
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Ark, part 4 - Flag of Kriegsmarine

Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981
Flag of the Kriegsmarine

In Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 Harrison Ford plays as the dashing and heroic archaeologist in pursuit of the biblical treasures. He travels the world from Asia to Arabia on his quest.

Upon his grand discovery of the Lost Ark, he takes a life and death chance to get it back. He secretly boards a German Sub and puts his faith in the unknown. The pic above shows Indy boarding the German Sub. Luckily for Indy, the sub does not submerge before arriving at its secret location in the Greek Isles. In the far distance his allied shipmates are cheering him to save Marion and to protect the Lost Ark.

Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981
Kriegsmarine Nazi Flag as it appeared from the obverse

The WWII Kriegsmarine flag appears from the obverse side in this movie. The flag of the German Navy during WWII featured a black and white Scandinavian cross centered on a swastika on a red field.

Hollywood is one of the few places where you can get people to pay you money to wave a Nazi Flag in front of your face - but remember context is key. In 1981 G. Lucas and S. Spielberg were successful in waving the Nazi flag and in the same work of art at great profit, burn the American Flag.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Ark, part 3 - the Staff of Ra and the Hebew High Preist

Indiana Jones with a vexilloid - the Staff of Ra

Vexillology is mostly the study of flags, but it also encompasses objects that act in a similar manner to flags - especially staffs, maces, or sacred poles. In Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981, the Staff of Ra is not a flag but is a vexilloid. The headpiece features an ornamental design with a red crystal. The headpiece or finial was given to Indy from his true love sweet heart, Marion.

When the Staff of Ra is put in the proper place at the right time in an ancient Egyptian map room, it reflects the light of the sun to reveal the hidden location of the Lost Ark.

Notice Ancient Egyptian Vexilloids on the Wall
the crook and other staff - denoting rank and power

In this scene Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is disguised as an Egyptian worker in native Islamic dress in order to get access to the map room. Indy has additional information that the Nazi's are unaware of, this allows him to find the Lost Ark before the Nazis.

The 'Hebrew' Ram Staff
Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981

Later in the movie they open the ark on a secret inland in the Mediterranean Sea. Before opening the Lost Ark they decided to follow proper Old Testament ritual in order to see its contents. The man on the left Rene Belloq (Paul Freeman) is dressed as the Hebrew High Priest. Rene is holding a vexilloid. Its finial is a multi-faced golden ram head. The High Priest also has the breastplate of the 12 tribes of Israel with its assigned crystal.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Ark flags - part 2, The Egyptian Kingdom Flag

Egyptian Kingdom Flag

In Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 Steven Spielberg and George Lucas did their vexillological homework and had the proper Egyptian flag flying in the background. The Green Kingdom Flag of Egypt consisted of a green field with a crescent moon and three five pointed stars in between the horns. Although it may seem like a dominantly Islamic flag - the three stars represented the three major branches of Abraham - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Gun versus Sword, its no match

The flag is barely visible during the famous gunslinger vs swordsman fight. Although it gives the impression that firearms technology was new to the Middle East - they had been using gun powder since the 1400s in concert with Europe.

Best Image of Egyptian Kingdom Flag
Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981

The best image of the Green Egyptian flag takes place after the Indy amazingly captures the Lost Ark and is able to hide it at the town bazaar where he had previously fought the swordsman.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Android Logo

Android is a green robot looking device.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2


This OK to work with

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Ark flags, part 1 - Burning the American Flag

Notice Burning American Flag
behind the Nepalese Thug

Usually, burning the American Flag is an inflammatory action that is offensive to most Americans.

Burning the flag in protest, art, or for the sake of expression is especially controversial. But doing it for profit is highly inappropriate. However in 1981, audiences across America applauded makers of Raiders of the Lost Ark and sent one third of a billion dollars to Hollywood to watch or at least subliminally watch the American Flag burn under the direction of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.

Close up of burning US Flag - Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981
The burning of the American flag happens during the fight scene in Nepal.  A 48 starred US flag burns in Marion's Bar. During the melee the fire gets out of control and consumes the establishment and everything in it - including the American Flag.

Burning the American Flag was only a minor background component for the film. It was certainly not the intention of the directors to prove they could tastefully burn the flag without controversy. Nor was in anyway a part of the plot.  However it was an unsanctioned artful burning of the American Flag, that did not displease audiences or anyone who noticed. Audiences didn't react to negatively since it only appeared for a moment, also within the context of the story it really didn't matter.

US Flag in upper left corner before the fight and fire
Marion is center front

Monday, January 2, 2012

British Indian Ocean Territory Flag and the Mosquito Coast Flag - Fraternal Twins

Flag of British Indian Ocean Territory
also B.I.O.T.

The flag of British Indian Ocean Territory seems to be in a league of its own. This crumb of 'India' is last the remnant of the forlorn British Indian and African Empire. It is a tiny group of Islands located in the virtual middle between Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Its more popular name is Diego Garcia. And it is a strategic post for the US Military with the War on Terror.

The flag is a rare British Ensign design that does not conform to the typical red, blue, or white field. Rather the field consists of wavy stripes - three long blue and three short blue. Bordered by seven white wavy stripes - two long, two short, one long - missing half its bottom, one long that that is 3/4ths complete and finally one short 1/2 that is missing its top. In total there are thirteen blue and white wavy stripes that are reflective of the Indian Ocean. The charge on the field consists of a British Royal Crown and a eight branched palm tree.

Flag of the forlorn Mosquito Coast

Its unique design would indicate it probably wouldn't have a fraternal partner, but alas it does. Its partner is outside of the official 'now' but nonetheless is congruent with the flag of the Mosquito Coast.

The design of the Mosquito Coast has nine stripes - five blue and four white. There is no charge on the field of stripes.

The flag of the no longer existent Mosquito Coast is the fraternal twin to British Indian Ocean Territory. The Mosquito Coast existed partly as constitutional monarchy for 60 years from 1834 unto 1894. It was located on the eastern shore of Nicaragua and a wee bit of Honduras. In a way the Mosquito Coast belongs in the same category of the Confederacy as English Speaking 'American' Nations that are no more. Although not as big as the C.S.A. the Mosquito Coast existed for nearly 12 times longer.

The Mosquito Coast and BIOT semi-nations that have their own 'mexican' or 'mextizo' or 'metis' kind of people. From the Mosquito Coast there is the Miskito Ethnic who are mostly a mix of African and Native American Indian. On the other side of the world from BIOT we have the Chagossians who are a mix of African and India peoples.

Outside of time from the Atlantic to the Pacific
these blue and white stripes merge under a Queen and King

US Military Welcome Video about BIOT or Diego Garcia

Lonely Planet Video about the 'modern' Mosquito Coast

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The last part of the United States to celebrate New Years - Howland and Baker Island

The last part of the United States - and the world for that matter - to celebrate the new year are Howland and Baker Islands. They are 12 hours behind Greenwich Time in London. Amazingly they are also 26 hours behind Tokelau! This means that in Tokelau and Eastern Kirabati when it was January 2, 2012 at 1:11am it was still December 31, 2011 at 11:11pm!

What this means is that America gets last dibs on the new year.

Also the last moon of 2011 will keep shining until January 24, 2012! So that means we have three more virtual weeknights of 2011 - keep it a secret!

Proposed Flags for Howland and Baker Island
the tail time gunners of America and the world
both islands are in the LAST time zone of the earth minus 12 GMT

Vexillological Warp Up 2011

2011 was relatively action packed year of changes. There were two official major vexillological shifts. A national flag change occurred in Africa, as well as the recognition of new nation with new colours. Also one state in the USA under went a way cool retro-maker over.

New Old flag of Libya

Due to the 'Arab Spring' Libya's dramatic change in political leadership saw the ouster of Gadaffi's Green flag and a reversion to old flag of Libya. This subsequently aligned the with the new flag of Malawi.

A new nation - South Sudan

A new nation was welcomed to the global community - South Sudan. It is likely in the future that this nation will change names as it matures.

I gotta' feeling that parts of Nigeria may follow in South Sudan's footsteps within three years. If ya' didn't know, Nigeria has race-tribal and religious-Islamic vs Christian issues and a whole lot of oil.

Reversion to the original design

On March 9, 2011 the flag of Utah was reverted to the original more harmonious design that had a proper placement of dates. The shield was coloured white, the bee hive was reshaped, and the flowers were cut differently.

Aside from that there were no flag controversies in the USA and only a minor outburst of Confederate Flag issues. Although the Civil War was celebrating its 150th - nothing stinky could hit the fan.

It must be the hard economic times. When the economy gets back on its feet, people will have the luxury to enjoy a hearty non economic emotional controversy about flag issues.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wake Island - the first part of the USA to awaken!

Official Flag of Wake Island
Where the day begins in the USA

Wake Island is the first part of the United States to start each new day, and bring in the New Year! 2012 had come and already began for this small slice of 'America' while much of the nation was not yet...awake.

American Wakers celebrate the New Year at the same time as their southern Kiwi cousins down under in New Zealand. Wake Island is due north of Resolution Island, New Zealand. But by latitude Wake Island's climate is on par with Northern Vietnam or Veracruz, Mexico.

Compare to Wake Island
Texas and North Carolina are fraternal twins

The flag of Wake Island takes after Texas or rather North Carolina. Unlike these two 'Southern Brothers' Wake Island is parted like a sideways 'Y' rather than sideways 'T.' The red, white and blue pattern mirror's that of Texas. However the blue hoist portion is more like North Carolina since it has yellow stars and scribbles like North Carolina's yella' ribbons and yeller' state initials.

Wake Island is a 99er so to speak since it was annexed in 1899. During WWII the Japanese attacked it the same day as Pearl Harbor and captured it three weeks later. The island was retaken by American forces on September 4, 1945.

Coincidentally the name of the island reflects its point as America's Land of the Rising Sun - since America awakens to each new day or new year at Wake Island.

Happy New Year 2012!

This is why we say "WAKE UP" instead of "MAINE UP"

Friday, December 30, 2011

Woo Hoo! 10,000 Hits Per Month!


To all my friends and family who helped, in small steps is where the miracles happen!

The Colors or Livery of Rydell High - from Grease 1978

Animated Rydell School Pennant in Rizzo's Room

The fictional school in Grease is Rydell High. It is the primary setting for one of the classic and epic musicals about the 1950s - Grease. During the movie the colors or rather livery of the school are displayed - red and white.

Grease was originally produced as a play in 1971, and it is one of the few Broadway productions to successfully cross over in Hollywood in 1978.

The real Rydell High School Pennant
in Rizzo's Room minus Rizzo

During a Pink Ladies slumber party at Rizzo's, the school pennant from Rydell High can be seen hanging on the wall behind a paint by number horse and picture of Elvis. It can be seen clearly during the Look at Me, I'm Sandradee song.

The Rydell Rangers Pep Rally - Grease 1978

At a pep rally for the Rydell Rangers the school coach leads the cheerleaders and fans. The American flag with 48 stars can be seen in the background and the stage columns are wrapped in red bunting on a white background to emphasize the school colors.

Principal Mrs. McGee raising
school flag with assistant Blanche

In the Hollywood sequel of Grease 2 - the tacky 80s take on the not so electric boogaloo. This train wreck takes place two years later in 1961, the school flag of Rydell Flag is shown in the beginning. The director couldn't help but sneak so totally not so tubular in 80s hair, music and style. Although marketing forces like to wrap decades and generations into neat little packages like the 50s, 80s, 00s, Generation X, Y, & Z. These are broad and often untrue generalizations, since there parts of the the 1960s that were no different from the 1950s. Likewise each person is their own 'decade' of whatever.

Original Trailer

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Vexillology of Thunderpants

Notice School Emblem

In 2002 a film about a boy with a certain kind of gift was released upon the public Thunderpants.

Because of his propensity to propel pungent puffs of putrid pockets of air from his arse, he has difficulty making friends. However one kid in school who was born without a sense of smell - Alan A. Allen (played by Rupert Grint of the Harry Potter franchise) is able to befriend Patrick.

Human powered flight via farting?

Here the boys enter a contest to create a flying machine with human power. Patrick Thunderpants is able to channel his flatulence into a hover craft that gives him the ability to lift themselves off the ground.

In the background are green flag pennant streamers and a red flag waving near the finish line. Although very improbable, using digestive gases as power source is possible.

Thunder Pants 1
designed to contain toxic emissions

Patrick 'Thunderpants' is able to enjoy some of his childhood when his buddy designs a special pair of pants - Thunderpants 1. This mechanical fancy pants clothing contains and channels the noxious fumes from Pat's derriere into a green tool box, which can later be safely eliminated in a Ghost Buster's like containment apparatus.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Flags Nigeria and Rhodesia - a different shade of green

Flag of Nigeria

At the moment the flag of Nigeria is bonded outside of time to the former nation of Rhodesia. Nations come and go, subsequently flags change - sometimes a little and sometimes a lot.

The flag of Nigeria was in active political alignment with Rhodesia during its relatively short existence from 1965 until 1979. In 1979 Rhodesia under went a name change to Zimbabwe Rhodesia a little later to simply Zimbabwe. But its declaration of independence was not authorized by the UK and was often called in dispute as 'Southern Rhodesia' by the UK and its allies.

Also note there were several other colonies and states that also had Rhodesia in their name - Northern Rhodesia, North-Western Rhodesia, North-Eastern Rhodesia, and the Federation of Rhodesia with Nyasaland.

The flag of 'Rebel Southern Rhodesia' is and or was in harmonious alignment with Nigeria, depending on your point of view. Suffice it to say Rhodesia in the general way was a super African state that was too big for itself with harsh cultural divides - much like Nigeria.

Flag of Southern Rebel Rhodesia

It is only a matter of time for Nigeria to follow its forlorn fraternal twin Rhodesia by ceasing to exist or breaking up into smaller parts. There was already the Nigerian Civil War of from 1967-1970 for the forlorn nation of Biafra.

Like Sudan the religious divide between the Nigerian Islamic North and Christian-Animist South is seething with violence, mixed in with precious petroleum.

exiled colours to be, or not to be?

Monday, December 26, 2011

The vexillology of Tron Legacy

US Flag in front of Kevin Flynn's home

Tron Legacy 2010 was the continuation of Tron 1982. In this movie the cyber-computer world is a virtual universe that like the 'real world' has its heroes and villains who want to control the system. Tron was originally a program designed to keep the system free.

Tron Guard Programs with Vexilloids

The American flag makes a brief appearance in front of Kevin Flynn's place. Once inside the virtual computer universe - several objects are shown that qualify in some regard as a vexilloid. The guards under control of the system have long poles with white tips at the end that are also zapping program prods.

Bar keep light cane vexilloid

Finally the bar keeper at the club has a personal light cane. Seen here, he plays it like an air guitar when a fight breaks out.

Since the rise of the Internet there are voices from the powerful elite and special interests that want to control the Internet, subsequently a rebooted version of Tron in 2010 was harmoniously appropriate. Will the Internet remain a user free paradise or will people let a minority of powerful voices control the environment? Only time will tell.

The Legend of King Arthur - as told by Walt Disney, The Sword in the Stone

Sword in the Stone intro Book
note the three heraldic shields along the bottom

The Sword in the Stone 1963 was Walt Disney's take on the epic semi-legend of King Arthur. The story unfolds on the imaginative humble beginnings of King Arthur, as the unexpected ruler of England.

Flags of all shapes and sizes make an appearance in the movie. The movie makes extravagant use of heraldic designs, but during the supposed time period of King Arthur - heraldry was not yet an institution. Records trace its emergence some 700 years after the life of King Arthur. Nonetheless, Disney's effective and colourful use of heraldry enriches this fanciful tale about the Legend of King Arthur.

Boy King Arthur having just
pulled the sword from the stone

You can see a vexillum in the upper right hand corner. It is a cross shaped pole, the flag is a gonfalon coloured blue, black and two shades of pink. This type of flag was used by the Romans and is the origin of the term Vexillology.

During King Arthur's time the Roman Empire had abandoned the British Isles, but no doubt parts of Roman technology and culture would have remained.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Flags

John Connor rallying with troops
behind a tattered American Flag

A tattered US Flag waves defiantly in the beginning of Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines 2003. Standing in front of the flag is John Connor, the key individual responsible for winning the war against the machines.

As it goes with time travel movies, in this alternate future Judgement Day still happens but by different means.

Notice two Confederate and POW MIA flag

The Confederate Flag and POW MIA flags also make an appearance in this movie when one of the Terminators seeks clothes at the bar. The flags hang along the wall and are folded. They are not flying in traditional flag pole fashion but rather as a decorative background for the walls.

Flag of Texas - hung upside down

The flag of Texas is in the background, along the wall, but it is hung upside down which is a common mistake.

A way to remember how to hang the flag of Texas - is to remember that Texas shed blood towards the south with Mexico to be independent, while North Carolina shed blood to the north with Canada for independence. The red bloody bar of Texas and North Carolina are in sync with the direction of spilling blood with 'normal' map positioning. Thus the red bar of Texas is on the bottom-south side towards Mexico while the red bar of North Carolina is on the top-north side towards Canada.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Space Balls Vexillology - the seal of Captain Lone Starr

The Roundel of Captain Lone Starr

Probably the best parody of the Star Wars franchise was Space Balls 1988, directed by Mel Brooks. Spaced nearly in between the original and the second generation of official Star Wars Movies, it was refreshing respite for Star Wars junkies.

The hero of the movie is Captain Lone Starr who travels the galaxy in an RV modified for space travel. On the passenger side door is the insignia of his ship. It features a North American Bald Eagle facing sinister. In the crest is the number five on a gold disc, up top it is written Eagle in all black capital letters. Below the eagle is a scroll that reads "CAPT LONE STARR." Finally along the bottom is another motto - "Hero for Hire."

Short Video of the Eagle 5 - Cosmic RV

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Holiday Card of 2011 - Minnesota and Idaho

Holiday Spirit Glazed Minnesota Flag

Ho ho ho, ho?

This year Minnesota and Idaho were chosen as the flags of the season. They are states with similar points of view, just south of the border. Canadian Border that is.

The state flag of Minnesota has been altered a wee bit to be in season. It is a cold and calm winters night. The Native American is sitting down with a Norwegian-American for a warm cup of hot chocolate in front of camp fire. Their arms are laid across each other in peace. Instead of the state flower, the lady slipper, poinsisettas are arranged in the blue circle. Also the white ring of Minnesota is black with either tiny snow or stars shimmering in the addition to the 19 larger yellow stars. The red banner no longer holds the state motto, rather the declaration of World Peace. Two peace doves are on the left and right sides, as a symbol of 'World Peace.'

Christmas Enchanted Flag of Idaho

The flag of Idaho has been 'North Polarized' with a traditional American Christmas theme. Coincidentally both flags feature the state seals and both originate from the hand of womankind. Emma Edwards Green designed the seal for Idaho and Amelia Hyde Center created the first flag for Minnesota.

The interesting coincidence is that both states are middle climates - globally speaking. Idaho and Minnesota are between the north pole and equator, cut at 45 degrees north. Thus they get a global full blast of winter and summer. Likewise many of the wild four legged critters change their coats from brown to white in the winter and vice-versa in the summer - examples being the snowshoe hare and various weasels.

Original Seal of Minnesota with Holiday Peace Greeting

Two classic all American Imaginary Characters can trace their roots to these states. One of America's most favorite childhood dogs - Snoopy! And that every so magical mouse - Mickey.

Charles Shultz was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota who later gave life to the Peanuts Gang. Shultz's animated holiday specials eventually became a rite of passage and ritual for many American children.

Original Seal of Idaho with Christmas Theme

Although Walt Disney is from Illinois the spirit of Mickey Mouse came from Idaho. After Walt drew up this magical little mouse of charm, he called it Mortimer Mouse. But his wife Lillian - originally from Idaho - chose the name Mickey. Chances are if Lillian didn't speak her mind, Mortimer Mouse would not have become famous. Thus Lillian Disney was in a sense a creator of Mickey Mouse.

So, ho ho ho and a Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Flags from the movie UP - 2009, by Disney

The movie Up 2009 is the story about an elderly gentleman - Carl Fredricksen - who decided to live his dream to visit Angel Falls in South America. The extraordinary point about his voyage is that he flies to Venezuela with helium air balloons attached to his house. Things seems to be working well, but a young boy - Russel - has accidentally come along while standing on his porch. The boy belongs to a boy scout like organization called the Wilderness Explorers. While standing at the man's doorway the boy can be seen with a flag of the organization. The colours of the organization are primarily orange. The logo consists of a yellow letter 'W' on top of pine tree. The bark of the pine tree is shaped like the letter 'E,' this is reference to Wilderness Explorers. Finally the Tree with the letters W and E are on an orange disc. Several items on Russels backpack carry the logo of stylized tree logo of the Wilderness Explorers.

Carl goes to court in Ohio
The Ohio State flag is on the right

After trying to protect his beloved mailbox painted by his deceased wife, Carl assaults a construction worker with his tennis ball cane, and has to go to court. To the left of the judge is the American flag and on the right is the Ohio State flag.

A journey across the continents from Ohio to Venezuela by a bunch of helium balloons is possible, yet would require a lot of balloons, many more than suggested in the movie.

In the ending scrap book credits, Carl can be seen holding a Wilderness Explorer flag.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Flags of Our Darkest Night - Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan

Flag of Nazi Germany
sublime white moon like symbol

The flags of the Third Holy Roman Empire and Imperial Japan are united with a similar element of nation and ego. They are inflammatory symbols that carry the tone of a vulgar hand gesture or curse word.

These flags carry a heavy karmic weight like rape, war, suicide, and death. Regardless of the negative associations, they are flags beyond America and of a wicked kind of freedom. They bite like a dagger straight through the heart. Only faith and hope can contain these egos.

In the forgotten tragedy of the supposed war to end all wars, the seeds of hate and national-racial egoism provided the devastating climate for their bloom. Their roots and stems were covered in thorns of suffering and pain, for their people and more so for the enemy of state. Woe to their enemies, yet even more woe to those who fell under their spell.

A Flag of Imperial Japan
obvious Sun like design

They are a union of the yellow shark and flying white cobra, magnificent predators who make no friends. We live in the afterglow of their rise and fall. They are a reflection of our ignorant self and illustrate the folly of vengeance. Forgiveness and faith are their only antidote.

To blame and judge is easy to do, rather it better to air out our dirty laundry so we can clean it?

always remember that music and film are powerful propaganda

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Daily Show - flag proposal for Libya

John Oliver
proposing a new flag for Libya

The Daily Show is a satrical and sometimes serious take on the news. Recognizing itself as Fake News, yet it is often more real than supposed 'official' news. Its satirical editorial reporting even attracts serious official and professional guests - domestic and international. I wouldn't doubt that the Daily Show could book the new leader of North Korea in 2012 - Kim Jong-un.

Earlier this year a flag was facetiously proposed by John Oliver. It was horizontal tri-bar with a 'Canadian Fess.' The upper bar in chief was yellow, the middle bar was indigo, and the lower bar was red. In the center was a white crescent moon with two stars that looked like a smiley face.

Monday, December 19, 2011

National Geographic Society Flag

Jane Goodall with Chimpanzee
holding national geographic society flag

The National Geographic Society was formed on January 27, 1888. Today it has become the premier association for global awareness with a keen eye on the environment and political-cultural situations across the planet.

This society has an earthy flag.  It is a horizontal tri-bar of three colours - blue on top, brown in the middle, and green along the bottom. Each row also has part of association's name written in white - 'NATIONAL' on blue, 'GEOGRAPHIC' on brown and 'SOCIETY' on green.

This Society has funded several research scientists.  One particularly famous recipient is Jane Goodall, who was able to do ground a breaking study of wild chimpanzees in Central Africa - shattering the myth that only 'man' uses tools.

Flag of National Geographic Society

However, the more famous icon of the National Geographic Society is the yellow portrait frame. Naturally, the colours of the flag are earthy and represent the dominant colours of life - green and brown.