Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2010 SNL Flag Short Analysis: Part III

by Jacqueline Handy

The red and white flag are universal symbols often used every day speak. A white flag means surrender and red flag means danger-alert. In this case the US Army man with a bandage on his head is apparently surrendering to the insurgents on behalf of the Coalition of the Willing.

The woman on the right is holding a red flag because the man she was eating dinner started to play with his food (see bread flag). It's probably a bad idea to play with your food on a first date, it will send up a red flag for a woman (weirdo or looser!), unless you already know that she enjoys such inane-immature humor.

But did you ever wonder what colour flag the Communists in China use? Or does such an expression ever exist, "Red Flag Alert?" If you raised a red flag in China they would probably feel happy and get a jolt of patriotic pride?

The union of these two flags is that of angles and devils. Jay Lo has a halo made of play-dough while Potsie has the post modern universal symbol of the devil: a Hitler Mustache. Recently it has been used by anti-Obama activists to portray him as the devil, just as George Bush was by anti-Bush activists. The Hitler mustache has become the new Devil's Horns. But in this case it's an off the wall depiction on an innocent and friendly member, Potsie, of the TV show Happy Days is intended to be humorous, not to demonize.

These two flags have been censored, since they portray flags in conjugal positions. Saturday Night Live may get hate mail over this one, since little naughty strap on flag is the flag of either Poland, Monaco, or Indonesia! But I don't think they did this on purpose. But but but, I have heard of rumors that SNL has an anti-Polish, anti-Monaco, and anti-Indonesian bias in their humor. And just to play it safe I think they should apologize for what they did accident or not so they wont feel bad on the inside. No red blooded hard core tea bagging pole waxing fundamentalist missionary style Republican would stand for having the US flag in such a low brow position.

When the idea for Light Flag came up it needed a balance, and it was the Clap on Flag. The Clap on Flag is based on a device that usually turns lights on and off with the sound of a clap. Our family got a clap on one year for Christmas and it worked for the first three days and would often turn on and off inadvertently. It broke a few days later.

This next pair is a physical science teacher's dream come true. These flags are reflective of kinetic and potential energy, you all remember right? The Snag Flag represents a flag in motion which is kinetic energy, while the man resting on the Nap Flag is a flag at rest reflective of potential energy.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, you have made some interesting connections, but what does it all mean?
