Wednesday, March 10, 2010

St. Patty's Day PLUS!!!

March is that wonderful month with where day light begins its fateful triumph over darkness, at least in the northern hemisphere. This holiday eventually evolved into St. Patty's Day and in America you can drink green beer and get a mint McShamrock Shake!

Here is a proposal to slightly alter and add to St. Patty's Day. The liberal faction of America has demoted this lime light holiday for the Irish in favor of Women's History Month, while the republican business side of America uses this day to promote a bump in sales for alcoholic beverages and sales in silly green stuff.

St. Patty's Day is due for a make over!!!!

I love the Irish and the colour green. But St. Patty's day for us folk that are not Irish kinda' makes the us feel like on the out, kinda' like how Jewish or Hindu people feel during Christmas. Basically if your not Irish, St. Patty's day looks like Irish-Kwanzaa from non Irish eyes.

Irish people make up a big percentage of the American Pie, God Bless em, but some times I wonder why there aren't more Irish-American Presidents or Irish-American Vice Presidents?

Anyhow, during these lovely Celtic Irish Day parades and green dyed city rivers, why not make the parades a celebration of all the colours of people like a rainbow. But instead of Santa Claus as the anchor we have a pot of gold guarded by a rainbow coalition of mature jolly women of all ethnics: blonde, East Asian, India, West Asian, Native, and Latin Woman (kudos to Women's History Month) waving Irish and Ivory Coast flags. Finally there would be two co-queen anchors of the parade (sort of like a double Santa) that must be a ginger haired mature woman and full bodied cheerful African-American woman. Since the Irish flag and Ivory coast flag are converses of each other.

Popular Irish Flag flown by the People

In the parade people dress up in the traditional clothing of any of their ancestors and carry the flag of that nation. Here is the catch, the paraded people are matched up by the pairings of my flag symmetry idea?

Also as to include children in the holiday kids get to dress up in the traditional clothing of any of their ancestors. If they are 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Polish, 1/4 African then one year they can dress up in Irish threads, the next year in Chinese threads, and the following year in any kind of African threads of their choosing. If any of your ancestors fought for the South during the US Civil War, then gosh darnit you get to wear a gray uniform!

Official Irish Flag for the President
Instead of candy we celebrate with international food festivals from around the world! And for people who like to party it up, costume parties!!! You dress up in the any of the heritages costumes from the past and reaffirm your roots to the world. Just imagine all those pretty cute traditional outfits!

Thus there is business boost for the party store companies and a bump in supermarket ethnic foods, and the buying green stuff. Also, I really want to dig my teeth in Irish food some day! Until then I'll just have to enjoy my McShamrock McShake.

It'll be like the 'Opposite-Halloween'. Instead of celebrating death, it's a celebration of our heritages. If you're a fundamentalist in regards to religion, they you can come to school in biblical clothing with a cross or turban? Bottom line is business sales, fun, money, and everyone gets to join in. But the IRISH get to be the anchor in all the parades!!!

As twas' meant to for Irish, for they are indeed the chosen anchor of the old world. For the luck of the good grace of Destiny, the last shadows of the day are given to Erin.... they drift on her gentle beaches as the sun says goodnight to the old world.

is the
'Land of the Setting Sun.'

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