
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Geographic Flag of Darwin, Australia

Darwin, Australia has the same tribar background as Kurume, Japan.  This is because they reside on the same meridian.  Both cities are a part of the 130th East.  What this means is that the majority of these inhabitants dream, sleep, and wake in unison.  It is especially for Australia whose culture puts great weight on the dream-time.  Likewise for Japan, where dreams are considered magical and special. 

Image Credits: Wikipedia,_Northern_Territory#/media/File:City_landscape_of_Darwin,_Northern_Territory.jpg

Geographic Kurume Flag

The Geographic Kurume flag is a tribar of red, yellow, and white that is coded to the cities Longitude: 130 Degrees East.   In the center are two yellow stars that is coded to the Latitude: 33 Degrees North.  The central yellow pentagon indicates the Eastern Hemisphere, while the upward pointing dominant yellow star indicates the Northern Hemisphere.

Fun Fact!  Kurume is due North of Darwin. 

Geographic Beijing Flag

The Geographic Flag of Beijing has a field of red and indigo.  In the center is a yellow star dominant to a pink star. The background is coded to 116 Degrees East, while the stars show us 39 Degrees North. 

Image Credit: Wikipedia,_Forbidden_City,_Beijing,_with_tourists_2.jpg

Geographic Rio de Janeiro Flag

The Geographic flag for Rio de Janeiro is a tribar of white, green, and yellow.  These colours are coded to zero, green, and yellow- which in turn are coded to numbers: 043.  The number 43 refers to Rio De Janeiro's Longitude at 43 Degrees West.  Likewise the two pointed orange stars refer to the number 22, since Rio's Latitude is 22 Degrees South.

The central white pentagon denotes that this is a Western line of Longitude.  Also the dominant upside down star denotes that this is a Southern Parallel.

The order of the colour to number is based upon the order of appearance in a rainbow.  Orange is 2, because it is the second colour of the rainbow.  Yellow is 3, since it is the third colour of a rainbow.  Green is 4, because it is the fourth colour of the rainbow.  Since there are only seven official colours in a rainbow, the numbers 8, 9, and 0 are coded to black, pink, and white; unless they appear in the pentagon or form the outline of the central stars of Latitude.

 Image Credit: Wikipedia

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Geographic Flag for Cheyenne, Wyoming

The Geographic Flag for Cheyenne, Wyoming has a tribar of red, white, and green.  Each bar is coded to a number based upon the rainbow, which is reflective of Longitude: 104 Degrees West.  The stars in the center are coded to 41 Degrees North.  Red is the 1st colour and green is the 4th colour, while white is equal to zero.

The central white pentagon indicates a Western Line of Longitude, while the upward green star indicates a Northern Parallel.

Image Credit:

Geographic Carson City, Nevada

The flag for 119 Degrees West by 39 Degrees north uses the colours red and pink as the field.  The field's colours are coded to numbers which reflect 119.  Also the white pentagon in the center is reflective of Western Hemisphere.  The two stars in the middle code for Latitude: 39 Degrees. 

Image Credit:

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Navassa Island Geographic Flag

The Navassa Island Geographic Flag is a tribar of white, purple, and blue.  The colors are coded to numbers based upon the rainbow.  The central star represents the Latitude of 18 Degrees North.  See the Flag Key below to make sense of the number to color symbolism.

Note this is an apolitical, scientific, objective flag that any nation can fly.  This makes these flags useful in disputed areas.

Image Credit: Wikipedia