Tuesday, March 31, 2020

F.B.I Aromorial Banner - Federal Bureau of Investigations goes Medieval

The design of an armorial is based upon the design of a shield in a coat of arms.  Thus the flag above is the armorial banner of the F.B.I.  In the upper chief position is a yellow area with the scales of justice.  Below in the field are bars of red and white.  Three red and two white.

The flag of the F.B.I. has a shield and typical American design with stars, stripes, and olive branches.  In the compartment area is a ribbon with the logo Fidelity Bravery Integrity.  The F.B.I. represents the most senior law enforcement organization on a mostly national level, that is followed by state troopers, then county police, and at the caboose are local municipal police.

At another local level are school security, who work for school district governments, and finally at the very bottom are parking enforcement and mall cops.  One thing mall cops and the F.B.I. have in common is that they are uniformed police who have the sacred duty to monitor their fellow freedom loving Americans, to ensure they obey the law.

If a law should be broken, they have to power to make an arrest and persecute the criminal behavior of would be evil doers, be it shoplifting or domestic terrorism.  In a way the F.B.I. are mall cops with superhero level powers.  Mall cops can only watch you in the real world within normal human parameters.  However, senior level Mall Cops (the F.B.I) can probe into your personal tech with impunity.

When you apply the heraldic standard of the F.B.I. to the Nth degree, what you get is the image below.  Here our F.B.I. "Federal Police Officer" agent is has an armorial banner and shield.  The green olive branch supports are echoed in the feathered green top.  The 13 stars can found on the shroud of the horse.  

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