Thursday, July 19, 2012

Orbitz Travel Compary Flag Commercial - 2012

Orbitz Travel Agency Flag
Spring 2012 Commercial

Orbitz is an popular online travel agency. Recently it went 'vexillological' in a similar view to Mazda's plant your flag campaign.

This commercial playfully uses patriotism to promote its service.

The current flag of Orbitz uses three colours- white, navy blue, and blue. In the center is the corporate logo mostly in navy blue. The letter 'O' is stylized in a yin and yang like (counter charge) manner but using rounded arrows - the navy blue arrow is pointed down while the air force blue pointing upwards.

Around the flag is a frame of navy blue and air force blue. And it is divided in with a thin white diagonal from bottom hoist to top fly, but it remains passive to Orbitz logo.

public company website --

Orbitz cleverly uses the company flag as golf flag. It only briefly appears in the commercial. At least here you can study it in all its marketing wonder.

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