Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Adenine Flag - The DNA A Flag

The flag for the Adenosine Nucleotide has red field with the shape of black purine base, on the hoist half.  Further out by the fly is a black area with four dots that represents the hydrogen bonding action of the molecule.  The dots represent the particular atoms that do the hydrogen bonding.  Closer to red field is a white and blue discs that represent hydrogen and nitrogen.  Towards the fly the red and white discs represent oxygen and hydrogen.

Usually oxygen atoms are coloured red since, oxygen rich blood is red in most species.  Likewise Nitrogen is blue because that colour makes up most of the sky as Nitrogen Gas.

The colour red was chosen for Adenine since A usually stands for apple and the most common colour for apples is red.  Additionally A is represented by the colour red in colour metrics as A is the first colour of the rainbow and A is the first letter of the alphabet.  Also, the short hand notation for Adenine is A. Adenosine refers the whole nucleotide, while Adenine refers to the nitrogenous base.

Adenine was named by a German in 1885.  The man playing Adam to this nucleotide Albrect Kossel.  Al named it after the pancreas, since this is where he extracted it from.  So in a nick name for this nucleotide is Pancreainine.  

Adenine forms hn playindenine is found in DNA and RNA.  Besides storing genetic information, and being a part of the genesis of active protein-fairy genesis.  Adenine is the ENERGON molecule that makes all the alchemical magic happen, better known as ATP (Adenine Triphosphate).  ATP is the organic, molecular Bit-Coin currency of all living systems.  For the most part this energy-currency based on ATP Bit Coins is solar powered.


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