
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 10

Nizhny Novgorod & Tomsk

Flag of Nizhny Novgorod

The design similarity shared between Nizhny Novgorod and Tomsk is striking. They are near perfect examples of flag symmetry.

They both have white backgrounds. Both of their coats of arms feature an ungulate - a hoofed animal. Nizhny Novgorod has the wild deer, while Tomsk has a white domesticated horse. Surrounding the shied in the supporter and compartment positions are garlands of oak leaves. Intertwined within these oak leaves are ribbons. Nizhny Novgord has a blue ribbon, while Tomsk has a green and white ribbon. In the crest position of both banners are imperial crowns.

Flag of Tomsk

They are also geographically balanced. Nizhny Novgorod is a part of Europe while Tomsk is a part of Asia. They link the middle ages of Russia with the Colonial Era, as it was with United Kingdom. Nizhny Nogorod was established in the 1200s while European settlement in Tomsk took place in 1604. Instead of combating illiterate Native Americans like the English, Russians fought against literate Mongols, Turks, as well as non-literate expert hunter Tungus peoples.

These two provinces contrast like oil and water. Nizhny Novgorod has become bustling center of technology as Russia's Silicon Belt, while Tomsk is the bread basket.


Tomsk's sad past


Friday, December 10, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 9

Altay Republic & Kamchatka Territory
The Russian Xanadu

Flag of Kamchatka Territory

These are flags of two Russian Federal subjects in the Far East. The Altay Republic is the proverbial belly button of Russia - snuggled in between Kazakstan, China, and Mongolia. Kamchatka Territory is on the Pacific as the proverbial walrus tusk of Russia.

If you look closely at a map of Russia you can see a walrus. The head is facing towards Alaska, the front flipper hangs off of China and the back flipper runs into the Caucus region.

Both the flags of the Altay Republic and Kamchatka Territory have simple blue and white schematic - a white background with a blue strip along the bottom. Altay has an extra thin blue stripe while Kamchatka has semi-seal with three volcanoes with a red sun in the background.

Flag of Altay Republic

These Russian lands are natural wonderlands of East Asia. The Altay Republic has a majestic beauty similar to that of Wyoming while Kamchatka is Alaska's lost cousin but with much more volcanic activity. You can think of Kamchatka as being a hybrid version of Alaska mixed with Hawaii.

In fact, although Kamchatka is considered a part of Asia, tectonically speaking she is a part of the North American plate. Thus the land is more a part of the North America Continent than is Hawaii. Likewise the native people of Kamchatka are closely related to the some the native tribes in Alaska.

Russia Today Youtube Links

Kamchatka - the Russian Alaska with a Hawaiian flare

Altay Republic - the Russian
Shangra' la & Pearl of Siberia

Beatles I'm the Walrus Song showing that
Russia puts the RUS is walrus!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 8

Kurgan & Jewish Autonomous Province

US STAMP with rainbow
Hanukkah Menorah 1996/5757

Since it's the Hebrew festival of lights - Hanukkah - it makes good sense to include Russia's unique federal subject created in honor of the chosen ones. The Autonomous Jewish Province is in far eastern Asia next to China. It was created ironically during Stalin's reign.

After Russia shed her Communist shell, the majority of Jewish people left. However there is a tiny minority of Jewish people who have decided to stay.

Even though most people in this province are Christian or some other faith, they have all become aware and even embraced Hebrew Customs - sort of like how some Jewish Families in US get Christmas Tress.

Flag of Autonomous Jewish Province

The flag of the Autonomous Jewish Province has a plain white background with a seven banded rainbow across the middle. The rainbow reminds us of the story of Noah and his special ark. It is with the story of Noah's Ark that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam merge as one - since they all agree - at least in Genesis. A fundamentalist Rabbi, Preacher, and Imam would all agree on the course of events in the beginning.

Another Russian province in complimentary contrast is Kurgan Province. The flag of Kurgan Province also has a white background but an emerald green stripe with an image of a burial mound. You can also find burial mounds all over the world - Japan, Ohio, Canada, and even Russia.

Flag of Kurgan Province

Kurgan Province is just north of Kazakstan and a part of West Asia, subsequently there is a good minority of Islamic Russians who are mostly Tartar, Bashkir, and Kazak. Thus the colour green is appropriate, since green is an Islamic colour. Just look at the flag of Saudi Arabia or Libya.

Geographically Kurgan Province is comparable to a county in North Dakota, while the Autonomous Jewish Province is like a rural county in Idaho.

Kurgan and the Jewish Province are at the East and West ends of Siberia. Most people living in either province are Russian, but the tribes of Issac and Ishmael are essential elements of Russia that can not be ignored but rather celebrated.


Autonomous Jewish Oblast


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 7

Bryansk and Orenburg

Flag of Bryansk

Just in time for the Christmas Season - we have two very special flags. One flag unites Islam with Christianity while another seems to celebrate Christmas.... with Communism? What is going on here!? Shall we take a closer look?

Bryansk and Orenburg are Russian Provinces at the doorstep to Europe and Asia. Bryansk is next to Ukraine while Orenburg is next to Kazakstan. Never mind what you have falsely learned from the comical movie Borat, most ethnic Kazaks look more like Jackie Chan than a hairy olive toned Mediterranean sailor.

The flags of Bryansk and Orenburg both have red backgrounds. Coincidentally both have seals that are surrouded by a garland of oak leaves with acorns. Weaved within the oak leave garland are ribbons. Bryansk has a red ribbon with yellow pinstripes on the left and on the right, a green ribbon. Orenburg has a blue ribbon that intertwines on both the left and right.
Flag of Orenburg

Amazingly Bryansk maintains a bit of Communist heraldry with the hammer and scythe in the crest - accidentally crowning the proverbial X-mas tree. If you gotta' problem with that, there is mortar in the inner shield of the 'Commie Christmas Tree' that you can direct your complaints too.

On the other hand, Orenburg mixes two faiths at perpetual odds - via an Eastern Orthodox Cross and the crescent moon of Islam. Together these two flags honor Communism, Islam, and Eastern Orthodox Christianity on blankets of red.

Perhaps Russia alone is the only nation that would allow such a varied diversity on the banners of her 'national billboard.' Russia truly has gone where no nation has gone before - she tried it all: Fascism, Communism, Islam, Theocracy, Cold Lonely Empty Space, Mongol Colony, Dictatorship, Imperial Empire, Feudalism, Racist Democracy, PC Democracy, any kind of you name it - Revolution...Russia has been though it all. In the end, she always came home and knew when it was time to do the right thing.


Video on Orenburg


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 6

Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets
Flag of Yamalo-Nenets
Region in Asia

Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets are Russian Federal Subjects. Russia is mostly divided into provinces and territories (Oblasts & Krais). But there is another category that is shrinking -the autonomous region or in Russian an Okrug.

What this means...this is going to be a bit confusing... is that both Nenets and Yamalo-Nents are still a part of another federal subject while also being a federal subject themselves. Nenets is within the province of Arkhangelsk and Yamalo-Nenets is within Tyumen Province.
Old Man Winter is a Nenet, ring the bell
on his staff
and your dreams come true

Autonomous regions in Russia are basically special zones dedicated to a particular ethnic group, that don't make it as a republic for whatever reason. These northern autonomous regions take their name after the Nenets ethnic group. The Nenets people are sort of like Eskimos or Inuit of North America. They are distantly related cousins but - Inuit and Nenets differ much in culture, language, and customs. They do not build igloos rather the Nenets like Native Americans used to do - build tepees. The traditional lifestyle of the Nenet people revolves around reindeer herding.

Coat of arms of
Subsequently the essence of the reindeer is an icon on their flags. The complex geometric stripe is supposed to represent reindeer antlers. Nenets has eight blue reindeer antlers rooted to the blue stripe, while Yamalo-Nenets has seven white reindeer antlers rooted to the white stripe. Below the Yamalo-Nenets 'blue reindeer stripe' is a large solid green stripe, and below the 'white reindeer stripe' of Nenets is thin red line.

Coincidentally the colours of Christmas are red and green, and it has been authenticated by Christmasologists that many of Santa's reindeer were born in the Nenet Regions.

Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets are two parts of Russia in a perpetual winter wonderland. Both of these autonomous regions have Arctic Ocean beach front property. Like Yin and Yang they straddle the north point in between Asia and Europe. Nenets is on the Western-European side of the Ural Mountain North slope while Yamalo-Nenets is on the Eastern-Asian side.

Flag of Nenets
Region in Europe

Russia Today Youtube Links

Nenets People

Visit Salekhard the Capital of Yamalo-Nenets


Monday, December 6, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 5

Amur Province & Magadan Provice

Flag of Magadan Province

The flags of Russia's Amur and Magadan pair up harmoniously by colour and design. Harmoniously both flags have blue waves with white crests. The waves of Amur are soft with only one white crest, while the waves of Magadan are sharper and it has two white crests. The upper-sky portion of both flags are red.

Both provinces are in East Asia, next to China and Japan. Magadan has a shoreline on the Sea of Okhotsk while Amur Province lies along the northern border of the Amur River.

Flag of Short lived
Far East Republic

Magadan & Amur province were both a part of the short lived Far East Republic from 1920-1922, under president Krasnoshchyokov.

The Amur River makes the Top 10 List of Longest Rivers of the World - at position number nine. Amur in Chinese literally means Black Imperial River. Amur Province is landlocked but Magadan has a shoreline but it freezes over in the winter.

Flag of Amur Province
aka the Black Imperial Province

The Russians arrived to this hemisphere in the 1600s, in the same era that Virginia and Massachusetts were settled. Both regions have cool summers and bitter winters. Certainly the residents of Alaska would feel comfortable in Magadan, while people from Idaho could mistake Amur for home. Maybe some day Russia will make Amur tater-tots via an Ida-Amur Company?

Learn more about Magadan on YOUTUBE

Stalin's Gulags
Natural Resources


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Russian Fraternal Twin Flags: pt 4

Kabardino-Balkaria & Bashkortostan

Flag of Bashkortostan

Here are two Russian federal subjects with similar flags. The Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. There flags are both horizontal tri-bars with white in the middle, blue up top and green of different shades on the bottom.

The symbol on the flag of Bashkortostan is the Kurai Flag that has seven petals that represent the seven tribes of the Bashkiri that brought unity to the nation. The symbol of Karbadino-Balkaria represents the highest 'twin peak' mountain in all of Europe - Mt. Elbrus.

These two republics are on the fringe points of Russia's traditional borders - the Ural Mountains and Caucus Mountains. Both Bashkortostan and Kabardino-Balkaria are on the tipping point between Asia and Europe.

Russian Republics are 'federal subject-provinces' that represent a certain ethnic. In this case the Bashkiris, Karbars, and Balkaris. All of these Eurasian ethnic groups are dominantly Muslim.

Flag of Kabardino-Balkaria

Karbardino-Balkaria are two different ethnics. By tradition Balkars are the higlanders while Kabardinos live in the 'low' valleys.

The flags of these two Islamic Russian Republics have been peaceful. Bashkortostan and Kabardino-Balkaria illustrate that Christians and Muslims can live side by side in harmony.


General info about KABARDINO-BALKARIA
The Kabardin People

Europes tallest mountain in KARBADINO-BALKARIA's
Direct link to Russia Today about Kabardino-Balkaria


Bashkortoshtan's Capital - Ufa

Direct link to Russia Toady about Bashkortostan