Sunday, May 3, 2020

Dont Tread on Me - The Legend of Zelda's Rope Rattler

The Legend of Zelda was the ultimate 1980s adventure game.  It peaked right around 1985 and is masterpiece of pixelated glory.  Loved my many, it continues to generate a legacy.  Even the original is still a fun challenge for modern day gamers.  I suppose it is something like 1980s music, many songs still hold an enchantment over the younger generations.  However there are plenty of 1980s music and video games are are perpendicular that should be kept back in 1985.

Zelda had an enemy called the Rope, which was a snake.  Kind of a weird name for a snake, but a snake is shaped like a rope?  Maybe even a wire?  Good thing they didn't call them a pipe

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