
Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Zodiac Sign - Sextans the Star Compass

Constellation of Sextant
just below Leo

Libra the Scales has been a lonely odd ball of the Zodiac. Well its time as the odd ball 'inanimate object' is over, another object has joined the ranks in the pathway of the planets - Sextans.

Sextans the Star Compass is another constellation that tips on the path of the planets. It is snuggled under the belly of Leo. This extra sign cuts into Leo's space or one can consider people born during under this sign as having two signs - Leo & Sextant.

Symbol for Sextant the Star Compass
merged five pointed star on triangle

So what are the attributes of persons born under the 'Sign Sextant'? A predisposition for navigational skills, logical thinking, and love of star gazing. Sextant people should have a wonder lust to explore new worlds, ideas, and feelings. Not just in the an astronomical way but also though art and poetry, yet anchored to a cosmic knowing.

Photo of a Star Compass - Sextant

New Zodiac Sign - the Whale or Cetus

Constellation of Cetus the Whale

Ever since the modern adoption of 88 constellations. A few star systems have been conjoined to the ecliptic. In between Aries and Pisces at one corner the constellation of Cetus the whale or 'sea monster' sneaks in to pathway of the planets.

Cetus is the root word for the group of mammals that live in ocean -Cetacean.

It's symbolically positioned like a end of they year Christmas bonus. It's kinda like leap year, the planets sometimes cross its pathway.

Symbol for Cetus

The Astrological Symbol for Cetus is the tail of a whale. It looks like a crescent moon with an open end. the left end is slightly titled while the right end in supposed to be straight.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Last Starfighter and Enemy Mine Insignia

The Last Starfighter Video Game Icon
Cosmic Right Wing Power?

Two classic science fiction movies from the 1980s are The Last Starfighter (1984) and Enemy Mine (1985). Coincidentally both movies feature a friendship between the human race and race of lizard like aliens.

The insignia of the video game in The Last Starfighter uses the colours red, blue, white and black. In the center is a straight sword with wings near the handle. At the bottom is a rising half a blue star or planet. In the background are stars represented by white dots. On the left and right side of the sword are a pair of red and blue parabolas, that match the design of the sword.

BTA Patch
An Anthem for Cosmic Left Wing Brotherly Love?

In the alternate universe of Enemy Mine Dennis Quad plays a flight officer in the BTA, which is short of Bilateral Terran Association. The Letters of the BTA patch are stylized shapes that use triangles, rectangles and odd shapes to represent the BTA. Enemy Mine was originally based on a WWII film called Hell in the Pacific.

Starfighter Insignia

But in the Last Starfighter Alex Rogan, played by Lance Guest, is recruited to join the gifted Starfighter Gunner Troop. The elite starfighter patch consists of a stylized white star with a long tail pointing downwards. In between the four pointed white star points is another background yellow star with four points. The top border half of the star burst consists of a black rectangle. On the lower half of the star burst is a rainbow shaped icon of black, white, dark blue, and lighter blue followed by a thin white ring and black border.

Helmet of a Starfighter
for humanoid use

In the Last Starfighter a video games disguises itself as an entrance examination for an elite corps of military gunnery positions. We still live in a time where video games are still considered 'child's play.' But in the not so distant future and in this classic 80s movie, video games will be as big as Hollywood and serious military business.

In Enemy Mine the human and lizardman alien are initially forced into an alliance for survival but human nature and lizardman nature are able to harmonize into trust and friendship.

Before the domination of home video game systems, video games were usually played in public. In the Last Starfighter the hero rocks the cosmos with his skillful command of the controls. On the side of the video game cart is the first insignia of the video game. But also on his helmet we see the official mark of 'Starfighter.'

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hercules Cluster Flag

Flag of Hercules Cluster of Galaxies

The Hercules Cluster contains about 300+ galaxies and is found in the Hercules Constellation.

This cluster of galaxies was discovered in 1714 by Edmond Halley but catalogued by Mr. Messier on June 1, 1764. It's in Hercules armpit and due north of the Zodiac Constellation Scorpio.

The colours of this flag are navy blue, black, white, and yellow. In the center is a heraldic shield that represents the parental line of Hercules. The lighting blot represents his father, the God Zeus, and the Owl represents his mortal mother Alcmene,who was considered the wisest of mortals.

There are two dimensions of a counter charge. On the shield is an orb of yellow and white. The white half represents the divine wisdom of his heavenly father, and the yellow half represents physical power of his earth mother. The background field is also counter charged to represent the union of night and day power under the command of Hercules.

There are 12 galaxies in white that represent the 12 labors that Hercules was to perform for the King of Mycenae. To review the 12 labors of Hercules were to

(1) Kill the Nameon Leion
(2) Destroy the Lernaean Hydra
(3) Capture the Ceryneian Hind alive
(4) Trap the Erymanthian Boar
(5) Clean the Augean Stables
(6) Evacuate the Stymphalian Birds
(7) Capture the Cretan Bull
(8) Round up the Mares of Diomedes
(9) Get a Hippolyte's belt
(10) Fetch the Cattle of Geryon
(11) Get the Golden Apples of Hesperides and finally
(12) Bring Cerberus from Tartarus.

Fried Egg Galaxy Flag

Fried Egg Galaxy Flag

In the constellation Pegasus is a unique galaxy that dose not fit into the mainstream spiral shape. Most galaxies have a bar or spiral shape.

Its number is NGC 7742, but it's better known by simpler and more intuitively aligned name - the Celestial Egg. This is one cosmic omelet that will give you heartburn.

It is about 23 Megaparsecs away, and classified as Seyfert Galaxy, which means its center is 'brighter than your average bear' so to speak.

Picture of Fried Egg Galaxy with its Flag

Centaurus A Galaxy Flag

Hoag Galaxy Flag

Cartwheel Galaxy Flag

Cartwheel Galaxy Flag

Here is the flag of the Cartwheel Galaxy. It is about 500 million light years away and was discovered in 1941 by a Bulgarian born Swiss - Fritz Zwicky.

The flag has a black background. In the center is a yellow galactic icon with the image of two women doing a cartwheel on either side. In the central image is an elliptical ring in indigo, as are the dresses of the women.

The Cartwheel Galaxy has a dynamic shape because its previous performance with other galaxies so to speak. After a short rendezvous with smaller galaxy, the Cartwheel Galaxy did a cosmic cartwheel, about 200 million years ago.

Image of the Cartwheel Galaxy with Flag

The Mice Galaxy Flag

Mice Galaxy Flag

This is the flag of the Mice Galaxy, which is a combinations of two dancing galaxies. This mighty mouse duo can be found in the Bernice's Hair - a constellation right above Virgo. The Mice Galaxy is about 290 million light years away, and may join as one - but we really don't know.

The colours of the Mice Galaxy flag are red, blue, white and black. In the center is a white galaxy symbol. Along the fly is a blue mouse with its tail touching the center, and along the hoist is a red mouse 'upside down' with its tail touching the white galaxy in the center.

The Mice Galaxy Flag in 'Millennium Falcon' stance

Antennae Galaxy Flag

Sombrero Galaxy Flag

Sombrero Galaxy Flag

The Sombrero Galaxy is found in the Virgo Constellation. It is about 9 Megaparces away.

The flag consists of a yellow sombrero with a blue fleur delis band, in the corners are four galactic shapes. This galaxy became known to us by Pierre Mechain, in 1767 thus the fleur de lis.

Pinwheel Galaxy Flag

Pinwheel Galaxy Flag

The Pinwheel Galaxy is located in Ursa Major, or rather by the upper handle of the Big Dipper. It is about 27 million light years away. It's namesake is reflective of its shape.

Originally cataloged by Charles Messier, a Frenchman who was two years older than George Washington.

Image of Pinwheel Galaxy with Flag

Whirlpool Galaxy Flag

Black Eye Galaxy Flag

Black Eye Galaxy Flag

This is the flag of the Black Eye Galaxy. It is composed of four colours - black, white, green, and violet. In the center is a black galaxy symbol with a green eye. The pupil of the eye is a four pointed star. On the left and right side are two black lower case letter 'i's. Along the hoist it is right side up, and along the fly it is upside down. In each part of the two letter 'i' are four pointed stars. In the circular portion they are white, but in the long part they are violet.

The Black Eye Galaxy is 19 million light years away in the constellation Coma Bernices, which means Bernice's Hair. Oddly the constellation of Bernice's Hair is attributed to a real life person and not to mythological figure. Bernice was a blond haired Queen of Egypt in 222 BC during the reign of the Ptolemy family.

Black Eye Galaxy with Flag

Cigar Galaxy Flag

Cigar Galaxy Flag

The colours on the Cigar Galaxy Flag are navy blue, brown, neon green, and blue. The roundels of neon green and blue represent one million light years.

Thus the we are 12 million light years away from the Cigar Galaxy Galaxy. She, this galaxy, can be found in Ursa Major, the Great Bear near the celestial arctic circle.

The Cigar Galaxy takes its shape because it is a 'star burst' galaxy. Because of her close in counter with Bode's Galaxy she became pregnant with stars. Galactic intercourse with Mr. Bode, Galaxy triggered the cosmic genesis of a few million baby stars. It is like a grand galactic adult movie. Thus Bode's Galaxy is the 'father' of many stars in the 'mommy' Cigar Galaxy.

Basically this is one way of how a galaxies do it.

Flag of Cigar Galaxy

Triangulum Galaxy Flag

Flag of Triangulum Galaxy

The Triangulum Galaxy Flag is composed of three colours - red, white, and green. The Triangulum Galaxy was first observed by an Italian Astronomer - Giovanni Battista Hodierna in 1654, thus the colours the Italy. Mr Hoierna was born on Sicily which coincidentally looks like a Triangle.

Picture of Giovanni H, it seems that he had some Moorish or African heritage.

Triangulum Flag flying over Triangulum Galaxy

NGC 185 Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Ursa Minor Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Carina Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Large Megellanic Cloud Galaxy Flag

M32 Galaxy Flag

Tucana Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Bootes Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Fornax Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Sculptor I Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Leo I Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Antila Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Pheonix Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Cetus Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Aquarius Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Pegusus Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Sextans Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Ursa Major I Galaxy Flag

Draco Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Draco Dwarf Galaxy

Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Flag

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Local Galactic Group Flag

Local Galactic Group Flag
or Rather the Hubble Bubble Group

This is the flag of our Local Galactic Group, commonly called the Local Group. Our group has three major galaxies in it, Triangulum, Andromeda and us - the Milky Way.

The central galaxy on the white disc is the Milky Way. It seems that our galaxy is the biggest of the three main players. The galaxy on the orange disc represents Andromeda our fraternal twin - so to speak. The green disc's galaxy represents Triangulum. The two smaller yellow galaxies represent smaller satellite galaxies and other puffs of stars that are on their own. The crossing over of the orange and green discs with the white Milky Way disc created a red and blue shift overlap, in honor of Ed Hubble's discovery of the red-blue Doppler shift in astronomy. His magnificent recognition of a red and blue shifts, gave us a basic picture of cosmic geography in the early 20th century.

An easy way to remember the meaning of colours is that Milk is white for Milky Way, Orange and Andromeda both have the hidden 'jzz' sound, and their is a hard G in Green and Trian-G-ulum.

Edwin Hubble
with his cosmic peace pipe

There are about 30 galaxies in our Local Group, within 10 light years.

You can thank a man from Missouri for coining our local hub of galaxies as the Local Group - Edwin Hubble. Mr. Hubble is more famous for a floating telescope in orbit named in his honor- the Hubble Telescope.

Although the name Local Group makes a lot of sense, it is self centered point of view. The name does not distinguish us form the trillions and trillions of other Local Groups. Perhaps an additional second name is needed?

I propose that our Local Group have a second more distinguishable name as the - "Hubble Bubble Band" in honor of Mr. Hubble.

Our Local Group or rather Hubble Bubble Band has about 30 galaxies rocking and rolling in our galactic neighborhood. Members of the Hubble Bubble Band can easily jam with each other within a 5 light year radius.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flag of Chiron 2060 the lost Comet, Asteroid, or Comeroid?

Flag of Chiron

Chiron was originally a centaur who differed from his wild Centaurinan Brethren. Chiron was a diamond in the rough, and founder of the healing arts for wounds and private tutor for Achilles.

The planetary body Chiron was discovered on October 18, 1977 by Charles T. Kowal. It seems to be a hybrid of part asteroid and part comet or rather a proverbial "Asteromet" or "Comeroid." Chiron has a "pre-covery" period extending back to 1895, but nobody noticed until 1977.

Chiron the Centaur with his flag
Instructing Achilles on the healing touch of mu

The Flag of Chiron is based on a Native American Medicine Wheel. It is composed of four colours - orange, maroon, white and black. In the center is a standard Medicine Wheel. In the four corners are symbols representing the moon in black, sun in orange, star in white and finally in maroon is the symbol for Chiron.

Chiron is a proverbiall messenger of the Gas Giants. Since Chiron's orbit is in between Jupiter and Neptune, crossing the paths of Saturn and Uranus.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Solar Interstellar Neighborhood Flag

Flag of our Solar Neighborhood

The Solar Interstellar Neighborhood Flag represents about 69 star systems next to ours. The stars are lit up like dice for easy counting and as a homage to the seemingly random nature of quantum mechanics vs. the elegantly smooth nature of cosmic astronomy.

The star in the Hoodieman's face is representin' earth. The thin sea green line symbolizes the narrow 'Goldilocks' planetary life zone, as we know it.

Hoodieman is a reminder that nations share a common element with street gangs via power, politics, culture, intelligence, and shifting destinies. The nature of a street gang changes rather quickly but the nature of a nation changes relatively slowly.

Governments and gangs both hide intelligence from the general population, and can be a pain or pleasure. Unless you have the proper credits or cred - you're just a chump and haven't seen squat.

People would love to live with out government just as much as they would love to get rid of street gangs, but these entities are an inevitable consequence of forming human social groups, that results in social elites and social outcasts.

Just as social rebels shake the dice for more money on a side street with gambling and bookmaking behind the back of the law, established people with real capital and real power gamble on Wall Street upon the backs of the ignorant. If a dirty man in suit or hood smells an opportunity for more money, they will often send a man with a knife to get it. Especially they thinks the chump with the money is below him.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Eddie Izzard - Do you have a Flag?

Eddie Izzard a British fellow born in Yemen did a wonderfully witty outtake on humanities retrospective use of flags.

Clip of Eddie Izzard's thoughts on the
cunning use of flags for Empire

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Super Virgo Cluster Flag

Flag of the Super Virgo Cluster
Earth is a part of this Galactic Cluster

Our Galactic Neighborhood is known as the Super Virgo Cluster. Like the magic Free Masonry Number of 33, it is composed of 33 main megaparsecs.

The flag of the our Super Virgo Cluster is based on a conjuction of the sign Virgo with the Superman Logo and stripe with stars...oops I mean Galaxies within it.

All August 7, 2011 Flags pinned in and under construction

Black Hole Flag

Phoebe Flag, Moon of Saturn

Paaliaq Flag, Moon of Saturn

Praxidike Flag, Moon of Jupiter

Praxidike was originally a Greek God of judicial punishment. Today it is also a moon that orbits Jupiter.

Local Bubble Flag

Andromeda Galaxy Flag

Andromeda Galaxy Flag

The flag of Andromeda uses the colours black, white, blue, and pink. The pink galaxy is Andromea and the white galaxy is the Milky Way. The cross represents the certain destiny in the future that our two galaxies will collide. The cross has a counter charge of pink and white.

Andromeda is our closest neighboring galaxy like our own Milky Way. Just as we have satellite side
kick galaxies so does Andromeda.

Andromeda Galaxy with Flag

The colour pink was chosen because of the mythical Princess Andromeda, she epic damsel in distress. Certainly there is another civilization within the Andromeda Galaxy that sees the Milky Way in a manner, but rather it is a man in chains to tree who needs to be rescued by some heroic lady in shining armour?