Saturday, April 15, 2017

Vexilloids in Bonnie Tyler's Video for Total Eclipse of the Heart - 1983

A silver-blue vexilloid like veil appears in the opening sequence.  Also as Tyler walks though the empty corridor of the soul, red vexilloids can be seen flowing in the doorways.  The video can be variously interpreted, but the core theme of sadness bound to love, becomes apparent at love's temporal loss.  But love's loss, can open the door to a higher calling.

The loss of love on the deepest levels will cause the soul to stop, ponder, and search the abyss.  It is a sober moment of reflection that transforms lives.  When love's loss hits a large group, a candle light vigil is the natural echo of its wake.  

The creators of the video effectively demonstrate the empty corridors of the heart upon love's transmutation to spirit.   

The livery of the school in the video can be seen on the facings of the boys at attention.  Mostly pink and grey, but one boy has blue facings who triggers a fractured valley in Tyler's heart.

A heart wrenching song that has a heart wrenching, mysterious video - that is part movie, part fantasy, part parable.  It effectively captures the shattered mind and heart, that lay upon the path of the eclipsed heart.


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