
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Semaphore Flag for the Letter L - Lima

The Lima Composite Semaphore flag is orange and black.  It has an orange background because L is the 12th latter of the alphabet.  Consequently the ones digit value of 2 is coded to orange, which is used for the background.  The black stripes are due to the human shape of holding flags in the normal Lima position.  The stars indicate the right arm, as starboard is the right-side of a person, ship, plane, or car. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter K - Kilo


The Composite Semaphore Flag for the letter K is red and white.  It is red because K is the 11th letter in the alphabet and the ones digit value is coded to red.  The stars in the flag indicate the right semaphore arm which is pointed towards an angle with normal Semaphore flags.

#0 - Zero Composite Semaphore Flag

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Flag for Starboard - the Right Side of a Ship

The Starboard flag is green with white stars.  It has 13 white stars on a field of green.  It can be flown on the right-starboard side of a ship, plane, or car.

The stars are reflective of the word star in starboard.

When being held this flag goes in the right hand.  Like horizontal traffic signals the right light is always green, this may help you remember that the right-ward direction is associated with green.

If you happen to know Japanese then you can use Meegee equals Midori, association.  The Japanese word for green and the right-ward direction both start with an M- Meegee means right-ward (but does not mean correct as it does in English) and Midori means green.

Unlike NATO's Starboard flag which is also green and white, this International Starboard flag does not confuse itself with any nation, as the NATO Starboard flag looks like the flag of Nigeria. 

Flag for Port or the Left Side of the Ship

The Port flag is red and white.  It can be flown as a decal or flag on the port side of a ship, plane, car, or bus. 

The anchor symbolizes that ships can 'park' in this area, as is often the case with most ports.

Additionally red is associated with the port side of a ships navigation light.

If you happen to speak English you can use the synchronized association of 4 letters for left-to-port when thinking about the left side of the ship, when facing forward.

Also port wine has a red colour. Finally like a horizontal traffic light, the red light is always on the left, port side of the traffic signal.

If holding this flag in one's hand, the left hand should hold this flag.  Like the NATO port flag, there are red vertical stripes to appreciate.  Unlike NATO's Port flag, this flag is not as confusing.  NATO's Port flag confusingly looks like the Answer/Code flag.

Semaphore Composite Flag for the Letter J - Juliet

The letter J for the Composite Semaphore flag has a white background and black contrast indicator that mimics the would be normal flag signaling position for J in Semaphore signaling.  It is white bacause J is the 10th letter and the ones digit value codes for the background, and zero is coded to white, while its contrast indicator is black.  The stars indicates the right arm, which is the starboard-right side of a person or ship. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter I - India

The Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter I - India.  It has a pink background and blue contrast indicator.

#9 - Composite Semaphore Flag

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Composite Semaphore Flag for the Letter H - Hotel

Since H is the 8th letter in the alphabet and black represents the number 8, we have a black background.  The stars indicate the right-starboard arm.

#8 - Composite Semaphore Flag