Monday, May 4, 2020

Dont Tread On Me - Dreamscape 1984 Snake-man Monster

Movies about entering dreams is the stuff of Hollywood and Mysticism.  Thank God Science can not crack the code here, otherwise, mankind would be subjected to commercials and paying taxes in the Dreamscape.  The economy and order of law follow different formulas as set by waking reality. Really, in the Dreamscape there is no government, no laws, no police, it is a free zone consciousness that no other man nor woman can create a system of control, or promote their agenda. Or can they?

Before Inception 2010, there was Dreamscape 1984.  There are only ever a few good dream themed movies are made every once and a while.  In one scene a man enters a boy's recurring nightmare about a snake-monster man.   Dennis Quaid helps a young boy face his fears in the oochy-goochy 1980s movie.

Since we have a snake-like being.  It is fitting to include this entity on the DONT TREAD ON ME FLAG.

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