Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Origins of the Walmart Logo - Fartmart

It was recently discovered that the Walmart logo and design was originally based on a silly magic shop similar to Spencer's known as Fartmart®.  The design for the original Fartmart® logo came into being when Fartmart owner, Mai Poole Phingher, noticed that the farrty noise that emerged from the air escaping from a balloon sounded like the passing of intestinal gas.  Fartmart® founder also discovered that the balloon orifice looked like end of a derriere, so they decided to use a six pointed asterisk, which people would understand as the biological mechanism that makes the fart noise possible.  When the original Fartmart went out of business, the trademark icon passed trough many hand and noses before ending up in one of the most consumer friendly shopping centers of the world.
Additionally the motto of Fartmart® inspired Walmart's Save More. Live Better. The template was Smile More. Love Bootietoots.

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