Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Thymine Flag - A Nucleotide Flag

The Thymine flag has a field of yellow with a black hexagonal pyrimidine in the center.  Along the hoist is black area with four dots that represent the hydrogen bonding end of this molecule.  The red and white dots close to the yellow field represent the oxygen and hydrogen atoms of Thymine that participate in the hydrogen process.  The white and blue dots closer to the hoist represent the hydrogen bonding atoms of Adenosine.

Thymine is only found in the nucleus of Eukaryotes and chromosomes of Prokaryotes.  If you remember your biology this nucleotide gets switched out with Uracil. 

Thymine was first isolated in Germany in the year 1893 by Al & Al.  Albrecht Kossel and Albert Neumann extracted this molecule from the Thymus gland of a cow.

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