
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Lunar Twilight 2022 - 4th Night: Gungor, Moon Song


Last Moon of 2022 will continue to carry the light for 20 extra nights, and tonight is the 4th night of yesteryears fading ember. 

Cherish the past, make amends for the better, and hoping for recovery is a grand thematic for Lunar Twilight.  Gungor takes the presence of the Moon and makes a perfect song that reflects its special magic. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Lunar Twilight 2022 - The 3rd Night: Super Mario Bros. 2 Ending


 The third night of Lunar Twilight 2022 is upon us, whence during the first few nights of 2023, an echo of 2022 returns.  The magic of this holiday rests on the cycle of the Moon, whose current phase began last year.  The Moon acts as the fading ember of Yesteryear, allowing for clemency and an extra chance to say goodbye.   Another aspect of Lunar Twilight is to savor the past. 

In this case, the ending theme music of the Super Mario 2 carries this theme.  Looking back at life, the past is made up of layers of memory from dreams that merge with the real world, such that both worlds become one in the rear view of the minds eye.  

Life is in a way like its own kind of video game with its rules, obstacles, hazards, power ups, and friendly folks who are willing to help.  Where do all those elements and persons in a dream go when it ends?  Are they simple figments of ones imagination?  Do we suffer from schizophrenia when we dream?  Or are there other layers of reality beyond the waking world?  Where do all your old classmates go after graduation?  What about all the old bosses and co-workers from past jobs?  They all seem to disappear into the ether.  Yet looking back, the warm glow of nostalgia forevermore glows in a past that once was, once upon a time.  We have a collective memory of books, movies, music, and now video games.

The night cap of Mario is marked with the universal 'badge' of Mario, which is the letter M.  Like Laverne from Laverne and Shirley, Mario has a tendency to mark all his property with the beginning of his name, the letter M.  

Super Mario Bros 2 was all just a dream where we help Mario defeat the Frog King to rescue the dream fairies.  The ending music is something like a lullaby.  As is life, lullabies are sung to us as children, that merge into memory, provide a layer of love that seeds certain gifts in the imagination.  Perhaps something of Forrest Gump in this tune, that has carried on in other forms.  Who knows how this game and song has manifested into new permutations of song and play?  And who can recount the times it influenced a dream?


Monday, January 2, 2023

Lunar Twilight 2022 - 2nd Night: Air Supply, All Out of Love

It is the second night of Lunar Twilight, which is a time when the nights of 2022 return unofficial.  Reason being the last Moon of 2022 carries the remainder of yesteryear's gift.  During the day its 2023, but at night 2022, is able to hang on.  During this time self-reflection is a key theme.  

It is a solemn holiday, that is an extra bonus to say goodbye and make amends.  Life sometimes changes on dime, and at others it takes its sweet time to say farewell.  

In the original Air Supply video something like the bands logo can be seen on the drum set.  Most Air Supply songs tap that feeling of lunar twilight to make amends, and go forth forward by making peace with the past.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Lunar Twilight - The Last Echo of 2022 in 2023


Happy New Year, but alas for January 2023 we have a 20 day transition period due to the phases of Moon.  The New Year is based upon one trip around the Sun, but the Moon has its own schedule.  In this case, the last Moon of 2022 till carry on in January until January 20, 2023.  Thus when the Sun sets for the first 20 days of January 2023, it reverts to the year 2022 in a spiritual sense.  Thus we have 20 extra days to make amends, clemency, and say good bye.  This is a time of soulful reflection.  

 The song Porcelain by Moby captures the reflective feels of this open holiday for all.    

In contrast to other holiday's that have candle mast, all the candles are lit at the first night at sunset.  When the lowest candle goes out the rest are blown out until then next following day at sunset, as the Moon is allowed to rule the skies alone.  Eventually, as each night progresses, there will be fewer and fewer candles until one is left.  Also note, that candles are synchronized to the phases of the Moon, thus it reflects the luminosity of the Moon.  Upon the last night, all the candles will be out when there is a New Moon. 

Of vexillological value, in one of the official videos to feature Moby's Porcelin, a barber's pole can be seen in the window.  This red, white, and blue striped device is a near universal symbol where one can walk in as one person and walk out and become something new. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Muppet Family Christmas - Gonfalon


The rarest of flags these days is the Gonfalon.  One just happens to appear in the Muppet Family Christmas television special, from 1987.  The top part is sky blue and there is a wavy pattern underneath. 

Gonfalon's are large flags.  The neat thing about these types of flag is that they are presented properly and don't sag.  The face is of the flag is set up on a cross bar so that the image can be properly admired.  

It was during the special the Sesame Street, the Muppets, and Fraggle Rock all collided into each other.  It was made during Jim Henson's peak and the writing and jokes are not just for children, as they hit for adults as well.  

This is another long, lost American Christmas classic, that hits a home run and should be at the top of every Christmas list replay to get the holly jolly sprit a flowing. 

Bonefish Grill Temporal Ranks


Coincidentally, Bonefish Grill is a bi-millennial.  In 2084, Bonefish Grill will turn 84.  I was impressed the Bonefish Grill Armada when it was 22, back in 2022!  In order to keep Jabaa the Hut off my back!

Bonefish Grill Link


Note the REAL original Millennials lived from 994 until 1000, which included the likes of Lief Erikson.  

Friday, November 11, 2022

Unit 3092 Flag - Full Metal Jacket


They are the few, the proud, the US Marines.  The colours of the military branch is red and yellow.  You can see the livery of the colors within the training platoon 3092.  1987 was year that public got an up close and personal view of how the Marines train.  

Leaning to dance with the angel of death is privilege.  Taking on this responsibility requires a certain amount of training and is a heavy burden on the heart and soul.   Harsh language and being called mean names is the least of one's worry when one is assigned with ending the life of another.   

The flag 3092 is in the background.  Make no mistake you can thank a marine for the freedoms you enjoy.  They are the muscle of America that does the bidding of the people, often at first contact to push the enemy out of the way.