
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Flag of Treasure Isliglit Island - The Largest Island in an Island in the World

Canada has a lot of little inner islands found on lakes. But due to the extreme size of the Great Lakes, Canada also has the largest island within an island in the world.  This "island squared" is better known as Treasure Island which is found on Lake Mindemoya which is found on Manitoulin Island which is found on Lake Huron.

The flag of Treasure Island has a navy blue pile facing towards the hoist that represents Lake Huron.  Along the fly is a white circle that represents Manitoulin Island, the inner blue circle represents Lake Mindemoya, and finally the red inner circle represents Treasure Island.  The two red Canadian Maple leafs brings power to the flag - making a Canadian statement. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Flag of Ryan Island: The Largest Island in an Island - Isliglit - of the USA

What do you call an island on an island?  An Isliglit?  Who knows for sure?  Perhaps it can be added to the Sniglet Dictionary?

Ryan Island is one of those peculiar kind of islands.  Ryan Island is located in Siskiwit Lake, and Siskiwit lake is located on Isle Royale Island, and Isle Royale National Park Island is located in Lake Superior, which is located in North America.  Thus Ryan Island is an island on an island.  In fact it is America's largest 'Isliglit.'

The flag of Ryan Island is suppose to convey this inner inner point of view.  The central yellow circle is Ryan Island, which is surrounded by blue square which represents Siskiwit Lake, which is surrounded by larger red circle that represents Isle Royal National Park Island, which is surrounded by a blue rectangle that represents Lake Superior, which is framed in a white rectangle that represents the America, finally the blue frame represents the oceans that surround America.

Lake Okeechobee Flag

Lake Okeechobee is the largest lake in Florida.  Its flag is based upon a mixture of American and Colonial Spanish designs. It uses the colours blue, orange, and white. The white stars represent the various nations or states that tried to colonize Florida - France, West Florida, Seminole, Muskogee, Confederate, Spanish, English, and the Conch Republic.

Lake Urmia Flag

Lake Urmia is in Iran but also the Geographic Trinity Zone - and its southern shores are in the Geographic Nexus.  It is composed of five white strips, two golden stripes, two blue stripes and a field of blue with white Nexus Star.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chalki Nexus Flag

Chalki, or sometimes Halki, is a Greek Island that resides in the Continental Nexus Zone.  This is where Asia, Africa, and Europe cross hairs, so to speak.

It is tri-bar of navy blue, orange, and blue.  In the center is a yellow nexus star.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Second Confederate Flag

The memory of the Confederacy as it was is askew to what people often remember. There were three basic designs and 150 years ago today it underwent its second major overhaul. Officially it had square 'modern' Confederate flag as the canton on a field of white.  For the remainder of the US Civil War the southern armies would fight for independence under this flag against norther unionists.