Friday, April 14, 2017

Red Socialist Flag in Losing My Religion by R.E.M. 1991

A red flag is lifted in video for R.E.M.'s Losing My Religion - 1991.   R.E.M. addresses the hard issues of faith with the video Losing My Religion.   Released in 1991, it was created as the Soviet Union and International Communism faded into the history books. 

Nonetheless this song honors the siege of the spirit by the world, circumstance, and pain.  As the modern mind continues to struggle with matters of spirit and the many judgmental self-righteous voices, many souls can have their faith falter or seemingly lose it all together. 

In many cases those who have lost their wings or path, often take comfort in the partially rational rivers of socialism and the great ocean of atheism, which like all ocean's of faith is subject to the storms of the self-righteous who bask in its friendly currents. 

Have a blessed Somber Friday... to Nature can the soul retreat.

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for the efforts you have put into writing this site.
