The thin red line flag is a flag that is dedicated to fallen firemen. You can see it here next the US flag with the state flag of Pennsylvania.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - the last night: Shima Uta
And then there was one. Tonight the last glimmer of 2020 streaks across the heavens. Look up because the last Moon of 2020 fades to darkness. After a day of waiting, on January 14, 2021 will the first Moon of 2021 begin.
Since we started with a Japanese artist to contemplate Lunar Twilight, it only makes sense to close with another. The follow song stems from men from Yamanashi Prefecture. It is on the other side of Mt. Fuji. However, this song stems from a folk song from Okinawa as converted into modern music in 1993.
Monday, January 11, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - the eleventh night: Aha! the reprise with Deadpool
Of vexillological note in Deadpool 2, the ionic national symbol of Canada can be seen in the background: a red maple leaf on white.
Coincidentally the scene is reflective of the original Aha! video where a man of artistic dimensions crosses over into another reality to invite a lovely lady upon a wonder lust adventure of the heart. Although the hero of graphic novel will be gone in a day or two, they share a special moment in this realm of stories.
Thus it is of perfect concord that a comic book movie should reprise for that ever enchanting song from 1984. It is song that beckons us to follow our hearts and make that leap to the other side of mystery and the unknown. Although danger may be present, this unreal dream of art is able to make an impression more real than reality itself.
Like memories past that gain a certain gravity after they are gone, Lunar Twilight is that extra goodbye kiss from yesteryear that can sooth the aching heart.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - tenth night: Enya Only Time
Lunar Twilight 2020 is almost ended. We have less than five more days until the first Moon of 2021 is created. Right now, the last Moon of 2020 is nearly at an end.
In Enya's video Only Time, there is some writing and what looks like several crosses and or other symbols. As Enya walks through the seasons you can see direct symbolism with her song.
Much of Enya's work harmonizes totally with the Spirit of Lunar Twilight. Enya's music is especially appropriate during Lunar Twilight.
This song resonates especially with Lunar Twilight. A crystal clear resonance is conveyed with Enya's poetic rhythms painted hypnotic tones of pondering grace.
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - the ninth night: Suspended in Time — Xanadu
The final approach 2021's first full night is upon us. On January 14, 2021 will then, only, the nights of 2021 begin in earnest; since the first cycle of a 2021 Moon will start on that evening. Until then, after sunset, the knights of 2020 trespass into the New Year.
Time Suspension Crystals - a symbol? |
During this transgression of yesteryear, one can savor the graces and gifts of long lost memories. It is also a time of clemency, and of a time to say goodbye.
Never forget about the gleaning gems of the past. To pine for the past, upon wishes granted, during Lunar Twilight is good. For the dark times of the now allow the enchanting echoes of previous wonders to cast a spell upon memory.
Cherish with loving detachment all of yesteryear's good. Amen.
Friday, January 8, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - eighth night: Goodnight Moon
Wishing You a Lovely Lunar Twilight!
Above this the Lunar Twilight Candlemast. It is starts out as row of candles at different lengths. These candles countdown the remaining nights of last years Moon. Ya see, for the first few nights of January, the nights is revert back to the 2020 after sunset, because first Moon of January is always born in December, unless there is a New Moon on New Years Eve.
Lunar Twilight is a time to reflect and ponder that gift that was yesteryear. 2020 was a lovely year, although a tragedy for some it was blessing for all. Things can always get worse, and the gift of each year of life is something to cherish, no matter what.
Of vexillological note is the one flag that appears. In the picture of the cow jumping over the Moon, one can see a little mailbox with flag. Also notice that the artwork is of the shapeshifting type, that varies page by page, as if the book were like a dream.
2020, I got your back! You were the best year yet, Good Night 2020!
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - the seventh night: Wash It Away by Black Lab
The last Moon of 2020 is in its final phase. Although by the solar point of view, 2021 has become. Yet at night, a remaining fraction of 2020 lights up the night sky. Reason being, the first Moon of January was created last year on December 14, 2020. Until, this last ember dissolves from the night's sky, then the days of and nights of 2021 will begin anew.
In the video of the live performance at the Mercury, you can see a video watermark in the lower right hand corner. This little design is an indicator of ownership. In this case, the video mark is a lower case b to represent the band Black Lab.
In this video, the song Wash It Away is performed. This song beseeches Grace. One of the most uncomfortable trials of life is that of regret and attaining the skill of simply letting go. Consequently this is a deep theme, to touch upon, during any Lunar Twilight.
In the end, some jewels of the human experience are forged in misery. Upon a certain time, they are released and healed by mysterious forces. What it becomes is something beautiful, precious, and powerful. For, to attain these blinding jewels, one must suffer a humiliating, dreadful failure. This humiliation can not be artificially forged, but comes upon the smile of the Fates, and delivered only whence the proper choice is made. Father Time and the Mother of Graces stand by to allow such tragedies to crystalize into something good.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - the sixth night: The Inner Light Star Trek

In the episode of Inner Light, Captain Picard lives another lifetime from a civilization that has long vanished. A 'matrix' like probe-device was the last of this dying civilization that sought out to be remembered.
After the probe sent its message, it went off line. After this trip across space and time, a single item was left, a flute with a tassel. Tassels are often found on flags, when fully dressed.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - the fifth night: The Cars Drive
All of 2020 is yet to be gone, for the last Moon carries a fading light. We still have a week till the first Moon of 2021 is born. Until then, when the Sun rests, the fading Moon of 2020 returns, and allows to us make peace with past and recognize any necessary course corrections.
The New Year's Celebration in the West is often a loud and ruckus affair, but in other cultures, there is more peaceful and somber fading of the old year. During Lunar Twilight one can reflect back upon the past and hope for the upcoming future.
As the Moon is the ruler of night, the last shadow of 2020 returns with a lunar glow.
Of vexillological note in the original video from 1984 there is poster next to he band announcing happy hour from 5-7pm. It is yellow and decorated with martini stencils.
The tone of the song and video resonate wholly with the spirit of Lunar Twilight, as inner reflection and facing the truth are matters to ponder during Lunar Twilight. This inner reflection is often lacking in today's modern world.
Monday, January 4, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - a fourth night: B.o.B. Airplanes
It is the 4th night of 2020 when an ember of yesteryear's light returns for a visit. In the video for Airplanes by B.o.B in 2010 the spirit of Lunar Twilight is recognized. This song echoes the longing for the past, whence the memory of what was fades.
Aged for more than a decade, this song resonates with the spirit of Lunar Twilight. In the video you can see a letter D, which is represents officially a corporation, but it is also the icon of city in Michigan, Detroit.
Officially the European Biblical D represents a local baseball team. More so than a group of athletes, the 'D' also represents the a certain sector, feeling, and ethos for a community in Detroit.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - the third night: Prince of Persia Two Thrones
Lunar Twilight is the kind of like a wake/celebration for the transition of 2020 to 2021. It is unique time when an afterglow of 2020 shines, after sunset for the first few weeks of the New Year. For the Moon was declared the ruler of the night, and the last Moon of yesteryear remains for just a bit into the new year. The current Moon will not fade until January 13, 2021. Until then, in a certain way the nights revert back to 2020, to honor the memory that was and allow for that transitioning serenity and hope for tomorrow.
Speaking of the time and the past, a seminal game that rode the mystic's adventure to the ancient world came into being in 2005—The Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones.
In the opening sequence, you can see the enchanted medallion that controls aspects of time. It is engraved with a Moon. In the Far West, we have forgotten to notice the clockwork magic of the Moon, that sets the months and counts the passing of time. It is no wonder that people of the clear desert skies would be more aware and take notice of the Moon's transition with the passage of time.
The Prince of Persia was something of an interactive dream, that had a particular spark on the history of time and its connection to the Moon. The ending credits song is thematic of the Lunar Twilight's passage of yesteryear's time.
Saturday, January 2, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020 - Lady in Red with Chris De Burgh
As we begin 2021, people often expect and instant change of mood and being. However, this is rarely the case. Instead, there is a fading transition from year to year as it is with the decades. Did you ever notice that the 1970s bleed over into the early 1980s, as the 80s bled over into the 1990s, etc...
Alas, an echo of 2020 returns for the first 12 nights of 2021. Reason being, the cycle of the Moon started on December 15, 2020. It won't be until in January 13, 2021 that this last light of 2020 fades from the heavens.
So take time to reflect upon the beauty and peace of what once was. Things can always get worse, likewise the blessings of yesteryear are often overlooked, yet are always blessings, no matter when. The following song is thematic of this after hours party in remembrance of the gift of 2020. Indeed 2020 was a gift, contrary to the prevailing pessimistic views of 2020. This website is a single counterpoint to the positivity and joy presented by 2020, in remembrance of 2020's beauty.
Of vexillological interest is the lighting of lighters during the soft and serene melodies during a musical concert. Whenever a band or musician plays a touching song, many in the audience will ignite their lighters. In this case, we can see the lighters of the audience light up for Chris de Burgh's Lady in Red song, a timeless gem that has touched nations across the world as an anthem for winning Love's Grace.
The coston signals are an ancient kind of device. They have been used on battle fields since time began, in all cultures. There were even able to colourize some signals with red, green, and white patterns.
Anyone who has attended a concert will remember is this simple fire signal of serenity. This is, indeed, one form of vexillology where the signal and spirit communicate something beautiful.
Friday, January 1, 2021
Lunar Twilight 2020
It is here again, that after hour party of reflection upon 2020. For 12 more nights the last Moon of 2020 shines on. Although we are officially finished with the year of 2020. We still have a left over ember from 2020, that will shine on for 12 more evenings. Then within a fortnight, on January 14, 2021, finally will the nights and days of 2021 sync up.
Symbols are a part of vexillology, and there is one symbol that has two ways of being written: the dollar sign. It can have 1or 2 lines. For this font it usually has just one line $. But in the original Capcom's Duck Tales video game, 1989, the dollar sign had two lines. Another vexillological note is the medal one wins at the end of the game credits. Below the image of Scrooge McDuck is a medal.
It is funny how things work; who knew that a silly video game from Capcom would become the spark of a lunar lullaby. The original 8-bit Nintendo game is based upon Walt Disney's animated television series in the later 1980s Duck Tales. Somehow, a little diddy from Japan based upon an American franchise has become an Anthem for the Moon. The original score was written by Hiroshige Tonomura.
From America, to Japan, and back to the world, suspended in time for over 30 years, this is one theme song of the Moon that is appropriate to opening Lunar Twilight 2020! The original game of Capcom's Duck Tales was created 20 years after the first human landing on the Moon by the USA (1969-1989).
Lunar Twilight counts down the nights of the remainder of 2020, that kicks back only at night time. The first 12 days of 2021 are officially 2021, but at least at night when the Moon shines the nights revert back to 2020, in a spiritual sense, as the last Moon of 2020 fades from heavens. Lunar Twilight is an all inclusive celebration for everyone, no nation is left out, nor is any one race honored. Rather it is a celebration for all the colors of humanity. It recognizes our intimate and genuine connection to starlight afar and moonlight near.
Lunar Twilight officially starts after the first sunset of January 1, 2020. So at around 6pm on January 1, 2021 when the Sun disappears from the sky. The Lunar Twilight Candlemast should be lit with all the candles. Then until the first and shortest candle disappears, then they are all put out until next evening. Each successive night a candle burns out, to honor what was and remind us that our time is limited to make to most of each day for the New Year.