Monday, September 7, 2020
Mini Hotel Flag - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 2019
Hollywood released a film dedicated to his spirit in 2019 entitled A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, starring Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers. Perhaps the opposite of Mr. Rogers is Mr. Herman, Pee Wee? Pee Wee was less the education and more of the Pop-corn style. It is too bad that Mr. Roger's wasn't a guest on Pee Wee's show, or vice versa.
In the film the mini flag of the USA, Spain, Italy (Mexico?), and Canada appear in one of the transition sequences. A white hotel flag with corporate logo is also visible, but it impossible to discern from the video.
Mr. Roger's Flag patterns in the Curtains
Mr. Rodger's is an American classic from Pennsylvania. His calm, low key delivery of infotainment made its deepest impact on Generations X, Y, and Z. Usually media is over the top and off the wall to gain the 'consumers' attention, with witty humour and wacky special effects, like jingling keys.
However, Rodger's put the jingling keys away and spoke directly, unafraid of that oh so precious silent space. Most people growing up in American learn to hate the quiet, and find it necessary to fill the void with talk or jokes.
In a way, many have this backwards as the quiet is good. Most people don't have any idea the importance of quiet in the mind. And when you share the quiet with another person or stranger, it is good. If you are uncomfortable with the 'awkward silence' — that is your ego, that judgemental inner voice that dislikes the silence. In fact, the ego hates silence and will often negatively blame and judge the other person or yourself for that 'painful' silence. 'Awkward Silences' are sign that you ego is out of control, and you need to learn to control better manage its constant noise and often negative judgements.

The style of curtains was stark contrast to Mr. Roger's style. They were often loud, brash, and zany patterns that were of young boy's room, of that 1950s Americana. One flag was similar to the American flag but had three stripes of green, blue, and white.
In 2019's A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, starring Tom Hanks, a near perfect match of curtains can be found. However the hone flag looks is visible, which is difficult to make out. It has a hoist-canton with seven stars. The most popular US flag to have seven stars within it was the original flag of the Confederacy when it was originally made up of 7 rebel states. On the curtains in the movie it looks like a date is written in the lower field and something in the upper blue field. Perhaps it reads Civil War and 1861?
To the left is guess of the curtains, that appears in 2019 homage film to Fred Rogers of Western Pennsylvania. No doubt a Confederate flag would have been a big no no in 2019. Thus modified version of the Confederate flag would have been okay.
There was also a green pennant with a blue vertical pattern near the hoist with writing on the flag. Note before anger management became real therapy, Mr. Rogers tackled this problem head on.