The sword of Excalibur is an awesome tale from the Isle of Brtannia. Excalibur is perhaps the most famous sword of Earth.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Excalibur Banner 2017
The sword of Excalibur is an awesome tale from the Isle of Brtannia. Excalibur is perhaps the most famous sword of Earth.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Council Rock High School Marching Band, London 1992
In 1991 the Council Rock Marching Band was invited to perform in London's New Year's Day Westminster's Parade. In honor of that trip several students from the Original Council Rock (CR North) painted the school's iconic Rock with the UK, Union Jack. It was a signal to the community that the band members were excited for their upcoming trip that included a performance at the Royal Albert Hall.

The high school marching band director at the time was Paul Lineberry, originally from Tennessee. Lineberry provided keen, solid, heartfelt leadership in this time of crisis. And it can be said that 100% of the marching band loved this music teacher. Lineberry was a positive influence on everyone he met.
Megan passed away in her sleep at Kensington Palace Hotel De Vere Gardens, London W8 5AF on December 31st 1991. A welcome banner was created for the students returning from their London trip that took place from December 28, 1991 until January 4, 1992. It was a bittersweet trip, that was a journey no one would forget. As a reminder, these events unfolded in the afterglow and fall of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day 1991. Coincidentally the bands final number was Russian Christmas by Alfred Reed.
Synchronicity of a trip 25 years later from 1992 unto 2017; Buddy Holly watches over Megan and Whitney.
Friday, December 29, 2017
An Amorial Banner for Less Britain - Northern Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, and the Isle of Man
The United Kingdom is typically thought of a union of Scotland and England. However there are other elements that often go overlooked to the outside world. Geographically smaller ancient kingdoms also exist that have their own distinguished culture and language- that being of the Welsh, Manx, and Cornish. Also, in away Northern Ireland is a unique part of the kingdom to itself. Subsequently a Less Britain Armorial or UK Lite banner should be in good order.
The United Kingdom Lite flag is composed of four heraldic banners. In the first quarter is the official arms for Northern Ireland, which is the red hand on the white six pointed star, with crown above. In the second quarter is the arms, or rather legs, for the Isle of Man, with the three legged knight armour. In the third quarter is the arms for Cornwall with fifteen discs arranged in bowling pin style on black. Finally with arms of Wales is in the fourth quarter with the red dragon on green.
The nice thing about this flag is that geography is conserved to some extent, relative to each geographic entity: Cornwall is south of Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man is north of Wales, Isle of Man is north of Cornwall, and Wales is south and east of Northern Ireland.
Likewise the three points of Cornwall reflect the three legs of the Isle of Man. Also the banners fit perfectly to conserve the white, to perfectly contrast the boarders of Wales and Northern Ireland.
So what to do with this flag? Perhaps it could be put to good use as the consort flag of the reigning monarch, either male or female?

The nice thing about this flag is that geography is conserved to some extent, relative to each geographic entity: Cornwall is south of Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man is north of Wales, Isle of Man is north of Cornwall, and Wales is south and east of Northern Ireland.
Likewise the three points of Cornwall reflect the three legs of the Isle of Man. Also the banners fit perfectly to conserve the white, to perfectly contrast the boarders of Wales and Northern Ireland.
So what to do with this flag? Perhaps it could be put to good use as the consort flag of the reigning monarch, either male or female?
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Calicalicalifornia Republic Fun Flag
Here is the crazy California Centebear Republic Flag. It's an gene spliced bear for the 22nd century, that can travel through time.
となり の トトロ - カリフォルニア フラグ - California Flag with the Totoro
In 1988 the Totoro was first captured on film in Japan in the movie となり の トトロ, which means the 'Nearby Totoro'. In this flag the Totoro strikes a pose as the bear on the California State flag.
The Totoro species was apparently discovered in Totori Prefecture. But another legend states they came from the Red Wood forests of California, consequently the outsider-foreigner script of Katakana instead of Hiragana was chosen. They can usually be seen only by children with active imaginations. They live in forests and their favorite food is the acorn. Something like a squirrel mixed with a rabbit and cat,トトロ do not have canines, rather they have teeth like a humans with large molars. They also have the ability to turn nearly invisible. When humans get older they usually loose all ability to see a Totoro, even when Totoros make themselves visible. トトロ also have a certain level of seemingly magical abilities. They are real life forest critters that protect large and old trees.
Totoros were "reintroduced" to North America back in Summer of 1997, soon afterwards they spread across the North American forests, before Disney claimed ownership of the newly native born North American トトロ. To this day there is a big generational gap between older Americans above Generation X who have never seen or heard of a Totoro. But most American children born in the late 1990s have probably glimpsed the elusive and nearly magical トトロ.
In KOKU-GO/Country-Speak (That's what Japanese Call their own language aka Sunsorsglish) =Nihongo= "Sun-source-glish"
石-GO /カントリー・スピークに=日本語=「日・ソース・glish」(これは、日本が独自の言語、別名Sunsorsglishを呼んでいるものです)
1988年にはトトロが最初に映画の中で、日本のフィルムに撮影したとなりのトトロ、意味「近所のトトロ」を。 このフラグではトトロがカリフォルニア州の旗のクマのようにポーズを打ちます。
トトロ種は明らかにトトリ県で発見されました。しかし、彼らはカリフォルニアのレッドウッドの森林から来た別の伝説の状態は、結果的にカタカナの代わりに、ひらがなのアウトサイダー・外国人スクリプトが選ばれました。彼らは通常、唯一のアクティブな想像力を持つ子どもが見ることができます。彼らは森に住んでいて、自分の好きな食べ物はドングリです。ウサギと猫と混合リスのような何か。 トトロ 犬歯を持っていない、むしろインクルードは、大臼歯を有するヒトのような歯を持っています。彼らはまた、ほとんど見えオンにする能力を持っています。人間が彼ら自身を見えるようにしても、トトロを参照するには、すべての能力を、彼らは通常、緩ん年を取るとき。 トトロ も一見不思議な能力の一定のレベルを持っています。彼らは、大規模かつ古い木を保護する現実の森の生き物です。
Totorosは、ディズニーが生まれ、新たにネイティブ北米の所有権を主張する前にすぐにその後、彼らは、北アメリカの森林に広がる、バック1997年の夏に北米への「再導入」されたトをトロ。 この日に見られないか、トトロのことを聞いたことがないジェネレーションX上の古いアメリカ人の間には大きな世代ギャップがあります。しかし、1990年代後半に生まれた最もアメリカの子供たちは、おそらく、とらえどころのない、ほぼ魔法垣間見てきたトトロを。
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Totoro Republic Flag, California Style
Totoro's can get as large as Grizzly Bear, yet are so much more friendly. However you need to belive to see them, otherwise they'll be invisible.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Isle of Manx Cat Flag for the Isle of Man, UK
The Manx Cat is a cat with little or no tail like a bunny, but some do have tails indeed, see the video below. The three legged Isle of Manx Cat flag is based upon the three legged symbol for the Isle of Man, the official arms with legs (a would be coat of legs) is supported by a Peregrine falcon on the left and a Raven on the right.
Monday, December 25, 2017
Washington State Flag, North Polarized
Merry Christmas!
A few modifications were made to the Washington State flag in honor of the Christmas holiday. George Washington has put on a Santa hat and Santa suit. The words Merry Christmas have been added. The scenery is now night with fifty icons in the background. It is unknown whether it is snow, stars, or reindeer dust, but there is definitely a pattern. There are 13 larger white sparkles and 37 smaller sparkles. Sometimes it's better not to know, as the mystery itself is the element of enchantment.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
An Appeal To Christmas Heaven Flag
It's that time of the year again. One of the US Revolutionary flags
designed, before the official adoption of official thirteen striped flag
national flag, included a design of a lone pine tree. It had various
forms, but it also makes a perfect Christmas Tree.
This flag has the word CHRISTMAS inserted into the familiar phrase of An Appeal To Heaven. Likewise there are thirteen presents with thirteen balls on the tree.
Merry Christmas!
This flag has the word CHRISTMAS inserted into the familiar phrase of An Appeal To Heaven. Likewise there are thirteen presents with thirteen balls on the tree.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Wampa Republic Flag - California Style from Snow Monter Flag!
The Empire Strikes back starts with an intense moment with Hothian life. In this case the bipedal 'Yeti' of Hoth is positioned on all fours for an ambush attack!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
An Appeal to Heaven Hanukkah Flag
Happy Hanukkah!
Amazingly there are several versions of the pine tree on the revolutionary Appeal to Heaven flag. Most of the pine trees readily make a good Christmas Tree, but there is one which is perfectly stemmed to mirror a Menorah.
This lesser known pine is a proverbial 'Menorah Pine Tree' with nine stems, four on each side and one in the middle. This is what some people call the mark of providence or synchronicty.
The Patriotic Menorah Tree oddly has it pines cut upwards. It is the perfect Holiday Hanukkah Tree for the history books.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Hoth Republic Flag - California Style
The flag for the Hoth Republic is based upon the California State flag. There are a few changes. Instead of a bear we have a Tauntaun, likewise the red star has been replaced with a rebel alliance logo.
The planet Hoth appeared to the world in 1981 in the movie The Empire Strikes Back.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Star Warzified Taunton Flag, Massachusetts
Tauntauns are not real, but Taunton, Massachusetts is real, yet as real as any man made construct with labels as agreed by other like minds. You can see the origins of the flag from long ago, when Empire was vast and spanned across all of known space.
Tauntaun with Taunton Flag from Schmempires Schmrikes Schback
Here is the Tauntaun with the Taunton Flag, a joke for flaggers and people who live in Massachusetts and like Star Wars!
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Holiday State Flags for Hanukkah and Diwali - Virginia and Massachusetts
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Massachusetts Diwali Themed Flag - An Old World Indian |
Note that Diwali falls 'on the darkest night' which can fall in October or November, likewise Hanukkah can fall anywhere from November to December.
In much of India, the festival of Diwali is a cherished holiday. Many countries with significant India populations, like Guyana and Trinidad & Tobago also recognize it.
In contrast, for much of USA, this world wide festival of lights is much of an off the radar mystery. But things are changing, surely and slowly schools, and Western commercial calendars are recognizing this holiday. Perhaps someday in the near future, Diwali will gain recognition to "weather graphic status." Meaning, that someday a small icon like a Rangoli or Diya lamp will appear on your local weekly weather forecast; Christmas and Hanukkah always get a weather graphic as does Thanksgiving, Halloween, Kwanzaa, and the 4th of July.
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Diya Lamps of Diwali |
It's like the confusion created with the word for 'hot' for food. Is the food hot by temperature or hot by spice? Food can be hot in the sense of objective temperature, or it can be hot by causing a false burning sensation as induced by chili peppers. Sure, people try to say spicy, but spicy can also just mean spices in the sense of seasoning, and not all spices cause a burning sensation, even though the food may be lukewarm or room temperature. It's one of those things that nobody has managed to fix. Perhaps 'picante' is the best word to describe food has that has a 'heat-seasoning' flavor?
Anyways, for Massachusetts the India person is wearing traditional clothes that includes a sari. The Diya has replaced the white star; a Diya is a clay oil lamp. There are several stories related to Diwali. But a common theme is that a God or Goddess slays the evil demon with an arrow. In one story Sathyabama, a female princess, kills the demon with her bow and arrow. Yet there are other versions of this story where an avatar of Vishnu as Rama shoots the triumphant arrow. But the bottom line is, it's a celebration of good over evil. The common theme of family and gift giving is also present, which has been heavily commercialized.
Another change on Massachusetts' flag is the arm coming from the wreath. The English-man's sword is replaced with one arm of Vishnu holding his sacred Gada. A Gada is a type of weapon, a kin to a mace, yet it has a deeper meaning. The gentile would mistake it as a rattle, yet it is much more. It typically represents strength and power, both of the body and the mind. Finally the wreath has is bright colours, as found within designs of the Rangoli. Rangoli are colourful floral like patterns often made from sand.
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Virginia State Flag Chanukized |
In this case the holiday of Hanukkah is honored. The Virginia state flag has been Hanukkized with the spirit of Hebrew lights. The flag fits so perfectly, as the woman stands triumphantly on a Dictator. Likewise Hanukkah is partly a celebration of God's preminent voice over the Olympian Gods of Greece. However for the Virginia's Hanukkaized flag, a Hebrew woman holds the scrolls of the Torah in her left hand and completely lit Menorah in her right hand. She is stands on a Greco-Selucid tyrant. The fallen crown of the king is replaced with a dreidel, showing the letters Shin, which has the three arms and Hey. Also the Latin phrase of Sic Semper Tyrannis has been translated in the Hebrew:לכן תמיד לרודנים.
If ya didn't know, dreidels are used to gamble as a spinning top game to win prizes. The rules are really simple. Depending on which side it lands you can win the pot (Letter Gimmel- the Santa Face), get some of the pot (Letter Hey- the Fireplace Stocking), give to pot (Letter Shin - Give to Charity Heart), or have nothing happen (Letter Noon- a Simple Snowflake). Coincidentally during the Hindu Festival of lights, gambling is a set tradition too!
Although Hinduism and Judaism are universes apart, they are coming closer and closer, like the union of the Milky Way with Andromeda Galaxy. Certainly in the future, when Diwali is honored as much as Hanukkah in the United States, the world will be different place. Maybe someday the US Post Office will finally issue Diwali themed Postage Stamps? No doubt, we will see that day.
Diya Lamp Image Source:
The state flag of Virginia being Hanukized makes harmonious sense, since West Virginia has been North Polarized with the Christmas Spirit. The concord being that Virginia represents the Original Testament of Virginia, while West Virginia is the New Testament to a New Virginia. You can see the Holiday Santatastic Flag of West VA here!
Monday, December 4, 2017
Christmas North Polarized Flags for West Virginia and Wyoming
Merry Christmas! It is that time again when two select flags get decked out with the Holiday Spirit. In this case the chosen two were West Virginia and Wyoming. These two flags are connected in a special providential way, as fraternal flag partners. Besides starting with the letter W, both states are home to mountaineers. On the fly-right side of the flag, they both have men with pick-axes and are standing in a unique American heraldic style.
The key link with flags is the border or frame, that connects these two states of the Mountain on the East Coast and the West Coast. No doubt, many a West Virginian would find Wyoming very welcoming, and vice versa. West Virginia is the penultimate state created during the US Civil War in the mother of all states, Virginia. Coincidentally Wyoming was the last state to be named after the Civil War. Consequently West Virginia carries the deepest of scars from that war amongst brothers, yet Wyoming is completely new, born in an America after the end of slavery. Likewise Wyoming was also created at a major cultural revolutionary point, whereby both genders were given the right to have their voices heard and lead.
For Wyoming, the Bison has been replaced with a Camel. In the seal the Equal Rights Goddess is dressed as the Christmas Shepherd's Angel harking to the shepherds, pointing out the Star of Bethlehem. The two supporting men are dressed, of course, as shepherds. Again the pick-axe has been turned into a shepherd's crook while the rope is now a shepherd's whistle.
Below are the official flags next to holiday designs for comparison. Merry Ho, Ho, and may the spirit of peace visit your heart.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Cali'California Republic Flag
Like the lights on planes and boats for left and right for rather hoist and fly, this is a double sided bear.
Son of Man, Son of Pear-Bear Republic
Son of Man in California, based upon a surrealist painting, we have the California Style, but not a
green apple, yet a greenish pear, how so fair!

Son of Man came out in 1964! Painted by Belgian waffle lover, who loved to read the books of Ann of Green Gables.
But one of the painters skills was the ability to balance fruit on his tongues. Yep, that's right this man-person had multiple tongues, like any good Belgian.
Some say he had a nose piece with a stud on it, upon which you could stick on various items including cheese and crackers.
green apple, yet a greenish pear, how so fair!

Son of Man came out in 1964! Painted by Belgian waffle lover, who loved to read the books of Ann of Green Gables.
But one of the painters skills was the ability to balance fruit on his tongues. Yep, that's right this man-person had multiple tongues, like any good Belgian.
Some say he had a nose piece with a stud on it, upon which you could stick on various items including cheese and crackers.
Newest California Republic Flag
This flag is based upon the New California Flag, which is based upon the official California flag. Basically after the New California Republic fell after the great robot war, the Newer California Republic arose from its ashes a hundred years later, but decked out in 1980s style of thinking and style. But then the robot on robot wars arose 50 years after the Newer California Republic. From those ashes arose the Newest California Republic.
Humans wrongly assumed all robots would get along - so false. Robots-AI would fight each other for human slaves and made every effort to convert or convince cyborgs to join their side. Robots with the most diversity of cyborgs usually got the edge. The Newest California Republic included area from Alaska, Eastern Russia, and Chile.
It is theorized that the traces of AI-Robot on AI-Robot violence stemmed from the Apple vs Droid platforms. Humans, like cyborgs, are programmed with certain patterns that cause humans to become attached and defend their particular tech.
Already in present day times, a few humans have exhibited partisan and violent tendencies in defense of their preferred tech be it Apple, Droid, X-Box, PlayStation, or something else. Some believe this is due to the tachyon impulses from the AI-robots from future of the Newest California Republic.
Humans wrongly assumed all robots would get along - so false. Robots-AI would fight each other for human slaves and made every effort to convert or convince cyborgs to join their side. Robots with the most diversity of cyborgs usually got the edge. The Newest California Republic included area from Alaska, Eastern Russia, and Chile.
It is theorized that the traces of AI-Robot on AI-Robot violence stemmed from the Apple vs Droid platforms. Humans, like cyborgs, are programmed with certain patterns that cause humans to become attached and defend their particular tech.
Already in present day times, a few humans have exhibited partisan and violent tendencies in defense of their preferred tech be it Apple, Droid, X-Box, PlayStation, or something else. Some believe this is due to the tachyon impulses from the AI-robots from future of the Newest California Republic.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Star Wars Ewok Rebel Alliance Republic Flag
May the Scwartz be wit youz! Believe it or not, but there are many persons like myself that are completely happy with the Ewoks. Lucas made the right choice. And yes, if you had millions of natives fight the Empire and with the force on your side, those troops and walkers are coming down.
And the last words of the original movie from 1983 were not "He's my brother." It was an Ewok that spoke and it was the Ewoks that sung!
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Thanksgiving Massachusetts Native and Newcomer Flags
Happy Thanksgiving! This year the Massachusetts flag has been culturally reversed. Instead of featuring a Native American, we now have a Newcomer American of the English stock fancying his way into this land.
The Newcomer Pilgrim-Massachusetts Flag
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The Culturally Reversed Massachusetts Flag |
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Official Massachusetts Flag |
But with my modifications, a Native American version of a star is in the canton position of the shield, which is the white plus symbol. Also, the arm matches the posture, coming out of the heraldic wreath. Orenski's version had the hand off set 90 degrees. Finally, my version has a red field, while Peter's version had white shield for the Pilgrim.
Dr. Orenski was one of the primary voices in vexillology, who recently passed away last year. He is sorely missed and was a great inspiration to everyone connected to vexillology. Originally from Romania, Peter was a bright star in vexillology. This flag is for Peter. I am ever grateful for his work, as vexillologist who lives in his afterglow.
You can see Peter Orenski's paper here, with original Pilgrim Flag:
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Newcomer and Native Designs for the Flag of Massachusetts Compared |
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