. Sulawesi is a part of Indonesia. This flag has been used by various separatist groups.

Flag of Antarctica Treaty, again the shape of the central icon is based upon the coastline (water-to-earth).

The second group is similar to Aquageotic, in that it also has a map but the borders are not related to any kind of water division. These types of flags are more popular at lower levels of government - usually denoting the shape of a county, township or city.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Shield

Aquateen Hunger Force Logo
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, features an amazing trio of gifted food products that become sentient due to the sordid experiments of a mad scientists at the Jersey Shore. Their mission is to fight crime and evil where ever it may arise. However their exploits against evil eventually take a back seat to watching television.

The ATHF Shield uses five colours, in order of importance they are yellow, red, blue, black and white. The chief is gules with word 'HUNGER' writtein in all capital letters, with a conjoined 'E' and 'R.' The main filed consists of the world 'FORCE' in or with a conjoined 'F' and 'O.' Also the last letter 'E' has an extra extension that fills the gap in the letter 'C.' The letters are all highlighted in black for definition with white a glze for added depth. The shield is also bordered with a yellow highlight that conforms the shape of the letters leaving an indent with both the red and yellow 'R.' Finally in stylized blue graffiti a the crest-chief overlap it is written 'AQUATEEN.'

Friday, January 27, 2012

Carney Island Flag

Flag of Thurston Island Flag

Thurston Island Flag

Thurston Island was discovered by the USA in February 1940 by Admiral Bryd.

Although the Continent of Antarctica can wait, perhaps its time that islands around the ice continent get fairly divided up. Colonization in Antarctica will provide essential data and experience for colonization in outer space.