Wednesday, July 18, 2012

American Insitute of Heraldry

Public Announcement

Charted Today

American Institute of Heraldry

founded 2012 July 18th 10:44pm EST

Let it be known that the art of American Heraldry be established today at the local of Doylestown Borough, 247 Beek Street, in the 2012th year of our Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ, that the institute of American Heraldry proclaimed in this the virtual space of the United States of America, upon the blog The Voice of Vexillology, Flags & Heraldry.

May it be a liberal, accurate, and professional organization dedicated to the study unhindered by cumbersome orthodoxy of the Old World. It shall endeavor to a study and advance the art and science of heraldry in the New World as perpetually awoken to the Old World by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

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